Two more AMD execs resign

Not like we need resignations to tell us that things aren't going very well at AMD.
I don't see that as a bad sign either. Quite frankly I am surprised that we have not seen more heads roll than we have, which have been few.
Fresh minds may help. But I think they need to go headhunting a little higher up the foodchain than the VPs... if you know what I mean.
Not like we need resignations to tell us that things aren't going very well at AMD.

It might be the other common sight "Oh crap, they've caught on to me... Id better quit before they can fire me". I see it quite a bit in retail, and of course that is far different than executive positions... but, hopefuly this is the case.

Im not too worried about AMD. If VIA can stick around this long, AMD should be able to as well. Whether or not they will ever (near future, perhaps 5 years, not forever) have any new CPUs that dominate the market, is another question entirely...
I didn't say it wasn't a good thing (debatable), I said it wasn't a good sign, as in the graphics unit performance just before "earnings."

They can help everyone from Orton on down resign, but AMD is ignoring the main cause of ATI's bad execution. The merger was far from a "perfect synergy" it was touted as.
They can help everyone from Orton on down resign, but AMD is ignoring the main cause of ATI's bad execution. The merger was far from a "perfect synergy" it was touted as.

Wow...I am on the other side of the coin completely. The ATI acquisition was the ONLY thing they have done recently that was a good decision. It is all opinion until sometime in the future when these decisions start to play out a bit more, but the ATI acquisition definitely gave AMD a much better foundation from which to develop future platforms...

Financially it doesn't look good becuase the other side of their business model is doing rather poorly. My guess is still that the graphics side offsets some of the problems on Processor side.
They can help everyone from Orton on down resign, but AMD is ignoring the main cause of ATI's bad execution. The merger was far from a "perfect synergy" it was touted as.

I bet you look back in five years and think it was pretty goddamn smart though, overpriced and un-synergied or not. Graphics will be what save AMD from VIA's fate, at least their fate of late. Wait till that HP UMPC shows up with a Isaiah in it. But that is off topic...
My guess is still that the graphics side offsets some of the problems on Processor side.
Both divisions lost money last year, but of course the processor side lost a lot more. ATI was down to 30% of the discrete graphics market last quarter, having recovered a little from seeing its sales cut almost in half. The truth is that the financials are very ugly for the graphics division. The fire sale price cuts the current HD3600/HD3800 series chips is also not going to be pretty over the next quarter.

Right now it's iffy that AMD can afford the transition to 32nm, and that is the real do or die move.
I don't know Kyle, Victor Peng seems like a pretty big loss over a marketing director.


Wow his bio is way better at Interpack

Well, honestly, I know both of them, and those resume's are a dime a dozen at those companies in Silicon Valley. I don't think it will cause any impact at all in the long run.
I've lost in AMD for the time being, the Athlon XP and 64 series rocked against the P4 and Pentium D chips but since the era of the C2D Intel has crushed them. I'm not bashing on AMD really, I've owned both and still rock a A64 3400+ on one rig but there really is just no comparison atm...

I hope new management will bring AMD back to life, competition between brands is good.
AMD is on the road to recovery.. They have 3 parts out right now that are competative and comparable in the mainstream right now. (9850 Phenom, 3870 and 3870 X2)

Granted that have just now "Caught Up".. I think they have the ability to compete again across more product lines by the end of the year.
The Phenom 9850 isn't out yet (ETAs are showing as early as next week though), the 3870 has had its priced cut twice in the last month and the 3870 X2 is a niche product like all $400+ video cards.

So far 2 analysts have significantly slashed revenue forecasts for the current quarter, and increased loss estimates by about 50% for the year. Q1'08 is looking to be much worse than Q4'07 (~$103 million loss excluding special charges). That's not a road to recovery, although AMD can't really do much worse unless it tries (harder).
AMD is on the road to recovery.. They have 3 parts out right now that are competative and comparable in the mainstream right now. (9850 Phenom, 3870 and 3870 X2)

Granted that have just now "Caught Up".. I think they have the ability to compete again across more product lines by the end of the year.

Also the 780G

Maybe they can get a job over at Creative. They're gonna need all the marketing help they can get over there with the mess they've made for themselves. :p:p
hey a few execs left Google, I wonder if that means impending demise!!

They left for different reasons, they are so wealthy due to the companies success they can retire early..

hell, I head the folks they had working in the cafeteria cashed out their stock options not too long ago and retired millionairs.
Phil Hester was head of the Fusion project. Who's gonna take over that now? Is it being split apart?
Among AMD executives, Phil Hester has had my highest repects. This loss is greater than the loss of all executives, AMD and ATI combined, in the past two years.

There few surer signs of a sinking ship than a CTO of a technology company bailing.

I don't know the circumstances of his decision to leave, but I'm betting it has something to do with squabbles over AMD's ability to make future claims over performance metrics and deliver on them.
They need to get rid of the useless people in the company and start hiring more people for research and development. R&D is important for any future hope :)
Heads are rolling at AMD it looks like. Hopefully this all does them some good.
Hopefully it's more of a sign that Hector will be leaving when his contract runs out this month.