Trouble deciding what


Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2004
Thanks to the wonderful world of student loans, I'm able to afford a new computer since this one is a POS. Anyway, I'll be getting a notebook and I'm having trouble deciding whether to go with Alienware or Dell. The main difference is the video card. With alienware i have the choice between the nvidia geforce 5700 ultra 128mb and the ati radeon 9700 128mb. Now, with dell the best I can get is the ati radeon 9800 AGP 256mb. They are both costing about 4 grand and the only other difference is with the alien ware, 2gigs of ram is about the same as dell's 1gig price, so... What would be the best choice if I plan on keeping these to play video games as well as using them for photoshop/flash etc and a myriad of other things for years to come. I just don't want to shell out another 4k in a year because it wont run a certain game or graphics/media program.

Thanks in advance.
Out of those choices (twice ack! for it being a laptop and for me recommending a dell) but the 9800pro is the best out of the bunch by far and will give you acceptable gameplay in even the newest games.
ehZn said:
Out of those choices (twice ack! for it being a laptop and for me recommending a dell) but the 9800pro is the best out of the bunch by far and will give you acceptable gameplay in even the newest games.

Hey I would love to have one of those Dell XPS gaming systems that they brought over to ID for official testing.
Why not look at Voodoo, Falcon-NW and Hypersonic too..

Dell or Alienware aren't the only ones who sell laptops...
If you are willing to try building your own computer you could put together a killer rig for about half that 4k you are willing to spend. You can find a lot of resources here for what parts to get and also how to put it all together and make it purr like a kitten. :)

edit- I'm a dumbass who can't were talking about laptops :eek:
You can build laptops.. The chassis would be around $1k, then you buy processor, HDD and optical drive.
I was actually going to build my own, but I'll be spending most of my time away from home, so the laptop is about the only thing I could use right now. I hate using them for most everything, but as far as the practical application for the next 4-6 years, I'm stuck with the lappy.

Anyway, I'd much rather build my own laptop, and I hate to admit it, but I was not aware I could, or that it would more practical than having it built by a company. I'm all about saving money and getting the best I possibly can to make this thing last, so any direction and cost/bargain info anybody could toss my way would be appreciated.
ever hear of ninja scroll??? theres a jubei in that....and thats an AWESOME anime....

now back to the topic....look at other places like mentioned above....THEN biuld it yourself....itd be the cheapest way...
Yeah, the name is from Ninja Scroll.

I've checked Dell, Alienware, Hypersonic, and Voodoo. So far, unfortunately, dell has the best options for the price. I honestly don't want to get a dell, but to make a comperable system at a competitor just seems to jump past the 4.5k mark, which just isn't an option. Maybe I'm adding things I don't need and leaving out the things that I do. Maybe a better way to go about this would be to see if you guys could list the important things for a media/gaming laptop (yes i know laptops aren't for gaming, but i gots to get one:(). Thanks again. Oh, and also, i hear that laptops should have a reletively smaller native resolution for the LCD to make it non-obsolete for gaming in the future. Thanks again.