Troubles in Lego Harry Potter


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 17, 2004
Hey all - posting this in here cause this is out for both PC and console, and while I bought a console version, I figured I'd get more views here, and hopefully a solution.

I've recently purchased Lego Harry Potter for Wii. I ran into a problem that hopefully one of you guys can help with. After getting stuck on mission 4 of year 2, I quit the game, intending to come back to it later. When I reloaded my game, instead of having me replay mission 4 as I had expected, it moved me on to mission 5. The problem with this is that since I never completed the mission, I cannot get back to it - either to replay story mode, or for free play. In an attempt to get back to it, i replayed mission 3 in story mode, but was just dropped back to the Leaky Cauldron instead of being moved on to mission 4. Is there any way I can get back to year 2 mission 4 without having to clear my game and replay everything from scratch?

I've already emailed both WB games support and TT Games's contact email and am awaiting reply there as well.

Any ideas?

That sounds really odd that it let you continue story mode without completing a level. If it won't let you even access it again at the photo board in the leaky cauldron, I have no idea what you should do, it sounds like a bug.

I ran in to an issue where at the start of one of the levels on free play, I would instantly drop off of the map and die non-stop. It finally fixed itself after a few restarts. There are definitely a few bugs in it.

I'm stuck finding one last character pog in Hogsmead and I'll have it at 100%. I'm clueless where the heck it is though. :p
Yeah, that spot is missing on the photo board.

Well that sucks. On a side note, I finally found the last pog, and have 100%. :p

I think the real question here is why are these guys playing a game, based on LEGOS, based on a movie, based on HARRY POTTER?!?! :p
The Lego games are friggin awesome. My only wish is that they were more challenging, but they're really fun, and you can play them with your kids too. My son and I beat Lego SW on the Wii together a few months ago, and we had a great time.
I guess I could see that if you have kids. Thing is I'm 18 years old and in college. Kids aren't that high on my priorities list right now. ;)
I guess I could see that if you have kids. Thing is I'm 18 years old and in college. Kids aren't that high on my priorities list right now. ;)

Even without having kids these games are just fun. The Lego Star Wars games are all time classics IMO. Just waiting on the multiplayer patch to pick this one up.
I like Legos on their own, and I like Star Wars on its own, but I fail to see how combining the two yields a result that is superior to either part individually. :p
Well have you played one? If not try it and get back to us. ;)

I just like fun games, they don't always have to involve decapitating zombies...though that's pretty awesome too. :)
I remember playing Lego Star Wars once on my cousin's Wii, and thinking the same as I said in my above post. I did find it somewhat amusing, but not on the same level as more serious games. Realism is a big thing for me in games, which I guess is why I'm drawn more to FPS and such.
Well have you played one? If not try it and get back to us. ;)

I just like fun games, they don't always have to involve decapitating zombies...though that's pretty awesome too. :)

Thing is though is that the decapitating zombies games tend to participate in the Steam sales.

I'd grab one and try it if even one was reduced in price. But they're all still regular price, and not one below $20.

With the exception of Metro 2033 (for benching purposes really), I haven't paid $20+ for a game in quite some time... "Lego" just doesn't make me want to take the plunge...
Lego games rock. Only games I can get my GF to play.

Going to pick up this one next week for the Wii. Can't wait. Thus far the Indiana Jones is still my fav.
Well have you played one? If not try it and get back to us. ;)

I just like fun games, they don't always have to involve decapitating zombies...though that's pretty awesome too. :)

This, I'm bordering on old, 49 to be exact and I love Harry Potter and love the Lego games. @ Bisectors_Fore WTF does how old you are have to do with liking anything ? :rolleyes: or if I have kids or not. My friends all give me grief about having every Harry Potter movie and I've told em all to go fuck themselves ... :D

You like what you like. I don't give a rats ass about what anyone else thinks about what I like.
What's the draw of lego games? I never played any.

I had SOO much fun playing real legos as a kid. Wow, the total amount of time on legos surpassed the time I spent on any game.
They're really pretty fun to be honest. They're not as challenging as I like, but there are some good puzzles, and you have to spend some time looking around to figure some out. They have some decent humor to them as well.
@ Bisectors_Fore WTF does how old you are have to do with liking anything ? :rolleyes: or if I have kids or not.

The only thing I said in relation to age was that I'm not ready to have kids at the age of 18. And as far as how having kids or not matters, I think that people who have kids or are kids would be more likely to play Lego games, since that is more the type of audience those games are geared for, IMHO. If I had kids (god forbid) I might be more inclined to try those games since it would be something fun I could do with my kids.

Far be it from me to judge you though if you are 49 and don't have kids and like to play Lego games anyway. I think it's great that you are still gaming at that age, period. :)