TRUE 120 and P182?


Limp Gawd
Nov 17, 2007
I have a P182 and a ABIT IP35-E and was looking for a heatsink to cool the cpu. Was wondering, will a Thermalright Ultra Extreme fit inside a P182 case? Ive attempted to measure the dimensions of the heatsink compared to the size of the case and it seems like it is extremely close... so close that it can go either way (the side panel will fit on or not). In addition, I am worried if the northbridge or southbridge heatsink of the IP35-E will interfere with the cooler. Can someone with experience or knowledge of a P182 and a TRUE extreme or a P182 and a IP35-E please help me out?
Fits fine in my case on EVGA 680i though it had to be mounted sideways. If I wanted to mount it the normal way I would have to remove the fan. That all depends on the motherboard though.
Ahh i see. Was it a tight fit? Like how much space did u have between the top of the extreme and the side pannel? Also, did u have the extreme fan blowing toward the top of the case or the toward the back of the case?

I was afraid the motherboard would be a factor =(. Here are a few shots of my motherboard from

Would anyone happen to know if the Northbridge may get in the way of installing the extreme?
Well a factor of position (side ways, or upside right), it looks like it will be fine mount on the board fine.. which direction to fit in the case I am not sure.

I never really checked but the side panel is very close.. not touching though. Can't really tell how close but pretty darn close.

Here are some pics of mine on my 680i.. I removed the fan for the pics, but with the fan on it comes just out (but above) to the NB.


Well a factor of position (side ways, or upside right), it looks like it will be fine mount on the board fine.. which direction to fit in the case I am not sure.

I never really checked but the side panel is very close.. not touching though. Can't really tell how close but pretty darn close.

Here are some pics of mine on my 680i.. I removed the fan for the pics, but with the fan on it comes just out (but above) to the NB.


Dude... put the fan on the northbridge. That thing runs hot enough /with/ it. (unless I misunderstood your post and you took the NB fan off for your pics)

Check this out, another 680i!!


All the cool kids... ;)
Thank you everyone for the response!!! It really helped me in deciding whether I will get it or not.