TV Tuner Software


Limp Gawd
Feb 19, 2008
I've been searching around for an alternative to this Pinnacle TVCenter to use with my TV tuner mainly because this one is lacking in features... What programs do you all use/know about that work well?

Media Center is not an option as I need 64-bit.
SageTV is amazingly good... I used it for a long while before getting a TiVo HD :).
Been using SageTV for 2 years now. A few things I wish it had, but love it, as does my wife and 4-yr old.
I have been using BeyondTV for awhile and have been really pleased with it. Easy to setup and use, just seems to work well.
vista mc. x64 or x86 is the same. even some funny video problems i had in 32bit repeated exactly in x64.. and they seem the same speed too. 64bit might be a bit more stable but nothing to gripe about.

i like how easy and integrated vista mc is. they now have msnbc built-in, my netflix subscrption is there with a simple small addon, i didnt pay extra for the software... as i say its always best to keep things as easy as you can with htpc's.
Are you looking for a full-featured all-in-one package, or just to tune the bloody thing?