Transfering Shows from my VCR


Sep 14, 2004
Ok I just hooked up the video-out of my vcr to the s-video in on my tv tuner card.

Now im wondering what program should i use to view the tv using the S-Video port, i dont thing media center supports it and ive tried InterVideo WinDVD Recorder, but it doesn't want to show anything, even though it can pick up the sources.

Any help appreciated.
if you have a tv tuner card, shouldn't it have come with the software to use video-in? What'd you do with the CD? I'd start there first.

BTW: What tv tuner card do you have? That'll help us help you ....
evga NVTV Dual Tuner

evga for some reason doesn't ship forceware multimedia app with the tuners, but they do with the personal cinemas. We tried to get hem to send us it because that's what their suposed to come with.

So the only software that came with it was the drivers and decoder.