Two 2007WFP or one 2407WFP??


Dec 17, 2006
This question is killing me and I can't decide. I have looked at probably half of the "show your LCD setup" thread and I am still on the fence. I have chosen to go with dell for sure because of their holiday sale + coupon, cant pass up the 25% off + free shipping. However I am stuck as to what to do. Both options are basically the same price but I don't know if I want two smaller or one large.

Anyone have any opinion on this? I won't be doing any gaming until summer or beyond, as I will be busy finishing up my college career, so for the next 6 months the main use will be work, chat/browsing, and the occasional movie. But what kind of PC Setup would be required to run two 24" LCD's?

Also is it even worth shelling out 650 for an LCD at the current time? I keep hearing word that all LCD prices are supposed to drop 15-30% in the next 4-5 months. This is the reason I am sticking with Dell, if that happens I will be at least happy I got 20-25% off.

Lastly, is there any word of Dell switching the design/model anytime soon? I would hate to buy these now and 2-3 months later a new model replace it.

All my ridiculous questions aside, the main reason for my post remains, 1 large or 2 small. Please give me some advice! :D :D
The advice I can give you right now is if you're already have a monitor at the moment, try and hold out at long as possible if you can. Prices are going to drop big time so wait and see. Go with just 1 big monitor. 2 small monitors is totally useless.
I just ordered 2 samsung 204Bs from dell for a grand total of $566 shipped. the coupons work for those too! Widescreen dosent do anything for me... I considered getting the 24 but its not really that big resolution wise. 1920 x 1200 dosent really compare to 3200 x 1200. I never watch movies on my computer though...
hey can you guys let me know about those coupons? i might buy a dell monitor :( thanx

also, the 2007wfp has 1:1 pixel mapping right? thanks!
yah but 4:3 ratio doesn't really interest me. For movies 16:10 is way better, and for productivity when I am programing or feel I don't want to use my scroll wheel on a website it is rather easy to flip the monitor portrait and have a much larger vertical than even a 4:3 monitor.

Plus when I get back into gaming wide screen will kick ass as well.
InCogneato said:
hey can you guys let me know about those coupons? i might buy a dell monitor :( thanx

also, the 2007wfp has 1:1 pixel mapping right? thanks!

Over 400 is 15% off, I think over 200 is 10% off until Thursday 7am CST.

The other 10% is a coupon that stack onto that discount. You can find them on eBay for a few bucks or get them for free on certain coupon begging forums.

Like I said in the first post, the main reason I am going with the dell is the price. I would prefer the 24" gateway over the dell but not enough to pay another 100 dollars.

Edit: The shipping is also free until Thursday.
trancekid said:
yah but 4:3 ratio doesn't really interest me. For movies 16:10 is way better, and for productivity when I am programing or feel I don't want to use my scroll wheel on a website it is rather easy to flip the monitor portrait and have a much larger vertical than even a 4:3 monitor.

Plus when I get back into gaming wide screen will kick ass as well.
dell monitors can be turned vertical for portrait mode?
At home I use a 17, and I'm in the same boat as you. I'm leaning towards 2 20s instead of the 24 because of the real estate alone.

For my work, I usually have these things open: multiple putty sessions, bug reporting software, email client, multiple programming environments, and the list goes on. It just makes a lot of sense to have the extra space so that you can see everything all at once.

When working at home, nothing annoys me more (as I am sure it does you) than trying to reference something and then doing something with that information in a different program. The problem is when you switch programs, the program in focus covers what you were looking at, and the switching game begins. With 2 20s, I find that does not occur.
Rockman1117 I totally agree.

The only thing is that I am also going to be using this as my office TV since it is HDCP I would only need a tuner. That and the fact that once HD DVD drives drop in price it would be so much nicer to have a 24" instead of a 20", but who knows by then I will probably have purchased a REAL HDTV and not have to use my monitor.

I have NEVER been this indecisive when it comes to making a purchase, it is beginning to get ridiculous. Even my wife has become annoyed with me having these 1 sided conversations with her where I weigh the pros and cons of different monitors....

I wish the Dell Kiosk near me had the 24 on display next to two 20's. That would make the decision so much easier hah.
btw if i was you I would buy one 20 inch... im in the same boat pretty much... and i think i am going to buy a 20 inch and wait until later for a 24 inch because right now all the 24 inchers with good specs, hdcp, etc etc are pretty expensive and the rest dont have all the specs im looking for...

so i figure by the time 24 inchers are really picking up steem they will be close to the price of current 20 inchers :)

and 24 inchers, like you said cost as much as TWO 20 inchers... so in the future youdve spent the same and have a 20 inch and a 24 inch all with great specs

:D thats what i decided for me anyway
Here's what I suggest: Buy a 24", and if later you decided that you need more pixels, buy a cheap 19"

This is better than if you bought 2 20" and found out that you'd really want a bigger screen, you can't really do much then.
RaynQuist said:
Here's what I suggest: Buy a 24", and if later you decided that you need more pixels, buy a cheap 19"

This is better than if you bought 2 20" and found out that you'd really want a bigger screen, you can't really do much then.
Thats not a bad idea. I did consider it but the way Twinview (both heads accelerated for xgl) works in linux I need the same rez on each monitor. It would have been nice to have a 22" @ 1920 x 1200 next to a 20" @ 1600 x1200... I guess I can always add the 22" in between :eek: