Trying to make MSI p67 GD65 + 2500k OC pass 4.2k but problems...


Jan 7, 2005
I just tried to boot my system past 4.2GHZ with a 2500k and it seems to be heavily unstable. 4.3 freezes. 4.4+ won't boot.

I'm just increasing the overall setting to 42, 43, 44, etc. Is there something else I should be increasing to deal with the higher frequency? Some setting I'm not thinking about?

I thought that MSI had the Great automated overclock feature?? It adjusts voltages too I understood.
Yeah, tho your top OC result will vary, but even if you're doing it manually (which is usually more effective) it's also easier to adjust the multiplier from within Windows using MSI's utility. With UEFI those tools finally work very reliably, more so than rebooting and messing w/the UEFI/BIOS over and over. Voltage can also be adjusted right from within Windows... Why don't ya read [H]ardOCP's review of the very same board to see what they did? ;)
I see. I just need some guidance on what type of voltage I should be looking at trying to achieve a 4.5k OC. Any guidance? Stock is 1.25 right?
i didnt think the voltage needed to be increased until over 4.5ghz.
what are your temps like,

i hope the gd65 isnt weak on overclocking, or imma be pissed.
you could just have a weak cpu? I dunno but the consensus has been almost every 2500k so far can surpass 4.5ghz with no problem.
I have my GD55 now. I left the vcore on auto just to see what happened and bumped the multiplier up to x45. It scales the vcore up to about 1.3 which is fine by me and everything runs great. No problems at all, been running like this for days doing lots of cpu intensive tasks and it's rock stable. Temps are about 65C under load right now but that's only because I'm having a heat saturation problem with this new case. Need more exhaust. Still the temps are well within the safe range so I'm not concerned.