TRIBALOVERKILL's Liquid Evolution, Reservoir_1

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Hey guyz,... The glue I use is WELD-ON #4. I found out that it is best used while the acrylic is at room temp to warm. It will prevent crazing. I purchased the tap and die kit off of ebay,... this is a big sized kit. They taps and dies are big. Just to let you know. About the DNA as a coil,.. already took that into consideration. I have several idea for insides, shapes and colors. Thanks for the comments:)
tribaloverkill said:
Hey guyz,... The glue I use is WELD-ON #4. I found out that it is best used while the acrylic is at room temp to warm. It will prevent crazing. I purchased the tap and die kit off of ebay,... this is a big sized kit. They taps and dies are big. Just to let you know. About the DNA as a coil,.. already took that into consideration. I have several idea for insides, shapes and colors. Thanks for the comments:)

Thanks man. Awesome work btw. not just the putting together, but some really clever ideas too.
It works!!! No bubbless in the loop!!! Once all the bubbles are trapped the bubblle chamber,... they stay there!!! HOT! I also have bad news:( There was alot of crazing:( The res is leaking because of it. Let me show you the pics and the videos first and then when can talk about our options on how to fix it. Pics,...

Heres everything smooth and sanded.


Rounded edges.








Both of them.




This is full speed. 1/2" barbs just the pump and the reservoir. Camera is still crappy.

Here I pulsed the spin so it was slower. I didnt start and stops too so you could have atleast a taste of how cool it is. There are no bubbles cycling though the loop either!! You can see the bubble in the first video just sitting there while the rest of the reservoir is spinning like crazy!!

Ok,... so bubble chamber is a success. The coil is a success. Wht sucks is that the reservoir body and the bubble chamber ring had crazed. I was goign to ask you what route I should take,... just glue it and move on or,... well,... what I am going to do is cut the top and middle, and bottom pieces away from the body and bubble rings. I will sand down those pieces to remove the remaining material from the body. I'll polish those pieces down and get them ready for a second chance. I will make a new body and bubble ring. This time I will keep those two pieces from heating up. I might even anneal them but that takes hours. So,... this is important. Crazing is caused by internal stress. Internal stress is caused by heat. When you glue,... the glue tears the molecules apart because they are or have been weakened. You fix this you can anneal it. To anneal you cook the acrylic in the oven at 180 degree, about. I would really go any higher. It's about one hour for every milimeter of thickness. 1/8" is 3 milimeters so that would be 3 hours of cook time. Its the same for cooling. You want to cool it slowly. Remember the pic where I had the reservoir bodu on the tool box? I said I was heatsinking it to cool it fast? Well,.. it was the fact that I let is heat up that much and then ontop of it I cooled it down quick. I didnt do that with teh first reservoir body. Thats why there was no crazing,.. only crazing was from the alcohol. So dont heat your acrylic up! keep it cool. And if it does let it cool down slowly. Oh,... and if you cook it in the oven,... keep the door open. acrylci outgases when heated. You dont want your oven to explode:) I read about this online by searching for I believe,... weld-on crazing.
Oh... My god...

That is so incredibly hawt, neat, and definetely sexy!

Excellent work so far! Keep it up =D
Damn that is sooooooo coool! :eek:

If you went into production you could make a KILLING!
SO, you doing this thing with AC Ryan. Do you design and show them how you made things and they go on to make a bunch and make money off your ideas and you get a cut? or do they just support you? or do you do custom designs each time and sell big under AC Ryans name? Btw kickass res and im waiting for updates on blackout :mad: more spongebobness!
tribaloverkill said:
It works!!! No bubbless in the loop!!! Once all the bubbles are trapped the bubblle chamber,... they stay there!!! HOT!

This is full speed. 1/2" barbs just the pump and the reservoir. Camera is still crappy.

Here I pulsed the spin so it was slower. I didnt start and stops too so you could have atleast a taste of how cool it is. There are no bubbles cycling though the loop either!! You can see the bubble in the first video just sitting there while the rest of the reservoir is spinning like crazy!!

Ok,... so bubble chamber is a success.

A few questions:
First, could you post/try to post a movie clip showing a close up of the bubble chamber in action with lights on (i.e. house lights, not UV), so we can get a better idea of how it works and what it looks like in action?

Also, wouldn't you get a more efficient/better/faster spin if you placed your two inlets at the bottom at opposite angles on opposite sides, instead of the way they are now? Now it kinda seems like one would push the water clockwise and the other would push it counterclockwise.

So instead of having this:

You would have this (ph34R my 1337 Ph0t0$h0p $ki11z!!!):

Hope you can picture what I mean from the above pic.

I am sorry I forgot to cay thanks about the info on the tap and die kit.One of my questions is is the air pocket at the top or bottom and in the theory of how the cooler water should be at the bottom and warm at top depending on the loop shouldn't their be barbs near the top and bottom?

Cpt Twitchy said:
I am sorry I forgot to cay thanks about the info on the tap and die kit.One of my questions is is the air pocket at the top or bottom and in the theory of how the cooler water should be at the bottom and warm at top depending on the loop shouldn't their be barbs near the top and bottom?


I dont get you on this one??? First,... in any reservoir,... well,... I dont know about hot water rising over cooler water but I do know that hot air rises over cooler air so I guess it would be the same btu as for every reservoir,... the water inside is not stagnant, it is constantly moving and mixing. So in this situation,... hot water will not be rising over cooler water. It doesnt matter where you barbs are when it comes to that. The reservoir does or I do believe has some cooling capabilites of its own,... not much. I am not sure of this. I do see alot where guys will wall off one barb from another such as the reservoir starbuck made. I believe the purpose of the wall is to keep the out barb from immediately sucking right from the in barb. This allows the water to mix a little better for being sucked back out. That right there would be my only concern with position of the barbs. Also,... if there is air in the system and a bubble gets knocked loose and makes it way into the reservoir,... it would allow the bubble to rech the top as oppised to being sucks right back into the loop. This is the one reason why I made the bubble chamber for this reservoir. The barbs are very close to each other and with the spinning the reservoir was constantly cycling bubbles. Once the bubbles are trapped in the bubble chamber,... they stay there and dont get caought uo in the spin. your system will remain bubble free. If some bubble get knocked loose or you notice bubbles cycling. Turn you computer off and try to get all the buubles into the chamber. Fill it if neccessary.
I have to admit I do not know much about working with plastics but I have learned so much by reading this log. Great pics help a lot.

This is great stuff, keep it up! :cool:
KikBox said:
I have to admit I do not know much about working with plastics but I have learned so much by reading this log. Great pics help a lot.

This is great stuff, keep it up! :cool:
Sig's a bit long there dude... :p. But yeah, Tribal has inspired me to work on my next case myself... mostly blackout did that though!
Well you know what they say about the size of guys sig... :rolleyes: JK

I am really seeing the value in a disk or belt sander! Gonna have to put that on my wish list.
Ok,... here's my update for the 13th.


Heres the crazing I was telling you about,...

Here a practice run with the new glue,... no crazing.
Heres the crazing I wa telling you about,...

Going to be using thumbs for now on:) Looks better this way and saves on bandwidth.
Ok here's the reservoir closed and ready for shields,...


Quick pic of the shop at it's worst,...

New bubble disc. 1/8" thick. The center rod passes through this disc. It will be ground down and then fused to the disc. Then sanded and polished.

Finished,.. well, not finished but ready for shields. Crazing was MINIMAL this time. Hardly any. I still want to cal IPS(weld-on manufacturer) and ask them about shelf life and such. I wan tot but more of this stuff because the date under both of the can are dated 2002?!?!? So,... yea. ! year shelf life??? Geeez.

Going to start on brackets and shields tomorrow. Have to make some calls too. I was suppose to do that today but I was too tired from work and gym:( It's all good though.
Are those bolts on the top bleed/fill ports? Those holes are what threw me off the other day as to the direction of the two ports on the bottom. I had figured that the bottom two were inlets, and the top two were outlets. That bubble chamber makes a lot more sense now. ;)
The top two ports and for filling and LEDs. The bottom two are for I/O. I dont understand how the top two could be outlets? Air rises,... you would constantly have bubbles in your system. Unless you were to design some sort of method of keeping air from the outlets such as inner tubes that allowed the outlets to draw from the bottom of the reservoir which would be the same as having the outlets on the bottom of the reservoir. Someone else said sonething abuot the top ports being an outlet or outlets. Dont understand. The bubble chamber works great. I shortened the height of the bubble ring which I wish I didnt do but it still works. Right now it only a 1/4", next time and for now on it will be 3/8".
tribaloverkill said:
I dont understand how the top two could be outlets? Air rises,... you would constantly have bubbles in your system. Unless you were to design some sort of method of keeping air from the outlets such as inner tubes that allowed the outlets to draw from the bottom of the reservoir which would be the same as having the outlets on the bottom of the reservoir.

That's the exact confusion I had as to how the bubble chamber worked, etc. As I said above, things are much clearer, now. :D
Bracket mock-ups. YeeeAAA.


Here's the mock-up. You understand how this is going to work? It's not exact but it should give you the idea of how it's going to be. It an auto-tensioning bracket. Remeber the pump clamps I made that clamped to the back the the pumps to keep them attached the the tower? Well,.. I was going to do that with the bolt in the back but that was to sloppy for this. To much. I needed something that would tension and hold the reservoir just by mounting it. This is what I came up with.

When its not bolted down,... it's slides over very easily.

When it's bolted down it pulls the out band towards the case pull the reservoir into that cetner thingy. The center thing will have longer arms thingies and will be padded just like the inside of the band.

Reservoir mounted. Barbs facing out and away from teh case for mounting inside the case.

Barbs facing towards the case for mounting it outside the case.

The shields will mount to this these brackets. What is not shown here are the tabs that I make by folding the aluminum. There will be about 8 of them. The shields will be mounted to those. Any questions class? Class dismissed. Gawd I love the look of the thumbs!!! It's crazy cool looking!!! You know,... it would be great if you guyz used thumbs too:) It would speed up the site and makes it faster for anyone. You don't have to but it would be nice. The site owners would love it.
Shield Mockups. They are not complete or even accurate. Just an idea of what they will look like.


A dog trampling my work:)

Lights off,... LEDs on.

Lights on,... LEDs on.

Now as I said they not not exact nor accurate. The shields will be held up about a 1/4" off the reservoir so there will be planty of room for the hoses to fit over the barbs. I might add some design and I might take some away. We'll have to see what happens. Does anyone have an idea of what to call this thing?
Nice job but I preferred the clean look of the res with acrylic in all its beauty than that futurist shield that covers all that beautiful res and looks weird....that's just my taste. Nice work nonetheless. ;)
Great work tribaloverkill! You show us something we haven't seen before (at least I haven't), you keep us entertained, and you teach while doing it.

And this thread is living proof that you can't have too many clamps in your workshop!
jahcs said:
Great work tribaloverkill! You show us something we haven't seen before (at least I haven't), you keep us entertained, and you teach while doing it.

And this thread is living proof that you can't have too many clamps in your workshop!

Thanks dude. I really appreciate that:) And,.... use everyone of those clamps:) Critical.

How about GyreCell, GyroCell? HelixCell? HeliCell?
tribaloverkill said:
Thanks dude. I really appreciate that:) And,.... use everyone of those clamps:) Critical.

How about GyreCell, GyroCell? HelixCell? HeliCell?


taken from the nucleotides name that makes up dna/rna

This is the BEST WORKLOG EVER!!! :D :D

Where did you learn how to use all this equipment with such skill man? Do you do this for a living or is this just a hobby?
Thanks guyz:) I have a 4 day weekend starting today:) Goign to finish this thing:) I named the reservoir,... xPO352r. Really. Why? Because I dont have to worry about naming it anymore:) Going to name all my stuff pretty muchthe same way people name cars and motorcycles. Easy.
New shield mockups. I only made one side because I ain't waisting time on the mockups. Rather get started on the real deal. I LIKE EM! Yea. The new desidn is kindof like that last except I removed alot more material so you guyz can see more of the coil action. I love it. To the pics,...


In the dark.

Lights on.

I love the under grill or grooves especially with the little support bar in the middle of the grooves. It's supporting the longer grooves. Alos,... I added little boxes here and the too. Very cool.

Let me know what you think!!! I'm goign to get started on the real ones now. I plan on using my new 30" bending brake for these shields. Never used it before so cant wait to see how I do!

Also,... I got myself a web host nowto serve my pics. I went with So far its cool as hell!!! I got 11GB of space and 400GB of bandwidth a month, more then I will ever need. So Im going to upload all my pics to that server. I am going to update the images links for only the reservoir logs. I am going to recreate an updated log with teh updated image links at my home at acryan. This way if any old pics should die,... you can head over to acryan to and check them out over there. I am going to get into the habit of creating a final log with nothing but my posts and those available at acryan. If the forums want this final log too they can have it by all means:) Now,... any new updates for blackout will be posted as usual within the fourms. Yea. I think thats it? Also,... acryan gave me access to my home so I can spruce it up a bit:) I am goingto post a FAQ there with the most popular questions such as,... where do you get your acrylic from? What type of glue is that? Can you make a custom something for me? LOL. Yea,... so if you ask something I will probably answer you but also point you to the FAQ. There's goign to be news and stuff there too. Not goign to waiste to much time on it seeing that my work resides with the designing of this stuff but I plan on spending some off time on it:) OH,... I named the reservoir. I mentioned this in a few of the forums already, I though tI wold say it again. I named it,... xPO352r. And I am serious. LOL. I decided to name everything like this because it's easy. I found myself thinking about names insted of thinking about whats next. So yea. Unless acryan, of coarse,... acryan disagrees:) So yeah,... you guyz can still name this stuff. Just has to be absolute randomness like the one I picked here. Bye!
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