Traveling, anything I need to know?


Nov 1, 2004
I'm taking my wc'd pc to Florida for a quick vacation\lan game. I'm just wondering if I need to take any special precautions with it. I'm using the Kingmax all in one kit with a sealed rad. I don't trust anything with a cap not to leak tho, so I'll keep it upright the whole way. Does it need to be drained?
Many people suggest draining the rig, seems there is concern about the change in air pressure (ever have a pen explode because you took it on a plane, that's what caused that to happen) or in case it gets shaken around a little while in transit.

That having been said, I've never heard any horror stories about someone's rig getting destroyed on a plane trip. Maybe that's because everyone drains or maybe because it's a wive's tale.

I'd say drain the sucker... it'll give you a reason to flush the old coolant (which is a good thing anyway) and it's not like refilling will cost that much.

Be sure you don't have "Gaming Bomb" airbushed on your window or anything... would hate to hear about an Air Marshal shooting a gamer.
Lol, great post! Thanks! (I'm driving down tho.. so no air pressure problems. And the rig was assembled about 2 months ago so the coolant should be ok. Both things I should have mentioned in my initial post)

By the way, gaming bomb refers to the explosive diahrea produced by too much balz and pizza.
Pack the rig in where it can't get jostled too much. Pull the side of the case off when you arrive and look for signs of leaks. You might even want to jump start the power supply/pump and doublecheck for leaks.
I drive with my WCed computer every couple weeks...I suggest putting a pillow under it and buckle it in one of the seats. So long as you don't drive like a crazy man (aka sharp turns at high speeds etc) then you are good to go. Have fun in Florida..wish I was there now.
ok, thanks for the tips guys. I'm in a Honda Accord, so it will end up behind the drivers seat. I like the idea of jump starting the PSU, any tips on this?
dekard said:
ok, thanks for the tips guys. I'm in a Honda Accord, so it will end up behind the drivers seat. I like the idea of jump starting the PSU, any tips on this?

You should have jump started the PSU when you did you original leak testing :cool:
I've heard of leak testing... someone suggested it after I fried a BP6. Aparently it has something to do with precautions and reading instructions or something. *shrug*
dekard said:
ok, thanks for the tips guys. I'm in a Honda Accord, so it will end up behind the drivers seat. I like the idea of jump starting the PSU, any tips on this?

what year accord? <3 accords thats what i drive; great for lans; love the 4 door
BellaCroix said:
Many people suggest draining the rig, seems there is concern about the change in air pressure (ever have a pen explode because you took it on a plane, that's what caused that to happen) or in case it gets shaken around a little while in transit.

That having been said, I've never heard any horror stories about someone's rig getting destroyed on a plane trip. Maybe that's because everyone drains or maybe because it's a wive's tale.
Wives tale eh? I suggest you take a look at mashie's Y2K Bug'll see just how much of a myth it is. <-- incase it's too much trouble for anyone to search it out. :p

though i will say that it was less the air pressure that caused it...and more the nice and gentle loading/unloading crew's of American Air.... :rolleyes:
Plaman said:
what year accord? <3 accords thats what i drive; great for lans; love the 4 door
01 Accord. Its my wife and she loves it. The truck is staying in Atlanta, too much gas.
M4rk said:
Hey, where is Floriduh are you heading? Is it a public lan?
Heading to Daytona Beach, and its just about guys. We've all grown up together and getting together for a quick weekend. My wife wants to see her family who are still here, so its a combo lan party\family renunion.