Twisted Metal?!


Jul 6, 2001
I just StumbleUponed this teaser ad for something that looks a lot like Sweet Tooth!


I would buy a PS3 just for this! And with the price drop, I just might!
I was just about to post this :p

All I can say is I hope its as good as the first two. If Jaffe is working on the project then I don't think that will be a problem.
I would buy a PS3 for a new Twisted Metal if it is nearly as good as the first two. Those games were the best.
Twisted Metal Black wasn't that bad, I enjoyed it somewhat. No it wasn't as good as the first two but it came close.
Word on the internet is that the ad isn't for Twisted Metal, but rather just a PS3 ad.... "an explosion of fun" or something along those lines.

But, I don't doubt that Incognito has Twisted Metal in pre-production at the moment, and I'm sure they'll start working on it 100% once Warhawk is done. :)
Black was a great game.
High point of the series. As fun as 2 was, it doesnt compare to Black.

Good idea if they are bringing TM back.
The whole "cars with guns" genre is has been incredibly lacking for a few years.

(A TRUE sequal to Interstate '76 would be a gift from God.)
Twisted Metal Black wasn't that bad, I enjoyed it somewhat. No it wasn't as good as the first two but it came close.

I actually really enjoyed black, though I havent played any since.

Man Black was dark though. :p
I see one clown face and two "hair" thingies on the sides.
And I personally didn't enjoy TM, though I only played Black.. it wasn't fun, and I didn't like the concept, though the stories of each charcter were really awesome.

I want another Carmageddon :(:(:(:(

Hell yeah? ;) And then a year later, we were all grooving to (well at least I was :D ) :



Damn that JetMoto, what a hardass game. :D

Can't believe that was over 10 years ago. Good times.
Twisted Metal Black was one of the games that I still have for my PS2 (usually I sell them once I finish them).

Great game. I hope we see some screenshots soon. :cool:
The Twisted Metal series were some great games. Should be interesting if they are in fact making a new one.
3 games I'd buy the PS3 for:

A Jet Moto sequel
A new Twisted Metal game

'nuff said.

I would sell my firstborn for a new Jet Moto. That was an amazing game. Twisted Metal 1&2 were fun, but damn they died off after that. The characters became stupid.