Tribes: Ascend - anything new?


Limp Gawd
Oct 5, 2007
Since the announcement of Tribes: Ascend, all I have seen are a couple of character model pictures but no other information. I read somewhere that the game is scheduled to be released by the end of 2011. Any new news on this game?
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Didn't these guys already try to make another Tribes game? I remember I signed up for beta (they never got back). Guess they dumped that project and started this? Not having high hopes
Didn't these guys already try to make another Tribes game? I remember I signed up for beta (they never got back). Guess they dumped that project and started this? Not having high hopes

No, not them.
This is HighRez, makers of the MMO(pseudo) Global Agenda. Which is actually a good game. Global Agenda is jetpack warfare. If anyone does this right, it should be them.
Well look at that, off their facebook page, new info coming in the next 2 weeks!

We've been preparing to host the first hands-on previews of Tribes: Ascend for some major game press sites over the next 2 weeks. So look forward to more press coverage of T:A toward end of June - including release of gameplay vid!

Do want gameply vid
Didn't these guys already try to make another Tribes game? I remember I signed up for beta (they never got back). Guess they dumped that project and started this? Not having high hopes

Yea I'm going to have to agree. Will I keep an eye on it? You bet! Best not to get my hopes of a real tribes game this day and age though
I fully expect :
No p2p (I guess to much to ask for an actual LAN Party friendly game)
Probably not mod friendly
Will be castrated to work on consoles:rolleyes:
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This is the only glimmer of hope for good multiplayer in the next 2 years.I would be very surprised if they could get this out this year though. It would be an almost worrisome fast development.
The "other Tribes game" you're probably thinking of is Tribes Universe, which is an MMO and still in development. They decided that they could also produce a non-MMO utilizing much of the development work they'd already put into TU so far and came up with Tribes: Ascend.
The "other Tribes game" you're probably thinking of is Tribes Universe, which is an MMO and still in development. They decided that they could also produce a non-MMO utilizing much of the development work they'd already put into TU so far and came up with Tribes: Ascend.

Ah, indeed it was Tribes Universe. So they're working on two Tribes games at once? hmm.... this is probably even worse than dumping one and putting 100% effort into a new one
Ah, indeed it was Tribes Universe. So they're working on two Tribes games at once? hmm.... this is probably even worse than dumping one and putting 100% effort into a new one

They will take there time I'm sure. I doubt they would be against delaying it. Let's see how the game play video looks.
Wow I almost completely forgot about Starsiege: Tribes. It was the first online FPS I ever played and it was amazing. Just hearing the name made me nostalgic. Hopefully Ascends will bring back some of that amazing gameplay!
Can't wait for that gameplay vid. I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but man Tribes was a blast to play. It's crazy that there were so many action keys to use that the standard WASD movement keys needed to be shifted to ESDF. 32 player battles over a modem; you don't see that kind of network optimization anymore.
It's crazy that there were so many action keys to use that the standard WASD movement keys needed to be shifted to ESDF.

Since Tribes I bind all WASD keys to ESDF in all games even if the game only has 4 movement keys. Thank you Tribes, you made gaming better.
ESDF is better anyways. It is where you are supposed to put you hand to type properly. And it gives you more keys to use in a game. I cant for the life of me understand why someone would use WASD unless they are just too lazy or just never tried to move away from it.
ESDF is better anyways. It is where you are supposed to put you hand to type properly. And it gives you more keys to use in a game. I cant for the life of me understand why someone would use WASD unless they are just too lazy or just never tried to move away from it.

its easier to use the SHIFT key.
I tried ESDF, but for the life of me, just could not get used to it. Would always hit Z when trying to use SHIFT and vice versa. Oh well, not very many games use that many buttons anyway. In fact I still play Tribes 2 online with WASD.
Ah, indeed it was Tribes Universe. So they're working on two Tribes games at once? hmm.... this is probably even worse than dumping one and putting 100% effort into a new one

Not really. They can use one to test things for the other. Both games can improve each other.

Some other good news is they have some of the original tribes devs on their team.
One of the biggest problems with keyboards is some keys not working in certain combinations. Some of this is solved by nkey override, other parts by what they call anti ghosting. But the funny thing is I have tried lots of keyboards even gaming keyboards with anti ghosting and this is still a problem.

RDFG is the best config I have used the problem is that your fingers are not close enough to shift, ctrl and such to use them much. And in almost every game there are multiple keys you need to press almost all the time and I have found that some of those keys must be shift, ctrl, space because these keys are designed to work in most combinations with other keys on almost all keyboards.

So I have been forced to settle on ESDF because I can still reach shift and ctrl.
This is my guess as to why WASD became so standard, it was just to many keyboards would not work with other combinations so they wanted those keys closest to the edge of the keyboard.
noway, not ergonomic at all. my pinky does not like that.



Mine just rests there naturally. This is where you are taught to place your hand in typing classes.
Yeah, you see how you are cramping your pinky to reach A, when it naturally wants to rest on the shift key. you are angling your pinky to reach that A. That makes my fingers tired.

Does your pinky rest on the Caps Lock key when using WASD?
Im not cramping it to do anything, or angling it. Thats just where it rests naturally. Yes it does rest on the caps key when placing fingers on WASD. I guess having longer fingers helps, but I can reach any key to the left with ESDF that I could with WASD.

You must just be weird. :)

As you can see.. the pointer finger is supposed to be on F, that why there is a little raised part to help you remember on most F's on keyboards.

I understand most people use WASD, because that what game devs shove down our throats, that doesnt make it right though.
Im sorry, there is zero chance you could be any good at Tribes with a gamepad. Its the fastest FPS ever. With one of the highest learning curves. And a gamepad doesnt have near enough buttons.

I think I just got trolled...
Im sorry, there is zero chance you could be any good at Tribes with a gamepad. Its the fastest FPS ever. With one of the highest learning curves. And a gamepad doesnt have near enough buttons.

I think I just got trolled...

How many buttons do you need? I have two gamepads, Belkin N52 and a Logitech G13, both have a ton of buttons. With my thumb and a mouse I can move in all directions and it leaves my fingers free for hotkeys. And I can even setup profiles on the gamepad for each loadout and switch between them with the push of a button.
And I played Starsiege: Tribes at launch so i'm quite familiar with the game.
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High learning curve... in Tribes? :S

Yes, one of the highest. Someone trying to pick it up back in its hay day got owned hard. Mainly because it is so fast, and most people were using scripts. Using the inventory without scripting was slow as crap. You take more than .5 seconds on one and you will get tk'd. Skiing is the same way, using a script for it, is much faster and smoother than hammering the jump button a million times per match.

And the speed of it. There isnt a faster FPS that I know of or have played, still to this day. I just started playing BC2, having never played it before, but played many FPS' before. I am by far not the best, but I still help out the team, and have a good k/d ratio. Because it is just like most every other FPS. Tribes was not like anything else out at the time. I went from Q2 to it. A LOT of competitive Q2 players tried it, formed clans, and got wasted. Then quit. It actually takes time to bey very good. You have to know where every bump is in a cap route, one bad ski and you're done.

No other FPS played like Tribes. You can go as high up as you want until your jets run out, and if you dj before, you can go up like a mile. Completely limitless gameplay. True 3d.

How many buttons do you need? I have two gamepads, Belkin N52 and a Logitech G13, both have a ton of buttons. With my thumb and a mouse I can move in all directions and it leaves my fingers free for hotkeys. And I can even setup profiles on the gamepad for each loadout and switch between them with the push of a button.
And I played Starsiege: Tribes at launch so i'm quite familiar with the game.

A lot. There is a chat feature built in the game that I used all game long. There is an inventory feature in the game. I had so many presets I was using my number pad. 5 types of heavy, 3 medium, and 6 light if I remember correctly. And a gamepad sucks for FPS's in general speaking terms. There is no handy dandy aim assist like todays games. Its far too fast to even come close to using. What other CTF game can the flag be takes in less than 2 seconds and be completely gone? You look the wrong way for a second and the flag is across the map. What other game has MA's like Tribes? None.

Take a second to watch this video if you want; [ame=""]YouTube - ‪TRIBES: LEGACY (pt 2; SPEED)‬‏[/ame]

If you can get past the music, its pretty decent. There are some 5 second caps on SH. And they use the entire map, not just inbounds. There is zero chance you can be competitive with a gamepad in Tribes. Or be new and do anything but die in a veteran server.

The game was so fast, they deliberately slowed it down in T2. The dev team for T1 got waxed at a lan, they couldnt compete in their own game. T2 was a horrible mess starting out, felt like you were playing in molasses.
A lot. There is a chat feature built in the game that I used all game long. There is an inventory feature in the game. I had so many presets I was using my number pad. 5 types of heavy, 3 medium, and 6 light if I remember correctly. And a gamepad sucks for FPS's in general speaking terms. There is no handy dandy aim assist like todays games. Its far too fast to even come close to using. What other CTF game can the flag be takes in less than 2 seconds and be completely gone? You look the wrong way for a second and the flag is across the map. What other game has MA's like Tribes? None.

Clearly you've never used a gamepad. You have 25 buttons on the G13. And with the push of a button you have another 25. And click another and you have another 25. All customizable. You still aim and turn with your mouse. You use the thumbstick on the pad for forward/back and strafe, like the WASD keys. But instead of having to use 4 keys and multiple fingers just to move you use just your thumb. Frees up your fingers for all the other keybinds. It's actually faster. You can hit more keys without having to pull your fingers off of the movement keys.

Like I said, i've been playing tribes since release. I'm well aware of what the game is. Never used scripts. Never knew anyone who did. Never found a need for it. It plays fast but not like what you make it sound like. I always did well in Tribes which I found easier for me than most other FPS games. And didn't need a ton of hotkeys. It didn't have a high learning curve either. I got a bunch of friends to play it that were new to the genre and they had no trouble picking it up.

For awhile I also ran a Tribes 2 server on a linux box in my home. In fact my username I still use today for forums was originally created on the tribes forums.
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Clearly you've never used a gamepad. You have 25 buttons on the G13. And with the push of a button you have another 25. And click another and you have another 25. All customizable. You still aim and turn with your mouse. You use the thumbstick on the pad for forward/back and strafe, like the WASD keys. But instead of having to use 4 keys and multiple fingers just to move you use just your thumb. Frees up your fingers for all the other keybinds. It's actually faster.

Like I said, i've been playing tribes since release. I'm well aware of what the game is. Never used scripts. Never knew anyone who did. Never found a need for it. It plays fast but not like what you make it sound like. I always did well in Tribes which I found easier for me than most other FPS games. And didn't need a ton of hotkeys. It didn't have a high learning curve either. I got a bunch of friends to play it that were new to the genre and they had no trouble picking it up.

For awhile I also ran a Tribes 2 server on a linux box in my home. In fact my username I still use today for forums was originally created on the tribes forums.

I have used a game pad. Mostly on my consoles. There are some games I choose to on the PC. Im telling you its far too slow for Tribes. Playing one with a FPS is just silly when you can use a kb/mouse (imo).

You never used scripts.. never knew anyone who did.. then you never knew anyone really good. Thats the bottom line. Point blank, sorry not trying to hurt your feelings. Scripts add so much. You can walk up to an inv, hit a single button get your outfit, and spit out 10 turrets. Otherwise you'd have to get one turret and a time. They can tell you who has the flag. How much ammo you have left, or health packs. With one button you can spit out all your grenades and or mines. You can customize the sounds of the game, or the skins of anything. You are limited by only your imagination. The basic hud for Tribes tells you nothing like scripts can. You say it never played fast like I said. But I am saying it, and showing it. The video I showed proves its fast. Show me a video of a game that is faster in CTF. That has as big of a map, and uses as many dimensions. There isnt any, because they are all running and not flying. There are many more videos that show the skill and speed of the game out there.

Skiing without a script... oh my. You never really experienced Tribes.

You obviously didnt play competitively. Ive played on the biggest ladders out at the time, for very good teams. There is a different in a casual pub player, and one who actually plays for a team. Just as there is for any game. I play many games, but that doesnt mean I am an expert in all of them. You and your friends may have thought you picked it up easily, or were good, but that simply wasnt the case. Again, I am not trying to hurt your feelings. I am very passionate about Tribes. It is by far my all time favorite game, and I have spent far too many hours in it. We would practice for hours and hours just for one match. I am in the Marine Corps, and we dont go over missions as much as Ive practiced for a Tribes match. Have been to several UVA lans, which is a Tribes based lan.

I too have my name from a Tribes forum. In fact, its registered 1-06-2000, that is barely a week after Tribes came out. Ill tell you what, go to and make a poll asking if people used scripts or not when they played. See what happens. You'd better be thick skinned though. I am hope I am not coming off as arrogant, but the facts are the facts. If you never used a script, or knew anyone who did you were simply a casual player. And there is nothing wrong with that.
I have used a game pad. Mostly on my consoles. There are some games I choose to on the PC. Im telling you its far too slow for Tribes. Playing one with a FPS is just silly when you can use a kb/mouse (imo).

I'm not talking about a console gamepad. Check the links I posted above. You still use a mouse with a gamepad. You just replace the WASD keys with one thumbstick or D-pad and free up your fingers for all your hot keys. If you ever have to take a finger off a movement key to hit something else you are making a mistake.

You never used scripts.. never knew anyone who did.. then you never knew anyone really good. Thats the bottom line.

Or perhaps we were good without the need for assistance? I don't know the skill level of those I played against. I played on many clan servers. And for many many years. All I know is Tribes was easy for me. I know it's more challenging for others. But it just clicked for me. It doesn't have a huge learning curve. It may take time to get good at but it doesn't take long to learn the game mechanics at all(which is how I define learning curve). And whether or not a person uses a script is irrelevant to their skill. Imagine how good you'd have to be to be successful without them? Honestly they sounded like cheats.

Never said tribes wasn't fast. It is.
And I can see the video. It's fast but not like what you're making it sound like, which sounds like frickin warp speed traveling through time fast. But I found that easier than slower games. A smaller map of UT was more difficult than a much larger and much faster map in tribes. Due to the larger hang time I could easily plan my moves. I could arc over a base, turn sideways and hit all my targets while zipping past. It was just easy for me to gauge speed and where my shots would land and to hit moving targets.
In larger maps you tend to catch people alone more often and in most 1on1 situations I would win.

Sure, I played casually. Not arguing that. I had no desire to play any differently. I played for fun. But I was quite good at that level. And that's how most people play. No point in arguing it from a competitive league standpoint as most people don't wish to play that way. Nor is a person required to in order to be considered good.
It's like me saying "i'm pretty good in basketball" and you saying "no you're not, you're not in the NBA, you're no good". And while I can't play on that level perhaps I can beat most guys down at the park or at the gym(I can't). Sure, doesn't mean anything in professional play but then again, I don't play professionally and most consumers didn't play tribes competitively.

But that's not really the point here. All I said is gamepads are a great option and i'm not talking about console gamepads.

I suck at counter strike and other tactical shooters. But for me tribes was easy.
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The fact you had to use scripts to me just solidified that Tribed had issues. If devs code a game so bad that scripts are needed in order to be competitive then those devs are idiots. And ya the tribes franchise was full of that garbage. Not saying you could not be good without them but certain scripts in certain situations were extrememly useful. And the fact that was true was just what was so stupid about the poor coding in the game.

Also the speed of a game is really realative. The fastest game I ever played was not tribes it was HLDM, you could not hit the absolute fastest speeds in HLDM but the game play was faster because maps were smaller on average. In Tribes you could pick up really fast speeds but you were in massive levels so it just did not feel as fast. That said it was a fast game and one of the games I liked because of it. But the scripting was out of control in that game and really one of the things that ensured it would not stand the test of time as a game.
The fact you had to use scripts to me just solidified that Tribed had issues. If devs code a game so bad that scripts are needed in order to be competitive then those devs are idiots. And ya the tribes franchise was full of that garbage. Not saying you could not be good without them but certain scripts in certain situations were extrememly useful. And the fact that was true was just what was so stupid about the poor coding in the game.

That is some extremely flawed logic you have there. If you haven't realized, practically every competitive PC game has scripts readily available. Welcome to PC gaming.

Mine just rests there naturally. This is where you are taught to place your hand in typing classes.

I'm pretty sure the home keys for the left hand are ASDF.
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I'm pretty sure the home keys for the left hand are ASDF.

yeah which puts your pinky on A, not shift or caps lock as it is when using WASD for movement

At work when I put my fingers on ESDF, my pinky either sits in the crack of shift and Z or on shift unless I pull it into Z... I dunno pretty subjective thing there and personal based on hand size and curvature.... Also at work I have this POS dell keyboard, haha

I wish I could get used to ESDF but I never did and then always got frustrated having to remap a ton of keys for every game I played, lol

Obviously he's talking about competitive play as that's how people gauge skill in computer games on a level field. Not, I can beat everyone on my street in SC2 so I must be awesome! I wouldn't really compare that to professional sports still... that analogy is taking it a little further I think. In any case though, I agree Tribes has a higher learning curve than does... say CS or CoD. There are actual physics/momentum you have to follow and map terrains to learn to find optimal ski routes, etc. Otherwise you're walking around on the ground like a douche waiting to be picked off or you can't make it to some of the higher structures as your jetpack won't last long enough. Not to mention the various load outs you have to do each time you spawn based on what your team needs... all the different sensors, turrents, generators, crucial points to defend, etc. There's a lot to learn - it's not just here's a gun go shoot people and learn a few camping spots or the layout of the map real quick in a couple rounds. Some of the maps in Tribes were huge and literally would take 5-10 minutes just to walk across... not that you would ever want to do that, but

I hope they don't fuck up Tribes with this new stuff they're coming out with.
I understand most people use WASD, because that what game devs shove down our throats, that doesnt make it right though.

Doesnt make ESDF anymore right either.
BTW, for the record, I have very slender fingers and sitting on ESDF my pinky natuarly wants to rest on Z. I think thats where our hands are different and makes this completely subjective. (you have an abnormally long pinky ;))
The fact you had to use scripts to me just solidified that Tribed had issues. If devs code a game so bad that scripts are needed in order to be competitive then those devs are idiots. And ya the tribes franchise was full of that garbage. Not saying you could not be good without them but certain scripts in certain situations were extrememly useful. And the fact that was true was just what was so stupid about the poor coding in the game.

You didnt have to script. The poster above claimed he and his friends had fun without it. There were many games back then that were scripted, because they werent locked down like todays games. I could do a perfect rocket jump in Q2/Q3A 9 out of 10 times. I still had a script for it. With one button press I jumped, looked down, and fired. Instead of me doing it. Carmack is regarded as one of the best PC coders ever... so if you're calling him an idiot, well... There are dozens of more cases like this. Ive been kicked by PB in a recent game just for changing my FOV. You cant hardly do anything anymore.

Havent you ever wanted to change something about a game? Well, thats were scripting came in. Ill use BC2 again, because as I said I just started playing it. There are 4 classes, with a ton of loadouts per class. You have a few seconds to change what you want to carry because you're ready to spawn. Sometimes I want mines as an Engineer, sometimes a RPG. Sometimes I want a shotgun 40mm, sometimes grenade. You can change all of your weapons to something else, and your special ability too. It takes time in the game, because you've got to hit the drop down, and manually select each one. I would like to have a few favorites saved to a key, so all I have to do is press one key and it selects what I want.

I would also like to know how many people per team there was as a part of my hud, instead of counting while pressing tab. I would like to know how many RPG shells I have, without changing to the weapon. So I dont change, and am out. Its pretty easy to forget in the heat of battle. There are dozens of more examples, and games where I would like to change things. People like personalization, and with scripting you can change a hud to suit you. As far as Im concerned, scripting is the only thing that made Doom 3 playable with the annoying flashlight issue.

I'm pretty sure the home keys for the left hand are ASDF.

Yes, like the link I dropped shows. And my pic demonstrates all you have to do is move your middle finger to the E and you are good to go. It just makes more sense to me to use it, but to each their own.

Doesnt make ESDF anymore right either.
BTW, for the record, I have very slender fingers and sitting on ESDF my pinky natuarly wants to rest on Z. I think thats where our hands are different and makes this completely subjective. (you have an abnormally long pinky ;))

Except as I stated.. for typing you put your pointer finger on the F. :)Thats the beauty of PC gaming, is that you can pretty much use whatever control configuration you want. I just wish they didnt force WASD down our throats. I bought an Asus gaming laptop, and it had arrow keys on WASD, so annoying.

And b14z3 clarified what I was trying to explain better. You mess up on skiing just a little bit, and you stop. Then you're dead. You cant go from a dead stop to fast, unless you dj or start on top of a hill. I can play a common FPS like CoD Black Ops (never played it) on a good server, and I guarantee I can get a pretty good kill to death ratio and help the team. Having never played the game. Because its the blue print for FPS' now. Someone who never played Tribes and went on a good server would be 100% useless, and would be lucky to get a single kill. I would be almost anything on it. It was nothing like Quake, nothing like Unreal Tourny, nothing like any other game at the time. And there still isnt anything like it.

But enough about that. Hopefully the new Tribes is like the old Tribes. Old is the new new, hopefully!

And just because, some old pics;

My brother is a machinist, and wayback in 02 I had him make this for me. I screwed it to the side of my case. :LOL:


In early 04 I overclocked a lot.. This is a P4 3gig at 3900 on my Prommy. Funny now that I am at about the same Mhz, but a billion times faster. ;)
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To be honest though I'm more interested in Planetside Next as I don't have much faith in resurrecting Tribes to the level of its glory days.... let alone beyond that. Anything less than either would just be a tarnish on the name I think.

Supposed to be some big news update at Sony Fan Faire in a few weeks
So what exactly is the point of coding a game like tribes so that you need to install say a skiing script? Why didn't the devs just make the jump code work that way in the first place so that all people who played regardless of their ability to script would be on a level playing field? Why not just make it easier for everyone to enjoy the game equally? A similar script existed in halflife games called decent jump they are all the same they just send a bunch of jump commands. In both games you would possibly be at a speed disadvantage not to use these scripts or switch jump to a mouse wheel or some auto repeat key.
I can tell you that the developers were either stupid or lazy, possibly both that is the only explanation for this.
So what exactly is the point of coding a game like tribes so that you need to install say a skiing script? Why didn't the devs just make the jump code work that way in the first place so that all people who played regardless of their ability to script would be on a level playing field? Why not just make it easier for everyone to enjoy the game equally? A similar script existed in halflife games called decent jump they are all the same they just send a bunch of jump commands. In both games you would possibly be at a speed disadvantage not to use these scripts or switch jump to a mouse wheel or some auto repeat key.
I can tell you that the developers were either stupid or lazy, possibly both that is the only explanation for this.

LOL - you weren't playing Tribes back in the day, were you?

The 'skiing' thing in Tribes was an accident. The devs didn't make the jump code work that way because skiing was never intended to be a 'thing'. The whole 'skiing' thing only took off (and became the way you HAD to play Tribes) because of the way the series of components (movement, jumping, jetpacks, and collision detection) interacted with the physics system used to yield a powerful advantage. It wasn't intentional, though, it just happened, and then...worked so well to set Tribes apart from other games, they never took it out.

By the second game in the series, the devs were totally onboard with their accidental creation being The Way Tribes Is Played, and did incorporate it more into the game (skiing in T2 is vastly easier). Finally, by the third game in the series, 'skiing' was the DEFAULT use of the 'jump' key - you just had to hold it down, and you'd "ski". Thus, taking it too far and making the game shamefully n00b-friendly.