Torchlight - Oct 27th!


Apr 22, 2008
For those of you that have been following Torchlight/Mythos it is releasing October 27th! For only $20. It is a definite change from Mythos original free to play idea but I am definitely going to pick up for that price! Who is with me? I would have to say the main reason I am going to get it is because all the music is composed by Matt Uelmen who did the music for Diablo and Diablo 2 and I have had the Tristam theme music stuck in my head for 13 years lol.
it has a diablo-esk meets WarCraft 3 look to it..... I kinda like that...

Im with ya! :)
Ew, for coming from original developers of Diablo it seems to have been hit by the D3-itis with bright colors and cartoony characters. WTH? Why can't anyone get the feeling of the original Diablo right?
The game looks awesome! Reminds me of Fate with the pet, fishing and art direction. Should be a blast to play!
Damnit! Why does every action/rpg have to look blocky these days. Please for the love of god shrink your polygons people!.
I'm definitely going to pick it up, $20 for a hack 'n slash RPG is a no brainer.
Ew, for coming from original developers of Diablo it seems to have been hit by the D3-itis with bright colors and cartoony characters. WTH? Why can't anyone get the feeling of the original Diablo right?

Oh I don't know...maybe because every game isn't Diablo f'nnn 1? If you want diablo 1 go load it up and play it, if you want torchlight, then here ya go play this one.
Oh I don't know...maybe because every game isn't Diablo f'nnn 1? If you want diablo 1 go load it up and play it, if you want torchlight, then here ya go play this one.

No need for the attitude.
All I mean is it looks terrible, I'm sick of these kiddy looking games that all look like they came from Saturday morning cartoons... why doesn't anyone try to be dark and sinister anymore. I don't care if they used to work on Diablo if they can't offer more than what you get in World of Crapcraft, they might as well have stayed with Blizzard.
No need for the attitude.
All I mean is it looks terrible, I'm sick of these kiddy looking games that all look like they came from Saturday morning cartoons... why doesn't anyone try to be dark and sinister anymore. I don't care if they used to work on Diablo if they can't offer more than what you get in World of Crapcraft, they might as well have stayed with Blizzard.

To be fair, you're beating a dead horse.

As for me, I won't get the game simply because it doesn't seem to have enough depth. I played Mythos and that thing was a snoooooze fest.
No need for the attitude.
All I mean is it looks terrible, I'm sick of these kiddy looking games that all look like they came from Saturday morning cartoons... why doesn't anyone try to be dark and sinister anymore. I don't care if they used to work on Diablo if they can't offer more than what you get in World of Crapcraft, they might as well have stayed with Blizzard.

Well the attitude may have been a bit much, just tired of seeing every single thread in regards to a blizzard team or a diablo game not looking like Diablo 1. Every single time its not dark enough not sinister enough not grainy enough not emo enough not demonic enough ad nauseam. Just gets old after a while.

While I agree with mark that the game looks just like WoW I'll probably give it a try as I've heard quite a few good things about Mythos.
mythos was garbage (played the beta) and this game looks garbage.

will they still be doing that lame subscription, pay per month, like they planned for mythos?

haha, Looking back, I cannot believe those dumb blizzard ex-employees made that terrible game, hellgate london. It was nothing like d2 when everybody was hyping it up to be the next big thing.
mythos was garbage (played the beta) and this game looks garbage.

will they still be doing that lame subscription, pay per month, like they planned for mythos?

haha, Looking back, I cannot believe those dumb blizzard ex-employees made that terrible game, hellgate london. It was nothing like d2 when everybody was hyping it up to be the next big thing.

I'd like to know about the pay-per-month subcription too. I refuse to play any game that charges on a regular basis.
I'll wait to see if its any good. Also, I'm happy that Diablo 3 and lots of these isometric adventure games have gotten away from the "brown, grey, black" color pallet. Its not gritty. Its not spooky. Its boring. You can have a dungeon that is cloaked in darkness and suddenly a nice HDR fireball splits it open as it roars toward you, or a lich with green crackling magical lightning etc.
its clearly a Fate clone which is a diablo clone etc etc aslong as it has a actual story line and not just a go to dungeon 100 to end the game ill play it. fishing kinda corny but whatever
its clearly a Fate clone which is a diablo clone etc etc aslong as it has a actual story line and not just a go to dungeon 100 to end the game ill play it. fishing kinda corny but whatever

Yeah, the fishing feature is kinda time consuming and not very involved. If they are using the same fishing model as Fate, it gets old real fast.