Trying to make Doom 3 Avidemo = problems


Jun 27, 2004
Ok here's the deal. I've been trying to record a Doom 3 demo using the recorddemo/stoprecording/avidemo commands and I've found some problems:
1. The stuff that's playing on video screens/monitors doesn't show up. The screens are black.
2. The sound doesn't work. The .wav file that is in the demo folder is only a second long and is comprised of a beep. That doesn't make sense. :confused:

I put the screenshots and everything into a movie using a program called VideoMach, so that's fine. But those two problems make the video virtually worthless to me.

Anyone else have these problems? Please help.
I've had problems myself, I'd like to know how to work this also.
I also tried to make a movie of my gameplay but I couldn't get the command to work. I ended up using fraps instead. The movie ended up being really big though, 145 megs for 30 sec (max amount of continuous recording that can be done with the demo version of fraps) It did have sound though.
I have run into the same problem, plus another. Try recording a demo of the Rage powerup. After you have recorded the footage play it back. The instant you pick up the powerup the screen goes black, the fps counter still shows. Avidemo just starts dumping black images at this point. Also, how do you change the size of the images that avidemo dumps? For me it was dumping 256x256 192k .png files. Tiny images but they don't look very good and the size is really odd.. I run the game in 1600x1200 how the hell did it decide to dump images that are 256x256?
I also am interested in making doom 3 movies. I still have problem getting the sound.

But for getting images faster, simply use this:

com_avidemoheight 384
com_avidemowidth 512

Use the same size as your resolution for faster perofrmance. Hope it helps some :)

Plz somoene find out hwo to get the wav :d
Tthe weapons with ammo displays, machinegun and chaingun, don't show the displays either. :( Anyone figure out how to fix this yet?
The inbuilt avi recorder sucks . I used Snagit to record and it worked like a charm , or probably any other screen capture proggie.