Trying to find an OLD game


Limp Gawd
Feb 28, 2006
I remember playing this adventure game, back in the day of Leisure Suit Larry and Space Quest and stuff. Unfortunately I don't have much to work with here, but let me give some characteristics that I remember.

The game is like the early Leisure Suit Larry style, and it starts off in some building by a water cooler. I remember you could go up to the water cooler and it would gurgle. Anyway, I forget what the point of the game was, but I think you're trying to locate someone, a friend that you lost possibly? I remember when you go outside in the streets, there is a carnival, and a construction site. The last thing I remember was going into a huge hotel, like a casino hotel, and at one point after talking to some girl there it tells me to put in diskette 2, and I lost the damn disk so I couldn't continue.

I know it's not much to work with, but maybe someone can figure this out!
Thanks :)
man i wish there was a site like this but with screenshots so I could see