Troubles with a Gtx 260


Jan 4, 2005
I have an MSI gtx 260, and im having a little trouble..

Ive never seen this symptom before, and wondering if anyone here has...

When I overclock the core of my card at all, the card preforms horribly...

Like my stock clock from the MSI card is 620, if i go up to 650...and load up frames will be at 20-30..opposed to 130 when the card is at stock clocks...

I usually thought that the card would get unstable if it couldn't handle the overclock, but it seems to be stable, just performance is terrible...what could it be?

PS: just upping the core, i havnt gotton to shaders or memory yet...
Did you manually set your fan speed to 100%? I'm no expert, but it sounds like your card may be clocking itself down. With GPU-Z, if you enable logging, it will log what freq the core is at while gaming. It's saved in a notepad file and updates once per second.
Well i think i found something else wrong

In rivatuner...if i link the shaders to the core, i can overclock it, and in the monitor, the clock goes up, but when i unlink them, rivatuner seems to do nothing..I click apply, ok, and go back to the screen, and the clocks were set to default.

When i boost the Core up to 700, i get artifacts, the core doesnt pass 74C...I think its the shader going up so high that is causing that...but the only way to know of sure is if i can unlink them

definitely something wierd going on....

edit the first reply. its not down clocking itself, i checked that out..the clocks stay costant, there is just a huge performance hit
do you have latest drivers cuz i used to have that downclocking prob too until i got the new driver