Travelling with a Powerbook


May 25, 2001
Now on my 4th day of owning a Mac. 17" powerbook, pretty well fully loaded :D

For those who travel often, have you been able to put the powerbook through the xray machine in a sleeve, or does it have to be completely bare for the scanner? With my thinkpad I just tossed it in the plastic bin and put it on the conveyor, but it didn't have a finish I worried about scratching.
that is a good question...I have traveled with my iBook a couple of times and one time they made me take it out of it's case and the other they didn't so I think it depends on how anal the screener is....just a point of reference...just got back from a Mexico cruse and one of the people we were traveling with was wearing FLAT heals...sole was about 1/4"think and they made her take them off...go figure
I guess I will put it in a microfiber sleeve and hope for the best.

Thanks for helping spec out this great system Gigglebyte! The Missing Manual has eased the transition greatly.
all airports I have been through (I've got a Gateway 650XL with a similar silver finish to the powerbook) and they all require the notebook to be alone in the tub... It cannot be in a bag, or with any other gear.

They're firm when handeling it, and I was nervous the first couple times, but now I'm not worried -- they take a lot to really scratch, and they're not slamming anything against it.
yeah, at PDX my PB had to be alone, it got a scratch going through the machine too, i was angry.... i asked the guys if i could at least sit it on a cover but they said no....

i suppose it doesn't matter now becuase my dumb bodyglove case scratched my laptop with it's ghey metal logo/pin on the outside.. .ANGER
I always take my powerbook out of my bag and put it in the bin myself. Then I make sure I'm the one that puts it on the conveyor belt thing. Then I'm the first one to touch it when it comes out the other side. I've never had security ever touch it.
ShimmyT said:
I always take my powerbook out of my bag and put it in the bin myself. Then I make sure I'm the one that puts it on the conveyor belt thing. Then I'm the first one to touch it when it comes out the other side. I've never had security ever touch it.

Exactly what I do. But yeah, my 17PB has gone through the airport at least 10x so far and I haven't had to have them inspect it or anything....yet. Just make sure you take it out of the bag and into its own container. You'll be good to go.

Nice choice of computer :)