two new issues reinstalling windows


Limp Gawd
Oct 16, 2004
For a variety of mostly good reasons (getting my mum's work vpn to stop crashing the computer, for instance) I have just reinstalled windows xp on my desktop. i used a custom windows cd made with nlite from my original xp disk, made just as i've created all my other installations (streamlining sp2, removing windows messenger, etc.) Everything went fine until I had to start installing drivers etc.

i installed the core components in the order suggested in's tweaking companion (directx, then chipset drivres, then video drivers, then sound, then nic and everything else).

Issue 1: My hard drive is appearing in the system tray as an ejectable drive (justlike a flash drive would). Though not a grand problem in itself, I do not want this to happen and I don't want to run the risk of accidentally ejecting my hd instead of a flash drive,or something like that. i've never seen this happen before...

Issue 2: One of the many drivers I have on a cd waiting for installation is that of my nic, which is integrated into my southbridge (a via VT8237 on my abit kv8pro mobo). when i run the driver installer, though, it says it can't find any suitable nic in the system. The nic is enabled in the bios and appears as a driverless ethernet controller in the device manager. this is obviously an issue. please help!

system specs:
a64 3000+ @stock
abit kv8 pro v1.1, bios 17 with setting that have always worked
512 MB mushkin ram @ stock (nothing fancy, but it works well enough)
geforce 6800nu @ stock with XG 84.25 drivers
sb live! 5.1 with kxproject drivers
WD raptor, 74 GB, SATA
please ask if any more specs are needed
My $.02 worth;

#1 "My hard drive is appearing in the system tray as an ejectable drive "
This happens with my system as I have SATA drives. I found it to be a driver issue, where a later driver would support hot swap, the older drivers wouldn't. For myself personally, the hot swap isn't something the hardware can do on the motherboard, but the drivers fix drive access timing issues I'm having.
So it is just left as an asthetic issue (I never hit the 'stop hardware' button).

#2 You try just going to the abit website, downloading the driver and installing it??? if that works, then I'd say add that driver to the uber cd you've made.
is there no way to disable the hotswapping? i'mnot somuch worried aboutmyself doing something as my mum (accidentally, of course)...
Right click on taskbar, check "hide inactive icons" click "advanced" change the settings to "always hide" for the removable drive icon.. Asthetics and accidental removal of harddrive problems fixed.. Hope it helps..

But, that will also affect thumbdrives you use as well.. Not a problem if Win writes to the disk when you put something on it as opposed to waitng till you tell it to stop the device..
binkgle said:
is there no way to disable the hotswapping? i'mnot somuch worried aboutmyself doing something as my mum (accidentally, of course)...

Doesn't matter, since it's your system volume it won't let you stop or eject it anyway. Try it, you'll see.
pigster said:
Doesn't matter, since it's your system volume it won't let you stop or eject it anyway. Try it, you'll see.

Dude's a Genious!.

Where's ma car!?