Tribalwar Crashes - Backup your Computer


Mar 15, 2002
If you visit you'll find a 1 page message with a picture of a server on the beach saying they're on vacation.
Their server was crashing, there was some human error with an rm - R command (when I read those letters, I knew he was done), one thing lead to another, and poof, they lost it all.

So to everyone reading this message, back up your computer today. That includes the [H].

For XP users, here is what you can do to start.
Set a Restore Point on your machine.
Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore -> Create a Restore Point
Next, do a backup of your system state to a folder (Preferrably on another drive).
Create a folder and call it RegistryBackup or any name like that.
Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Backup -> Click the Backup Tab -> Check the box next to System State -> Change directory at bottom of box to the one you created -> Start Backup -> Name the file Todays date.
This takes about 450 megs, and about 10 minutes to put all the system files in the directory.
Next, burn your important files to a DVD, even if it takes many of them. A tape drive would be nice, but most of you can't afford that.

In the case of message forums, if the web admins don't have a tape drive or enough disk space to back up the entire system, then it would be a good idea to give pieces of it to multiple people. Kinda like a distributed backup.

Try it, open another browser and put in
I'm confused, a website's server crashed so I need to backup my computer?
Hmm... I didnt think there were any other tribers around here on the [H]...

Ive been missing the TeeDub forums for a few weeks now :(

Poor stinkfist(the server admin) is well beond crazy by now.
Nope, there be tribals here... but I cant stand TW. Too many whiny knee-jerk retards who only know how to flame and spell poorly.

Wait a minute, I'm on the internet.... thats status quo, right? :D

I'll just sit back and quietly get back to T:V and some T2:base.......
What the fuck is the poster talking about? Server crashing? Then making a system restore backup on my computer? Distributing backups and giving it to them?
This thread seems a little pointless... I mean, it has good intentions, but we could also make threads telling people to run anti-virus, or to use a firewall. Most of this stuff people know to do already, or they are just too lazy to bother.
versello said:
What the fuck is the poster talking about? Server crashing? Then making a system restore backup on my computer? Distributing backups and giving it to them?
i think he or she is trying to remind everyone that backing up can save you a lot of pain and trouble.

I'm sure the people at [H] know how to keep their servers running and backed up. You have to understand that TW's hardware/tech is run by a few ex-Tribers. They are not rocket scientists, although they are smart and capable guys. Shit always happens to the TW servers.

Anyway, this thread wasn't really necessary.
I still want to know the deal with backing up my computer and then distributing it to everyone :p