Total newb here..pls take pity and help me out


Oct 20, 2004
Hello everyone,
I am new to the ocing and modding and would like some input since it seems my mobo i bought does not have any of the options to oc stuff. I read the sticky guide on ocing prc/ram/fsb etc. I think i understood it but here is all im confused on..

My Motherboard = Gigabyte 81915p Duo pro A. It supports ddr2 ram and pci-e.
I have 1gb of ddr2 ram Kingston value 4200 i believe.
Intel p4 3.4 mhz 800fsb
BFG 6800 GT oc 256mb

Ok on my Mobo (which i read is good for ocing) I have only weird options. To help those who dont have this mobo ill name them all. This will be long so bare with me pls:)

Mobo----This would be the section i believe is for ocing lol.
MB= Intelligent Tweaker (m.i.t)
CPU Clock Ratio- seems locked and unchanged.
C.I.A.2 (cpu intelligent acelerator 2) Is designed to detect cpu loading during software program executing. and automatically adjusts cpu computing power to maximise performance. There are 6 options here.. i believe this is how i oc the proc but when i tryed changing this i noticed nothing and also the monitor wouldnt turn on.. here are the options:
1) Disabled-dafault value
2)Cruise increase cpu frequency 3%/5%/7% by cpu loading.
3) sports increase by 5/7/9
4)racing increase by 7/9/11
5) turbo increase by 13/15/17/19
6) full thrust increase by 15/17/19

Next option in Bios is
Cpu Host Clock Control
Disabled by default..cant seem to enable it either even though mobo manual says u can.

Cpu Host Frequency (mhz) This is will be available when cpu host clock control is enabled..
Set cpu host clock from 100mhz to 355mhz
Memory freq for: fsb= 533mhz..shouldnt this be 800?
3.0 mem freq=host clock x 3.0
4.0 mem freq=host clock x 4.0
auto set memory freq by dram spd data (default)

DiMM Overvoltage Control
Normal=Set Dimm overvoltage normal (default)
Cpu Voltage control
Supports adjustable cpu vcore from 0.8375v to 1.6000v (Default value normal)

This is nothing like the guide says. or im stupid one of the two. But i am really hoping someone could help me out and also maybe tell me starters to trying to oc my proc/fsb.
I dont wanna blow anything up or ruin anything cause my wife would kill me! lol
Also i just built this system about 2 weeks ago. just for heads up.
I really do appreciate anyone taking time out of theirs to help a rookie.
Set cpu host clock from 100mhz to 355mhz

This is your MB FSB, should be sitting at 200, and is your most obvious target for OC.

Memory freq for: fsb= 533mhz..shouldnt this be 800?
This translates into dual channel 266 MHz, or a memory:CPU ratio of 4:3. Usually you'll have more trouble overclocking your ram then your cpu, so you might set this to a 1:1 ratio while ramping up the FSB for the whole system.

But then, with a brand new nice system like that I'd be way to scared to fry something :p
So what should i try setting fsb at to try ? Or maybe i shouldnt mess with nothing? Im asking cause the bios settings confuse me compared to what i read on the guide in the sticky section.
I oced my proc from 3.4ghz to 3.93ghz and its stable.. loaded up and temp is like 95F just surfing the net etc. It seemed that everytime i raised the proc the bios auto updated the other things needed to achieve that speed. Is this possible? Or am i doing something wrong.
I ran Sandra Software and it did some benchmarks that were really quite nice. I think im ok? Anything i might wanna check? or do? Thanks!
You're best off runnign abunch of Prime95 tests and also watching your temps during these tests. Web browsing temps aren't very importnat.