Turning Point: Fall of Liberty


May 16, 2001
Is anyone playing this, any impressions or link to a real review out there? It looks like something I'll buy but just wondering if anyone has any experience playing it and if it's any fun.

Thanks in advance.
definatly going to be trying this one out. seen the commericials and some screenshots. hope its like cod4 in WW2 setting....good outlook
It's crap, a poorly done port to the PC. A friend got a copy and we messed around with it a little today. The graphics are pretty bad, the max resolution you can set in the game is 1024x768. You can tell it was designed for consoles, you can't use a mouse in any of the menus or anything. When you try and configure the controls you get a picture of a 360 controler to map them to. This game should have had alot more work put into it for the PC version.
It's crap, a poorly done port to the PC. A friend got a copy and we messed around with it a little today. The graphics are pretty bad, the max resolution you can set in the game is 1024x768. You can tell it was designed for consoles, you can't use a mouse in any of the menus or anything. When you try and configure the controls you get a picture of a 360 controler to map them to. This game should have had alot more work put into it for the PC version.


1024 x 768?


360 controller to map controls to??

I actually thought that previews looked pretty good, For fuck's sake though, 1024x768???lol

Yea, I was going to get it when I could find for, say, $20 or less, but now I'll just get it for $10 on my 360 one day.
You get three different res to choose from 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768. For graphics options you get low, medium and high, People have been bitching about it all over. The offical word from codemaster on their forum is, it uses the dxdiag and reads the supported resolutions of your vid card/monitor. And then allows you to select from those in game.That is a complete load of crap because everyone is stuck with those same three resolutions. This has to be the worst port I have ever seen.

We tried changing the resolution manually in the config file but it did no good. The game reset to 640x480 and still the max we could select was 1024x768.
It literally looks like an orig xbox game. Codemasters has complained about shit all the time about not getting proper demos etc and their games are still ALWAYS shit.
According to a post on the gamespace forums on GameSpot/GameFAQs for Turning Point from a guy who has the game, it's, through and through, a sloppy console point. He says the maximum resolution is 1680x1050, the AI is crap, the graphics look horrible, and the game is poorly optimized.
Wow the game looks bad, I've seen how it looks like on the 360.. looks better than that.. lol
It looked interesting and then I saw that Best Buy was doing a $10 gift card with purchase and was really thinking about it, but it looks like $30 is still too much. Oh well...
IGN doesn't have a review for the PC version, but it got a 5/10 on Xbox360 . I bet IGN's already fiished the PC review, they're just scouring a thesarus for the many different ways to say "suck" and "crap" before they publish it.

I'd be so embarrassed to release a crappy game to the markets and have websites and magazines like IGN tear it apart.
That's sad. Such an interesting and epic concept spoiled by a major dose of suck. Maybe another day.
rofl, wow... Who's starting the most disappointing game of 2008 thread? Bet this will make the list.
I played this demo on the 360 and I coudn't even finish it, the controls were horrible. The difference between medium and high sensitivity was so great, it feels like going from a "low" to a "very high".
How did they manage to convince their publisher that the game was finished with textures that look like that? This is by far the worst-looking UE3 game I've ever seen. Hell, it's worse-looking than any UE2 game I've seen.
How did they manage to convince their publisher that the game was finished with textures that look like that? This is by far the worst-looking UE3 game I've ever seen. Hell, it's worse-looking than any UE2 game I've seen.

Wait, this game uses the UE3 engine?! Are you f*cking kidding me?!?

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
The console version of this is getting trashed too. I am a nerd for alternate reality WW2 era games (Crimson Skies!!!) and was planning a launch day purchase, good thing I held out.

Also use of the UE3 engine is by no means an indication of what the final product will be like. UE3 was licensed to basically anyone who asked, and its becoming the new engine of shovelware crap like this and Turok.
Heh. I read the bad reviews on this game. When they said the graphics are bad, wow they weren't kidding. And that shot comparing wolfenstein and this is just sad, because i have to say I think wolfenstein DOES look better.
Wow this game looks worse than Rosie O'donnell on a bad hair day. Halo 1 looks better than this crap and it was released what seems like eons ago. Unreal 3 games need to all look like Gears/UT, except with different textures and models. This just looks like they took an updated version of the Q3 engine and cut off it's nutsack.
are there reviews of the gamplay?

graphics can be bad, but if the gameplay/story is good...
Oh good god...that was horrible. Uninstalled less than 10 minutes after installing.

1024x768 max, and it STILL runs like shit?

Buh bye.