TV/Radio Tuner Card

So the Hauppauge PVR-150 looks like the way to go...I have a few questions (I am a noob at this stuff)...
1. How well does the FM work?
2. Can you record radio?
3. What do you do for TV? Do you just plug in an antenna?
4. What are some good programs for TV watching or whatever or does the included stuff work good? I heard mageTV or something is good
5. Does that PVR-150 MCE only work with Win. MCE? Thats what is implied at newegg.

I don't really use the radio function at all on my tuners, I tried it once and thought it was neat but never bothered to do anything with it (although I would love a good AM radio tuner). But yes you can record radio but as to what else you can do with it thats up to whatever app you decide to use.

Since it's an OEM card it doesn't come with any software but you can get the WinTV and the radio app from Hauppauge's site, the tuner has two coax inputs, the top one is for the FM antenna and the lower one is for a coax TV connection.

I use SageTV for PVR use but thats no doubt more then what you want to do with the card, I would check out Meedio TV and I think Chris TV but I've never played with that one. For basic TV watching and maybe recording the WinTV app from Hauppauge's site might just do the trick for you.
For TV quality ir's going to be close to what the frist tuner will look like but a little better (stablility would be better with it though). It's still a software encoding card.
Oh I understand, the PVR-150 is a hardware card so that the decoding/encoding runs right off the card whilst the software card takes away from your system resources. What do I plug in the card for as a TV source? I just want local TV for now, would I just plug in an antenna? And what can I use the white/yellow/red plugs for?
If you have regular cable you just plug the coax cable from the wall into the tuner, if you're using a set top box (STB) then you would need to RCA/svideo inputs (white, red, yellow).
I don't have cable, I have satellite and the nearest STB is pretty far...Cant you just plug in an antenna for local tv?