torrent problem

Sep 11, 2002
hey, i was curious as to if i could pick your brains for a moment, ive been experiancing a weird problem with torrents for some time now and hope i can fix it. Every time i get a torrent dl going its all fine and works great until i leave my computer, if i sit there and use my box it keep dling, but if i leave for an extended amount of time when i get back the dl is frozen, ive tried every client under the sun and its the same with all, when i get back (with shadows bittornado for example) i can press pause and resume but it has no effect, nothing, and it isnt the internet connection kus ive tested with leaving telnet connections and online games running at the same time, just the torrent freezes, im using winxp pro sp1, anyone have any ideas or things i could try?
Try upgrading to SP2?

I use uTorrent. By far it is awesome. It's essentially Azureus minus the resource hogging Java core that it runs on. And you can fit it on a f'ing floppy disk (not like I use one...)!!!
errr, k so formatted, isntalled pro/sp2 and all win updates, same problem, with any torrent program. what is lvllord patch btw and here is a list of services i usually keep disabled, anyone think any of these could affect it? i dont really know how torrents work with regard to windows my feeble brain understand....soemone....plllssssssssss


Is it with all torrents? or just 1 in particular?

Why do you have all those disabled? might have something to do with that.

Is your network adaptor have the latest drivers?

Wonder if it has something to do with a shutdown mode of windows when you leave computer?
i have them disabled because they are all....for the most part.....useless, it is with all torrents, ive used bit tornado, azureus, ethernet card is definitely up to date as i just formatted and dl all drivers fresh before hand......where can i check on shutdown modes i cant even think of anything off my head that would disable JUST the torrents connection...and its like it crashed the program kus with clients like bittornado that offer pause/resume function, pressing it after the "freezing" does nothing, it says its paused...and resumed....the button animation works....but no deals, doesnt effect anything.....and all other programs retain connections...irc, telnet connections to muds, msn, everything.....arrggggg i reall thought clean format and reinstall/update would fix this..., luck im gettin seriously angry here *whimper*

try resetting all of those services back to default

if the problem is fixed, you're in for a few fun days of "trial and error" as you figure out just which service disabled was killing your torrents.

if not, i don't know, post back, see what happens...
I use azureus with peerguardian2; maybe change to using azureus and PG2 is good just to keep most of the watch dogs away
hey just wanted to let anyone that is having this same problem know, i installed lvllord and ran pg2 while using azureus over night and no freezing!!!!! i dunno if its the patch, azureus or pg2.....i will test eventually to see which is helping me out, thanks much for all the info guys
"SP2 TCP/IP Slowdown Fix (Event ID 4226 Patcher):

Windows XP SP2 limits the number of simultaneous incomplete outbound TCP connection attempts per second to 10 from an "unlimited" number (16777214) in SP1. With the new implementation, if a P2P or some other network program attempts to connect to 100 sites at once, it would only be able to connect to 10 per second, so it would take it 10 seconds to reach all 100. In addition, even though the setting was registry editable in SP1, it is now only possible to edit by changing it directly in the system file tcpip.sys. Keep in mind this is a cap only on simultaneous incomplete outbound connect attempts per second, not total connections. Servers and P2P programs can definitely be affected by this new limitation. The purpose of this is an attempt to limit the speed at which Viruses and Worms spread. However this does absolutely nothing to improve YOUR security. It merely attempts to slow the spread of a Viruses and Worms from your computer to others AFTER you have been infected. Remember it is a limit on OUTBOUND not Inbound connections. I recommend installing this patch for optimal network and Internet performance.

Instructions - Download, unzip and run. To change it back to "unlimited" Type "C", then "16777214", press Enter, type "Y" and finally Enter again. A "Windows File Protection" window will come up, ignore this by selecting "Cancel" then "Yes" and Reboot. This warning is normal since you are editing a protected system file.

Update - Windows Update (2/14/05) resets the TCP limit, if you installed this update, you will need to run the SP2 TCP/IP Slowdown Fix (Event ID 4226 Patcher) again.

Notes - AntiVirus programs may incorrectly detect the EvID4226Patch.exe file as a virus. This is a False positive. The file is perfectly safe but being incorrectly identified by your AntiVirus program as malicious. First make sure you are using the very latest version of your AntiVirus program and pattern file, if it does not go away contact the makers of your AntiVirus programs so they can resolve the error. "

taken from :

link for lvllord dl: