Trying to decide if its worth getting the Radeon 380


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 7, 2008
Right now I have an old 6850 with a i5-3570k 3.4GHZ CPU. I am trying to decide if it would be worth upgrading to the Radeon 380. I have a monitor that supports freesync which would be kind of nice but I have heard from a friend that AMD has a lot of driver problems and it would be better to wait and get an NVIDA card. Problem with that is I really don't want to spend $300 on a video card and I can get the 380 for about $180.

What do you guys think?
If you have a freesync monitor, buying a nvidia card would be wasted money. And I have had nvidia cards for years! I rarely recommend a AMD card anymore if you have the money for a nice nvidia card.

That said, sure AMD lags a bit behind with drivers. But AMD is completely usable, and will go along very nicely with a freesync monitor.

I don't know value wise if the 380 is a sweet spot though. I do not follow performance and price with AMD cards anymore.
What sort of games do you play/plan on playing, and are max settings or performance more important?
Performance but I don't want to be playing on low.

Right now I'm playing rainbow 6 seige.
Price for performance AMD always wins ive owned both nvidia and amd cards along with intel cpu's also. Ive had personally more issues with nvidia drivers than i have again persoanlly with amd. Im running a amd 390 right now with NO problems
i think you would do well with it although i might be more inclined to get the 380x. Whoever is telling you there drivers are bad is full of me:)
Definitely get the 380x if you can stretch the budget a bit. You've got plenty of CPU for it...

If you haven't ordered from yet, you can do the 20% new customer promo on this XFX 380x, and pick it up for $189, assuming you don't end up with any sales tax.

The site says 15% off on the splash page, but there are plenty of 20% off codes floating around. I think scarymommy2015 might be one that is still valid?
Great Choiec!

Price for performance AMD always wins ive owned both nvidia and amd cards along with intel cpu's also. Ive had personally more issues with nvidia drivers than i have again persoanlly with amd. Im running a amd 390 right now with NO problems

Most nvidia owners I know also seem to have more issues than not for whatever reason. I just usually just reply I don't have that "x" issue.
I jumped from a 6950 2GB to a Sapphire Nitro 380 4GB.

I experienced double the performance of the old card.
thats certainly one of them, xfx has much quicker rma service, but card to card im not sure theres any difference. i love asus products as long as they dont need to be rma'd. But In all truth, i think these mid range cards have less chance of failing these days;)

The XFX one sold out so I just went with the ASUS. Thanks for your help everyone!