Tried VP191, back to CRT?


Aug 13, 2005
I recently built two computers for my brother and I and after gaming a bit on my bro's Viewsonic VP191, I think I have decided to get a CRT. I actually suggested the VP191 to him because he doesn't game and I read that it was one of the better 19" LCD's on the market. Although I love the crispness of the LCD and was quite impressed with the color, I had trouble gaming on it... it didn't feel as smooth and fluid as the Sony G520 I came from. Now, I understand that it's hard to find a decent(ie. Trinitron/Diamondtron) CRT these days but have come across a company named "LaCie" which still produces them. I was considering the "electron22blueIV" which is based off NEC/Mitsubishi's 2070 AFAIK (specs look awesome). Anyone seen the 2070 compared to a G520 in person? I know most would recommend getting a reconditioned monitor and I'm not totally opposed to that idea but like the idea of it being new and having a 3yr warranty. I was probably going to order it from Anyone here own this monitor? Anyone ever ordered from Techonweb?

dude, i felt the same way when i first got my vp191b, stick with it, you'll be happy you did
I was going to grab that monitor, but decided to go with an off-lease and upgrade my system instead.

You're certainly making the correct decision if your priority is gaming. LCDs, even with 8ms response time, offer an inescapable, always present blur while gaming.
I disagree...after about 30 days your eyes adjust and gaming is the same. I don't think it is a blur so much as a different style of looking at something. I'm no expert but it seems the way the light comes out of the CRT is much different than the LCD and it takes some getting used to but afterwards it is doesn't blur. Now if you get a crappy LCD, you will notice I don't suggest that.
gr33dy said:
I recently built two computers for my brother and I and after gaming a bit on my bro's Viewsonic VP191, I think I have decided to get a CRT. I actually suggested the VP191 to him because he doesn't game and I read that it was one of the better 19" LCD's on the market. Although I love the crispness of the LCD and was quite impressed with the color, I had trouble gaming on it... it didn't feel as smooth and fluid as the Sony G520 I came from. Now, I understand that it's hard to find a decent(ie. Trinitron/Diamondtron) CRT these days but have come across a company named "LaCie" which still produces them. I was considering the "electron22blueIV" which is based off NEC/Mitsubishi's 2070 AFAIK (specs look awesome). Anyone seen the 2070 compared to a G520 in person? I know most would recommend getting a reconditioned monitor and I'm not totally opposed to that idea but like the idea of it being new and having a 3yr warranty. I was probably going to order it from Anyone here own this monitor? Anyone ever ordered from Techonweb?


I went through the same thing except for me it was a 2001FP vs. G520P CRT , After 3 weeks of dual monitor side by side comparisons I ended up sending the 2001FP back.I know exactly what you mean by framerate smoothness ..Any game I tried run noticably smoother on the CRT, That was just one of many negatives I noted.. LCD just isnt a worthy CRT replacement for Gaming IMO especially when you have a good Trinitron / Apreture grille based CRT to compare.

Ive never ordered from Techonweb myeslf but they have a good record on resellerratings.

I've also heard Lacie makes excellent monitors but not sure how one would compare to the G520, The electron22blue definately looks nice from its specs. theres also this thread on a users impressions of the 19" model.

Good luck and if you do happen to get a Lacie let us know how you like it :cool:
i never see a 2070SB in my country but i have owned the exact same monitor from NEC--FP2141SB. compare with G520 side by side, the Sony wins hands down, the color especially.

the implementation of movie or brightness is also much better from Sony. unlike G520 which only turn up the brightness and leave everything else alone, the SB mode not only bring up the brightness, it also enchange the contrast and thus, greatly affect the color.

using the photoshop layer blend mode as an example, the feature mode from Sony is like the "screen", SB mode is the "overlay".
gr33dy said:
I recently built two computers for my brother and I and after gaming a bit on my bro's Viewsonic VP191, I think I have decided to get a CRT. I actually suggested the VP191 to him because he doesn't game and I read that it was one of the better 19" LCD's on the market. Although I love the crispness of the LCD and was quite impressed with the color, I had trouble gaming on it... it didn't feel as smooth and fluid as the Sony G520 I came from. Now, I understand that it's hard to find a decent(ie. Trinitron/Diamondtron) CRT these days but have come across a company named "LaCie" which still produces them. I was considering the "electron22blueIV" which is based off NEC/Mitsubishi's 2070 AFAIK (specs look awesome). Anyone seen the 2070 compared to a G520 in person? I know most would recommend getting a reconditioned monitor and I'm not totally opposed to that idea but like the idea of it being new and having a 3yr warranty. I was probably going to order it from Anyone here own this monitor? Anyone ever ordered from Techonweb?


When you say "smoothness" were you running your crt and lcd at the exact same resolution? I only ask because people tend to run their crt's at a lower resolution than most lcd's native res. The "smoothness" is normally attributed to FPS, unless of course you have a slow lcd (higher than 16ms) in which case the color transitions will appear almost as you have a low fps in addition to delay color transitions.
I was running both at the same resolution of course (1600x1200) wich is the 2001FP's native res. A CRT's response time is below 1ms so it doesnt matter how low your LCD's response time is ,its just not going to look as smooth or fluid with motion.
You guys are Crazy,.

LCD'S SUCK, I repeat SUCK for gaming and even general tasks.

I wish they would just abolish the whole LCD technology all togther, quite pathetic,.
Well, I went ahead and bit the bullet and bought the LaCie. Sure it cost more than the LCD and it certainly isn't as aesthetically pleasing, but I think I made the right decision. Despite what the above poster said about the color being better on the G520 than the 2070SB, I think that it will be fine considering LaCie's target market is graphic designers/animators etc... color can sometimes be subjective anyway. And although the text on CRT's isn't as sharp, I am quite interested in adjusting the focus using the holes on the side.

Mathesar, when the LaCie comes in I'll let you know how it compares to my G520. The specs do indeed look great and I love being able to run 1280x960 @ 120Hz. Strange that it's blue, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Granimyr, I ran the 191B against my late 90's 17" Gateway Trinitron and the CRT seemed smoother @ both 1024x768 and the LCD's native 1280x1024. I also experimented w/ using refreshlock on the LCD to lock the refresh to 75Hz w/ Vsync on/off. No matter what I did, I couldn't get used to it. The best way to describe what I noticed was motion blur. I primarily play fast-paced shooters, so from what I've experienced, LCD's definately aren't for me.
gr33dy said:
Well, I went ahead and bit the bullet and bought the LaCie. Sure it cost more than the LCD and it certainly isn't as aesthetically pleasing, but I think I made the right decision. Despite what the above poster said about the color being better on the G520 than the 2070SB, I think that it will be fine considering LaCie's target market is graphic designers/animators etc... color can sometimes be subjective anyway. And although the text on CRT's isn't as sharp, I am quite interested in adjusting the focus using the holes on the side.

Mathesar, when the LaCie comes in I'll let you know how it compares to my G520. The specs do indeed look great and I love being able to run 1280x960 @ 120Hz. Strange that it's blue, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Granimyr, I ran the 191B against my late 90's 17" Gateway Trinitron and the CRT seemed smoother @ both 1024x768 and the LCD's native 1280x1024. I also experimented w/ using refreshlock on the LCD to lock the refresh to 75Hz w/ Vsync on/off. No matter what I did, I couldn't get used to it. The best way to describe what I noticed was motion blur. I primarily play fast-paced shooters, so from what I've experienced, LCD's definately aren't for me.

Ah, I see. Man you guys must have some good eyes. The human eye can only detect up to 6ms in terms of blurriness on lcds. Although the 12ms is double that.. that is still tough to see. I can't see any of that. For the lcd has be slower than 20ms for me to see blurriness. Could be because I'm a software developer and looking at a crt all day looks like blurry anyway... lol.

My eyes almost sigh in relief when I come home to my lcd. However, I have to admit I have not played a fps other than half life 2 on this monitor at a low res to see how it looked. I always playing WoW.

It's just my opinion but someone would have to be nuts to volunteer to use a crt for anything other than games and graphic work.
gr33dy said:
Anyone seen the 2070 compared to a G520 in person?

gr33dy said:
Despite what the above poster said about the color being better on the G520 than the 2070SB, I think that it will be fine considering LaCie's target market is graphic designers/animators etc... color can sometimes be subjective anyway. And although the text on CRT's isn't as sharp, I am quite interested in adjusting the focus using the holes on the side.

why bother asking for a personal experience then? and how pathetic i am for not even have a name but "the above poster". :rolleyes:
Well after having a viewsonic vp191b for a week I've decided to go back to my diamond pro 930sb crt. For desktop performace the lcd was better. But for games no doubt the crt to me is way better. The gameplay is so much more smoother on the crt than it was the lcd. I'll wait until lcd's are at about 2ms across the board and when they allow you to change resolution out of native res. If all I did was surf the internet and desktop stuff I probably would have kept the lcd, but I use this computer 95% of the time for gaming, and for that nothing beats a crt. It may be older tech, but for gaming its still the best hands down.
Steeeeve said:
I disagree...after about 30 days your eyes adjust and gaming is the same. I don't think it is a blur so much as a different style of looking at something. I'm no expert but it seems the way the light comes out of the CRT is much different than the LCD and it takes some getting used to but afterwards it is doesn't blur. Now if you get a crappy LCD, you will notice I don't suggest that.

i agree, i went from crt to lcd, and i play games on it all the time, maybe you just got a bad lcd, maybe theres something wrong with it send it back, i never experienced any blurring, btw the response time on my vp171b is 16ms, no ghosting either, what graphics card are you using? are you using DVI, its a must for any lcd owner, also do u use vsync?, its not just plug and play monitor, you gotta set it up correctly to work with your gpu, also i disagree with people here about crt vs lcd thing, i could never go back to crt, to each his own.
I have the Hyundai L90D+ and it's just fine for gaming.

I run racing simulators, and nothing would blur more than a race car going 200MHP at Daytona :)

I dont' see any blur.
