Transferring large files (8GB+) onto PS3


Oct 13, 2006
Hello, I'm a complete noob so please bare with me...

I'm looking to transfer large (8GB +) .mkv files onto my PS3 (FAT32) and after some research, it seems that the only way I can possibly achieve this is by COPYING the files through a media server (TVersity, PS3 Media Server).

Is there a difference between transferring and copying a file onto a HDD? Technically, wouldn't a FAT32 HDD limit filesize to 4GB regardless if the file was transferred or copied onto it or not? :confused:

Thanks for replying
edit: i would do what george said and just stream with ps3mediaserver or whatever
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i don't think PS3 can handle mkv files natively. tversity/ps3mediaserver transcodes it on the fly into a format PS3 can handle.
and yes 4GB is a limitation of FAT32 itself. if you can find another way to copy files to the PS3 harddrive, it can handle large 8GB+ files just fine
i heard PS3 can read external drives formatted in HFS+ which is related to ipods and macs. you need a program called "MacDrive" if you want to format a drive to HFS+ in windows
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