Total War settings explained by developer

Okay, so here are my settings at 2560x1440. GTX 480, Core i7, VISTA 64.

Shader Model 3
Anti-aliasing: none
Texture quality: Ultra
Texture filtering: trilinear
Particle effects: ultra
Unit detail: medium
Building detail: medium
Shadows: medium
Unit size: small
Trees: low
Grass: medium
Water: ultra
Sky: ultra
Terrain quality: high
HDR: off
Vignette: on
SSAO: off
VSynch: off
Heat haze: on
Depth of field: on

I'm kind of surprised that disabling SSAO and HDR lighting, and that enabling trilinear filtering, didn't really do much visually. The FPS hit just isn't worth it. In my opinion, particle effects, depth of field, and texture quality are the big ones. Particle effects is what's responsible for musket smoke, and haze low to the ground.

Try out the settings if you have a similar setup. I think you'll be pleased.
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Okay, so here are my settings at 2560x1440. GTX 480, Core i7, VISTA 64.

Shader Model 3
Anti-aliasing: none
Texture quality: Ultra
Texture filtering: trilinear
Particle effects: ultra
Unit detail: ultra
Building detail: medium
Shadows: medium
Unit size: small
Trees: low
Grass: medium
Water: ultra
Sky: ultra
Terrain quality: high
HDR: off
Vignette: on
SSAO: off
VSynch: off
Heat haze: on
Depth of field: on

I'm kind of surprised that disabling SSAO and HDR lighting, and that enabling trilinear filtering, didn't really do much visually. The FPS hit just isn't worth it. In my opinion, particle effects, depth of field, and texture quality are the big ones. Particle effects is what's responsible for musket smoke, and haze low to the ground.

Try out the settings if you have a similar setup. I think you'll be pleased.

sweet gonna give these settings a try as soon as midterms are over!
I knocked the unit detail down to medium. When set to ultra I think that the setting for unit detail may have caused a wee bit of slowdown whenever there were hundreds of units clashing at the same time. Why bother with ultra when you can't tell the difference?

The settings, as they are right now, provide a smooth ride, pretty much from start to finish, and this includes the insane moments when you're looking at a thousand guys clashing in the same area.

How does the game look at these settings? - incredible. I can tell the difference between Ultra settings, and these settings, but it's actually fairly negligible. The damned game is just beautiful. If you have a cutting edge graphics card then this game showcases what your PC is capable of.

By the way, have you guys returned to any of the previous Total War games after having played this demo? My god, the campaign maps, in comparison with the Shogun 2 map, are just downright primitive looking. The campaign map in Shogun 2 really spoils you.