Two profile for Windows?


Aug 28, 2007
I never really messed around with profile since I'm the only one who uses my pc. Now I was thinking about installing 2 windows. One for video editing and one for gaming. I will install some codecs to watch video on game too. The reason I wanted to do that was I didn't want any codec conflicting with codec I use for video editing and tweak windows differently for editing and gaming. Would creating 2 different profile do same thing I was going to do with 2 windows? like none of the programs or settings I set in one profile(codec, games etc) interact with other profile? or does it require to be set up in special way? What would be the best way to approach this? I might go with xp64 or vista64
I think it all depends on the program you want to install. Some program will give you the option to install for all users or just current users. If you're not given the option, you should assume it'll be system-wide.

Best way to find out is to install a sandbox of your OS in virtual machine and try it in there.
Hold on your post is a bit confusing....

You want 2 seperate profiles/installs in because you don't want any codecs you install to conflict with playing games?

2 separate profiles would achieve your goal however in my experience audio/video codecs have never hindered gameplay performance.
Sorry. Confusion seems to circle around me and never goes away. :) It wasn't because it has any ill effect with gaming, but it's gaming plus other things I do with it such as watching divx(lot of codecs) I didn't want to mix that and any of codecs I use/will be using for editing(still noob with this)

Hold on your post is a bit confusing....

You want 2 seperate profiles/installs in because you don't want any codecs you install to conflict with playing games?

2 separate profiles would achieve your goal however in my experience audio/video codecs have never hindered gameplay performance.
Just curious but why would you want to use different codecs to edit then you would want to watch with?

Personally I have found that FFDShow tryouts 2300+ works the best IMO and I would use anything else for playback or editing.
Codecs would effect all users, but anyways, codecs will never interfere with each other. At last not in a way that would hinder your using the computer the way you want. Think of the people who go years without ever reinstalling their OS.