Trading issue with thekoolninja06

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Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 13, 2006
thekoolninja06 still has not sent payment as of Jan 20th. Sellers Beware!

Foreword: I live in Kuwait so things usually take about 5-7 days to get here from the states. With the holidays, things were taking about 10 days or so.


12-4-06 - So I sold a gamecube game to a fellow member on here for $12 shipped. He tells me he has a friend who will be sending the money via paypal and if worse comes to worse, he'll send a money order. I tell him thats fine, but since I live in Kuwait, it might take a long time for the money order to get here and by the time I ship it, it may not get there in time for Christmas. So he checks out my HeatWare and sees that I have 4 negatives (it was from 3 years ago and a very long story) and asks if I will ship first. He only has 4 total heat evals, but they are all positive, so I give him the benefit of the doubt. I go ahead and ship the game to him first.

12-12-06 - He sends me a message letting me know he recieved the game that day and he will try and get a hold of his friend to send the paypal ASAP. Ok, np. :)

12-19-06 He sends me a message "Hey man my friend has been a pain i gave him the money and he hasn't sent it yet so im gonna call him tomorrow again to give me the money back and I'll try to see who else i can send it through or just money order it. Sorry for the delay i hope your not annoyed."

I reply back to him "Well, you've had the game a week now and I still haven't recieved payment. The only reason I shipped first is cause you said you weren't so sure about my heat. So I shipped first. I don't think it's to unreasonable of me to have expected payment once you recieved it. Much less a week later.

Yea, I'm a little annoyed, but you've kept in contact with me so I appreciate that. Just please try and get this resolved ASAP.


12-21-06 - He sends me another message "Ok i need to send a money order so give me your address and i will send it immediately." So I reply that same day with my shipping info.

Today is now Jan 1. I still haven't recieved the Money Order. Now I'm not screaming troll......but I think this is a little out of hand. Things take a long time to get out here so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt (even though I had an xbox 360 sent to me on the 24th and recieved it 2 days ago). Assuming I recieve the money order, is this still grounds for negative heat? I feel like I did everything on my part correctly and gave plenty of time to make this right.
Unless the MO was sent with Priority or Express mail, I would give it a few more days. If he indeed sent it out on or after the 21st, ALL regular letter mail (1st class) takes a distant 3rd place in the USPS sorting system during this prime-time shipping period of 21-24 Dec...... thats why you got your xbox in a few days but not your MO.......

not making excuses for the guy, just pointing out the realities of how the USPS works during the holidays :p

I'd say wait until the 4th, then post the neg fb if you dont get it or hear from him by then!
I wouldnt leave negative heat. It sounds like he is still trying to get payment out there to you. At this time, I would wait for the payment to arrive. And once it does I will probably leave neutral heat for the slow payment. Negative heat will be if he does not send payment at all.
When/If you get the MO, leave a neutral and explain why. I shipped something from boston to Brazil and it took 22 days and this was months ago. Give it some more time.
Have you talked to him since the 21st?
Heat is to let other sellers/buyers know how the person is to deal with. Is he reliable, does he pay on time, are things packed well etc. If I was selling this guy a $200 vid card I'd like to know that he is not reliable and rather immature. That it takes over a month to collect $12 from the guy.

Post Heat that will let others know this so they'll think twice before shipping this guy a $200 vid card or can make arrangements to ensure they don't get burned. Things happen, USPS was abysmal over the holidays and lots of packages took triple time to arrive but that isn't the issue here. This guy isn't a serious trader and should be handled carefully by anyone dealing with him in the future. That is the function of Heat IMHO.
i wouldnt call troll right away, give the mo a week to arrive and contacting him as well, if the mo hasnt come in over 2 weeks then theres something wrong, keyword for buyin or selling here is patience
When or if the MO arrives, you can see the date in which is it was sent. If it's later than the 21st (when he said he shipped it), he lied about that and deserves a neutral. If it never arrives, obviously give him neg heat and post troll. If he was being honest, a neutral or positive would do, so long as you include that it took a week to ship payment on his part, and others should be careful.

Do you have a tracking #? IIRC, all priority/ems have delivery confirmation. Before everyone says DC sucks, it should at LEAST tell you if it's in the system. Accepted, left country, etc.
id wait for the money to even get there and post at least neutral. im kinda in same situation i sent money for items 12-10-06 and still haven't gotten them and seller says "i do 800$ in buisness on here every day" well he obviously doesn't care about me and my items and i wish i could leave bad heat but im afraid if i do i will never see anything! he did actually send me half my money back for some of the items (after i started a troll thread) but never mentioned shipping the other half of the stuff he should have.. hard to believe a 12$ payment to be taking so long and hard to believe people sell items and never ship but it happens.. i have a open paypal dispute but i doubt i will even get anything back and i doubt he will actually ship my items.. and he was a "hardness supreme" cant trust anyone these days! i have way better luck with newbies and Hlites! but who knows maybe my items will be here today but im not holding my breath
I agree, wait a bit longer, a week maybe two. I think it will get there is just the time of the year and plus the distance and on top of it USPS. I'm with the other post heat after you get it and like I said I think you will, I hope so.
Small Update:

Today is January 7th, and still nothing. I did contact him and he said it was sent, but I still haven't recieved anything. Since I'm still in contact with the buyer, I guess I'll keep waiting, but I've never had anything take this long, even in peak christmas mailing time. :rolleyes:
Heat is to let other sellers/buyers know how the person is to deal with. Is he reliable, does he pay on time, are things packed well etc. If I was selling this guy a $200 vid card I'd like to know that he is not reliable and rather immature. That it takes over a month to collect $12 from the guy.

Post Heat that will let others know this so they'll think twice before shipping this guy a $200 vid card or can make arrangements to ensure they don't get burned. Things happen, USPS was abysmal over the holidays and lots of packages took triple time to arrive but that isn't the issue here. This guy isn't a serious trader and should be handled carefully by anyone dealing with him in the future. That is the function of Heat IMHO.

well put!
Small Update:

Today is January 7th, and still nothing. I did contact him and he said it was sent, but I still haven't recieved anything. Since I'm still in contact with the buyer, I guess I'll keep waiting, but I've never had anything take this long, even in peak christmas mailing time. :rolleyes:

well if you eventually get the money i would still give postivie heat, and just type out the whole ordeal +time it took for payment etc.. etc.. let future buyers know how long it took you to receive payment
well if you eventually get the money i would still give postivie heat, and just type out the whole ordeal +time it took for payment etc.. etc.. let future buyers know how long it took you to receive payment
I certainly won't be leaving positive heat for this. He'll get a neutral at best. Technically he has had the item well over a month now. And the only reason I'm still thinking about leaving nuetral is because I'm giving the benefit of the doubt and this is an overseas transaction. Even though, as of now, Jan 12th, I still have not recieved a Money Order.

After another week it will have been 1 month since he said he's sent the Money Order. Guys I work with are actually recieving stuff in 5-6 days (we're checking post mark dates). I see absolutely no reason I shouldn't have gotten the money order by now unless it was mislabeled. I PM'd him to ask which address he sent it to and haven't heard back. This was about 5 days ago.

I'll give it another week, and after that its going down as a negative. It's only $12, but it's still not right and I certainly did not have a "positive" nor "neutral" experience with him.
It's only $12, but it's still not right and I certainly did not have a "positive" nor "neutral" experience with him.

Sounds like you anwsered your own question.

This was a negative experience and your heatware eval should reflect that. Traders (including me don't have/take the time to read all the positive evals a trader may have. I normally look for the neutrals/negatives and read those.

IMHO he deserves a negative eval.
He needs a negative eval. No way thats a kosher deal, he has not kept up with his end of the deal.

Also, post his handle so we can avoid him.
If you receive the money, it is possible to get negative Heat rescinded by e-mailing HeatWare.

Leave a neg. The money should have gotten to you by now.
Ok, well I said I would wait til the 19th and that has come and gone. I'm going to go ahead and leave him negative heat. I think I've been patient enough and while he has remained in contact, all I'm getting is excuses.

The guys username is thekoolninja06. Mods, if u wanna change the title of this to Troll Alert or whatever, I'm gonna go ahead and edit my original post. Thank you for everyones input.
thekoolninja06 has been informed that he needs to post here and get this resolved.
I've updated the thread title as well
Issue will be resolved like i said in the PM's i sent the money order and i kept in contact like he said asking if he had gotten it or not. I will send it again but as you can see im not here to scam, if the money order was lost then it was lost, i will have to send it again but im not pleased with the usps losing it. I guess i will have to be more careful now sending stuff overseas especially small packages like these. I wasnt here to cause harm and maybe i didnt respond to his pm's right away since i was in between a out of state move. Sorry if i caused him any harm but i will make this right.
Recommendation, next time you send a package have some type of tracking number, because I'm sure there is something like that for overseas packages, you know just to cover your butt. And if you did, well sorry I did not see it mention anywhere. Good luck with this issue guys.
His payment to you is long overdue, but unlike a lot of other people, at least he showed up to post in this topic with a positive statement.
Well, it is now over a week later since he said he would send another money order and *sigh* still no money order. I already left negative feedback. I'm not going to pursue it anymore. It's been almost 2 months since I sent the game out. Mods if you want to close this or I don't know how you want to handle it, but I'll just let it die so other people can get thier issues resolved in TT&T.

Buyers/Sellers/Traders beware!
Just in case anyone was wondering, I never recieved a Money Order. I think it's safe to say I was trolled by thekoolninja. Mods might wanna whatever it is you guys do. :)
Was he from the USA? If so, whats his ZipCode? I'm sure an [H] member or would wouldnt mind dropping by and seeing whats up. ;)
Definitly, this guy needs to be banned, is not right and not fair to the people that are been honest :mad: . I'm glad you left negative feedback he deserves it:).
Well, after 2 months of waiting on some sort of payment I finally recieved a check from his mother. There was a note enclosed stating that they were in the middle of a move or something like that, and thats why the payment took so long.

I have no idea the validity of the letter or not, but regaurdless an item was purchased which he didn't have the immediate funds for. My negative feedback still stands because of the hassle and length of time this has taken to resolve.

I'll close the thread since this is a closed issue. If anyone has any questions or needs any further info, take it to PM.
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