turning off services in Vista


Feb 18, 2003
i would like to turn off some thing running in Vista's serives list. does anyone know where i may find a info on what to turn disable of leave as automatic.

thanks in advance
I strongly suggest you leave Vista's services alone. What isn't needed isn't running until programs or operations call for it. You will gain no speed advantages whatsoever.

You'd only be shooting yourself in the foot when you run something but it didn't work because you disabled something it needs but didn't know about it.
The best advice, and echoed by many here....just leave it alone. Vista isn't XP and should be treated like XP.
thanks for the quick replies.
ill just leave the services alone.

thanks again everyone
It's really weird to hear all you folks say leave the services alone.
I for one did not need:

remote registry
DNS client
Tablet pc input service
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service
Windows Remote Management
Windows Image Acquisition

And boy does everything work fine for me with them off. If I need them I would simply enable them.
Shit I dont even need a virus scan!
It's really weird to hear all you folks say leave the services alone.
I for one did not need:

remote registry
DNS client
Tablet pc input service
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service
Windows Remote Management
Windows Image Acquisition

And boy does everything work fine for me with them off. If I need them I would simply enable them.
Shit I dont even need a virus scan!

Other than remote registry, what gain did you get from disabling any of those services? They weren't using any CPU time, so they weren't slowing the system down. You migh have gained a few MB of memory. Seems like doing work just be doing work.

DNS client is actually something that speeds up IP based network activity. Without it, Windows is forced to ask a DNS server to do it's lookups instead of relying on it's own cache.
It's really weird to hear all you folks say leave the services alone.
I for one did not need:

remote registry
DNS client
Tablet pc input service
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service
Windows Remote Management
Windows Image Acquisition

And boy does everything work fine for me with them off. If I need them I would simply enable them.
Shit I dont even need a virus scan!

If you enabled those services again, you wouldn't see a bit of difference in terms of performance. That's why it's recommended to leave the services alone.
I've not changed anything about my service configuration, and Remote Registry and Windows Remote Management are on Manual and not running anyway. I do use Bluetooth and the DNS client (since it caches DNS lookups).

I suppose I could disable a couple of the others, but it wouldn't make any noticeable difference - they're not using up CPU time, and the RAM usage is negligible (they'll probably be top candidates for paging to the swapfile anyway, since they're not doing anything).
Other than remote registry, what gain did you get from disabling any of those services? They weren't using any CPU time, so they weren't slowing the system down. You migh have gained a few MB of memory. Seems like doing work just be doing work.

DNS client is actually something that speeds up IP based network activity. Without it, Windows is forced to ask a DNS server to do it's lookups instead of relying on it's own cache.

I dont use the DNS client because I am on a small home network.
The psychosomatic gains from me turning off those services is what speeds up my system if anything else!!
I dont use the DNS client because I am on a small home network.
Which tells me you don't really know what it does.

The DNS client in vista will cache domain names; so when you lookup hardforum.com, the local computer will cache that look up ( based on the TTL ). This has the effect of speeding up subsquent accesses to the domain.

Now, if you were only looking up one or two domains, this might not seem that big of a deal to just pass the request to your upstream DNS server and be done with it. But most pages have at least a dozen domain names which are called, and can negatively impact your browsing if you are relying on a home router to do the DNS look ups ( or worse; your ISP's DNS servers ).
OP, it has been talked about and proven on this site many times that turning off Vista services gives you very little to no gains whatsoever. Grazehell apparently missed that.
OP, it has been talked about and proven on this site many times that turning off Vista services gives you very little to no gains whatsoever. Grazehell apparently missed that.

Oh I did not. I read the 101 threads on it!
Yeah indexing I turn off because I dont really use Search at all. Remote Registry I also turn off just for peace of mind :p. Everything else I leave default as one should.
i turn off tablet pc, print spooler (i never, ever use printers.... ever, ever ever ever ever!), remote registry, indexing, readyboost (i just never use it...)

sure, i might not notice much of a difference, but to me at least, the less that is running, the better... and it takes all of 30 seconds to disable the services.... so its really not a big deal to do it...