Trader MIA - anyone know tree_?

matt fury

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 12, 2001
OK, so I paid tree_ $165 for an Antec Aria combo on Oct. 7, it was supposed to get shipped on the 10th, I haven't heard from him since the 8th, and he hasn't been here since the 11th. Someone else said that they PayPal'ed tree_ for the same Aria, but that tree_ refunded his money since I had already paid him. This makes me think that I'm not necessarily getting scammed, 'cause why wouldn't he have kept the other guys money too? But in any case, I haven't heard from this guy in nearly two weeks, and besides @comcast email addresses and PMs, I have no way of getting ahold of him.

I was hoping maybe somebody here might know him or have some contact info for him? Otherwise, what do you think, should I head straight to PayPal?
I've dealt with this buyer/seller before and everything went pretty well. Seemed like a pretty nice/responsible person to me. Don't know what to say but that has been my experience.
ive had the same experience as rhenato, a good overall trader, duno what happened to him
(I"m the one that sent payment and was refunded).

His references were good enough to me to place trust in him, as he had references from people I have dealt with in the past, so I'm confident in his reputation.

Consider the shipping angle- He's in Florida and you're in LV. I did some quick math on UPS Ground's website with a zip originating in Tampa (may need to add a day if he's Miami). They quote 6 day service from Tampa to LV, meaning if he shipped it on the 10th, it would arrive the following Weds, the 19th. That travel time is UPS Ground's time. Fedex ground is likely a similar level of service.

Then bring in the USPS and their parcel post approximate, which was stated at 7 days, but they usually provide a 7-14 day window for package delivery, of which, the window has not yet expired.

Anyhow, I would wait to contact paypal until the end of the dispute window (I forget if its 30 or 45 days) to be certain that it is a valid complaint.

Just by $0.02...
I'd say give him a break, considering that Florida's been going through hell lately. I know the thread you're referring to, because I was interested in his heatsinks (if my budget was more stable I'd still be interested). He hasn't contacted me yet, which leads me to believe he simply hasn't been able to get online for whatever reason. Also considering that Fl is in for another hurricane this weekend, things could just be piling up. For the sake of being a nice guy, I would personally wait until the beginning of November, by which time hopefully the weather would have given them a reprieve.
You know, that's a good point, I really forgot about the whole "Florida about to get blown away" thing. Anyway, like I said in an earlier post, he's clearly a good trader, so I'm not looking to nail him, I was just hoping that someone might know him personally or have talked to him. So, yeah, I'll just wait some more then.
I have done business with him also, and on some very high dollar items I might add.

I am sure there is reasonable explanation
I live in Florida... hurricane is predicted to hit Tuesday! And its only going to affect 25-50% of that state. Although they may be valid in other cases, this dude just appears to be a dead beat...
exkoubitores said:
I live in Florida... hurricane is predicted to hit Tuesday! And its only going to affect 25-50% of that state. Although they may be valid in other cases, this dude just appears to be a dead beat...
so how do you know hes not in that 25%-50%? unless i am completely misunderstanding your post you are saying you know he does not live in an area that is not going to be affected.
i traded with him a while back and he was an easy person to deal with.
4b5eN+EE said:
so how do you know hes not in that 25%-50%? unless i am completely misunderstanding your post you are saying you know he does not live in an area that is not going to be affected.

Considering that the hurricane is going to hit Monday the 24th and he was supposed to send out the 10th, you do not need 2 weeks to prepare for a hurricane. Most people get prepared at most 5 days before and never earlier.... Furthermore, what's 30 minutes out of his day to go deliver the package. I'm just stating that you MUST NOT take this hurricane as a reason for his delaying the shipment.
My 2 cents

I've dealt with tree_ and it is always positive.

But, the previous poster has a point. His heatware profile says he lives in jacksonville, florida. That's on the north east tip of florida. Only the southern 50% of the state is estimated affected by the hurricane based on this map:

Maybe he's moved and hasn't updated his Heat info. Just my 2 cents!
OK guys, it's the 26th...I think it's officially been long enough.

Anyone here have any more contact info for tree_ that they would care to share with me? Postal address? Phone number? Something? All I have is email (silly, I know). I still don't think he's trying to rip me off, persay, but I would like to know what's up. Hopefully someone has his info, otherwise I guess Ill start going through PayPal. :confused: :(
matt fury said:
Nobody's got an address lying around? Nothing?
<sigh> And yet another trader who didn't bother to get that info up front. I swear, 99% of the issues that arise here involve traders who didn't get full contact info.

Please, people, read the tips for protecting yourself in the FS/T Rules.

Always ask for a real name, home address, and telephone number. Verify it with a call or a search in the white pages.
He still hasn't been on here since the 11th, but I checked and he's had some activity over at ebay. He left feedback for someone there on the 16th.
Lethal said:
<sigh> And yet another trader who didn't bother to get that info up front. I swear, 99% of the issues that arise here involve traders who didn't get full contact info.

Please, people, read the tips for protecting yourself in the FS/T Rules.

He still hasn't been on here since the 11th, but I checked and he's had some activity over at ebay. He left feedback for someone there on the 16th.

Lethal, thanks for the help. The eBay tidbit could prove handy.

I know to get full contact info up front, but I didn't in this case because I didn't think it mattered ultimately. I'm not going to Florida for $165. I'm just gonna call my CC company and PayPal, recoup what I can, post about my experience and move on. The only reason I want the info on him now is because I'm trying to go easy here, because the kid might have had some extenuating circumstances. Luckily, someone, with some effort (thanks), was able to dig us his address, so I'll write him a letter and see if it gets us anywhere before I do what I would do.

Anyway, yeah, I fully accept that it was my decision not to get contact info. Hell, if nothing else, it might've scared him into completing the deal in a more timely fashion.

Well, here's an update if anyone's interested. Found his phone number through a reverse lookup and gave him a call. He said that internet's been down and he hasn't been able to get online, and that he just got back in town last night. He took my number and said he'd try to get the package out ASAP, and he'll let me know. I didn't know Jacksonville was affected by the storm, but there ya go.
matt fury said:
Well, here's an update if anyone's interested. Found his phone number through a reverse lookup and gave him a call. He said that internet's been down and he hasn't been able to get online, and that he just got back in town last night. He took my number and said he'd try to get the package out ASAP, and he'll let me know. I didn't know Jacksonville was affected by the storm, but there ya go.
it wasnt.

I live in Miami, in the heart of were the hurricane hit and Ive gotten all my shipments out with only a 3 day delay. ;) hurricane is no excuse on this one. Sounds like a unreliable trader to me.
Ruckus said:
it wasnt.

I live in Miami, in the heart of were the hurricane hit and Ive gotten all my shipments out with only a 3 day delay. ;) hurricane is no excuse on this one. Sounds like a unreliable trader to me.

not necessarily....ever since Katrina hit, people have been extremely leery about sticking around for hurricanes. just because J-Ville wasn't hit, doesn't mean the guy didn't leave town just in case, and depending on where he went, it may have taken a while to get back.

now, i'm not defending OR bashing the seller, because quite frankly, i've never dealt with him personally.....but at least take a few seconds to think about things before you say something......
Not to defend a guy but a friend of mine from internet lives in Florida, where the hurricane hit. He got his internet back up just this Saturday, he said he was going to get COD2 but every store is closed still. By his heat tree_ is reliabel person, though I have not dealt with him, I would not think he is trying to scam you. Call him up and ask when can he ship.
I also have a friend in the states, Internet was down (he wasn't in huricane area) and some sotres closed regardless of huricane not hitting that part of florda, just the way things are, I say give him till the end of novemeber at the VERY latest because his heat seems good and most traders start out bad and stay bad or go bad in a big BANG (when they try getting as much money as they can using their good heat then running away type thing)
My parents were hit by the storm, it hovered over them for 6 hours (120 mph winds)... Guess what, school was back in session the two days later. I was 250 miles from the storm... Guess what, it was a beautiful day outsides (70s, nice breeze, and good sun light)... The only places that would be hard hit are central Florida cities as they tend not to have as up to date hurricane precautions as coastal cities do. Jacksonville is basically a coastal city and further north than where I am...
Well, I got the package yesterday, so I guess we can close the file on that one.