Two Worlds 2 now January 2011 for NA

Further evidence that gamers can't ever be pleased:

Also, that guy who reached Level 41, and finished in 20 hours, must have leveled up every half hour. If he visited 50 dungeons then he must have cleared out 2 dungeons every hour - this in addition to all the stuff above ground, where most of the game takes place.

Nope. Not possible. Ordinary people just don't play that way. In this case there's something wrong with the math. I mean, obviously.

These speed gamers, need to stick to World of Warcraft or Free Grinding MMO's. They aren't in it to enjoy the exploration and adventure.
Just a huge breakthrough tonight playing this game.

My save file says I've been playing for six hours. I've arrived at level 11, and for the first time am really starting to feel a sense of character progression. I'm summoning, and casting spells from a distance, and then running in and pulling out my sword and slashing NPCs to bits.

That last hour just had me riveted to my seat. I kept on saying, time for bed, time for bed, but the game just glued me to my seat.


Now it's one o'clock in the morning. :(

By the way, the magic system is really deep. And I mean really deep. Check this out.
^^ Told you all Wabe would end up loving the game. ;)

These speed gamers, need to stick to World of Warcraft or Free Grinding MMO's. They aren't in it to enjoy the exploration and adventure.

I'll never understand it. Why even bother to play a game in the first place? What's the point?
The second and third chapters combined, are shorter than Chapter 1.
Also less entertaining.

Chapter 1 is the most fun you'll have in this game. :(

I just hit chapter 2 last night, and I'm getting that vibe.

I think I'm going to put this game on the back burner until a patch or two from now. I don't regret my purchase as I've already gotten 20+ hours out of it in chapter 1 alone. That's more game for the $ then I've got out of my last few buys (new vegas being the exception).

I'd really like the see the spell system patched ASAP. It's a good system - just fkn broken right now. I spent alot of time playing with it and most of the spells you can create are either high damage/low cost or low damage/high cost. Guess I shouldn't really get into is here as there is a ton of threads about it on the main game forum.

I just re-spect my character last night into a Melee/Archer w/very few points put into spells - only to be able to cast low level and support stuff. (just using Invisibility, stamina reset, that kind of stuff.) and the game is alot more fun.

Afew threads for reference:

some mage stuff

GFX Tweaking

^The game looks MUCH better with bloom disabled and HDR left on - see post 28 in the gfx thread.
^The game looks MUCH better with bloom disabled and HDR left on - see post 28 in the gfx thread.
Yeah, this is how I'm playing the game.
I think bloom was designed for the aging consoles; it hides aliasing and it's a 'fake' graphics enhancer.

Completely unnecessary on PC's, as far as I can tell.
Yeah, this is how I'm playing the game.
I think bloom was designed for the aging consoles; it hides aliasing and it's a 'fake' graphics enhancer.

Completely unnecessary on PC's, as far as I can tell.

I never use bloom on any game I play. I don't see what the appeal is or what is enhancing about the look. My theory is the effect was brought out to help LCD displays. LCD tends to look sharp, but somewhat flat. Bloom may be intended to help fill out the flat look of LCD displays.
that horse mission is rediculous. I get to the flag, pick it up and get mauled by something. I tried to run away on my 2nd and 3rd attempt but when i approched my horse it only lets me get on a certain way so i spammed spacebar and got mauled again.
I just arrived at the city of Cheznaddar. Okay, now I'm impressed.

Here are my graphics tweaks. These make the game crystal clear, and they should have been enabled to begin with. To create a batch file for this, see above. This takes about one minute to do.

Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0
Engine.edgeaablend 0
Engine.farplane 1600
Engine.FOV 80

In game you bring up the console each time you play, and type, Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0, which enables anisotrophic filtering (this doesn't seem to work if you include it in the batch file) - but make sure you have the anisotropy in your control panel maxed out.

This Cheznaddar place looks like a beautiful re-creation of the original Assassin's Creed, and really shows off the engine. It's amazing how smooth it is. My frames must be well over 60, but in the city, with people walking around, and all that complex lighting happening, you would have thought that even the most powerful rigs would have been crippled by this. Weird.
I just arrived at the city of Cheznaddar. Okay, now I'm impressed.

Here are my graphics tweaks. These make the game crystal clear, and they should have been enabled to begin with. To create a batch file for this, see above. This takes about one minute to do.

Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0
Engine.edgeaablend 0
Engine.farplane 1600
Engine.FOV 80

In game you bring up the console each time you play, and type, Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0, which enables anisotrophic filtering (this doesn't seem to work if you include it in the batch file) - but make sure you have the anisotropy in your control panel maxed out.

This Cheznaddar place looks like a beautiful re-creation of the original Assassin's Creed, and really shows off the engine. It's amazing how smooth it is. My frames must be well over 60, but in the city, with people walking around, and all that complex lighting happening, you would have thought that even the most powerful rigs would have been crippled by this. Weird.

Hummm.. perhaps your PC hardware configuration is exactly the same as the devs who built the game :D
Runs fine for me at 4892X900. Single 5870 and a 9450 quad at 3.6. Game needs some graphical tweaks still. I did the above mentioned tweaks but am uncertain as to it making a difference b/c I did it right after installing the game and playing it for the first time. Playing with a xbox360 controller btw. No issues with that so far. Voice acting is a bit meh but not bad. Overall, I am playing it and want to get back to playing it asap so it has to be at least a decent game. I do not take to many games these days.

Technically, these guys know how to code. The game is not glitchy and runs smoother than any new game I have played at the start. Load times are quick too.
Apparently there is a patch coming soon which will address all the crashing issues people are having. It will supposedly implement the DX11 renderer with a few new visual tweaks as well. Both these things considered, I'm waiting for the patch and playing black ops until it's a done deal since I've had a lot of crashes, which is highly unusual for me.
that horse mission is rediculous. I get to the flag, pick it up and get mauled by something. I tried to run away on my 2nd and 3rd attempt but when i approched my horse it only lets me get on a certain way so i spammed spacebar and got mauled again.

It sounds like you're dismounting. You can actually pick up the flag (and herbs for that matter), while mounted on your horse. Just run up close to it, pick it up and turn around fast. That's how I did it.

Apparently there is a patch coming soon which will address all the crashing issues people are having. It will supposedly implement the DX11 renderer with a few new visual tweaks as well. Both these things considered, I'm waiting for the patch and playing black ops until it's a done deal since I've had a lot of crashes, which is highly unusual for me.

^^ This is an example of why I didn't want to rush and buy this thing before the North American release first week of January.
You know what's funny.

Many people were tainted against Arcania because they had such a high regard for the Gothic games, whereas many people are tainted against Two Worlds Two because they had such a low regard for the original Two Worlds.
It's too bad you have to type in Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0, every time you play, but it's worth it. The game is way clearer with anisotrophy maxed out. Removing the bloom effect, but keeping the HDR lighting, was also a big change.

Also, I have to disagree strongly with anybody who believes that waiting for a patch is going to improve this game. The engine is running as smoothly as any modern engine I've seen. Is this a buggy game that's stuttering and crashing on people every ten minutes like New Vegas? No, it is not.

As far as DX 11 is concerned, based on what I saw last night while wandering a city and taking a tour of the sewers below, and based on my experiences with DX 11, this game is not going to end up looking any better. Of far greater consequence is applying the tweaks above and getting rid of the bloom and applying maximum anisotrophy.

Anybody who is ready to play this now, or over the Christmas holidays, has no reason to wait. You can buy this legally, right now, via Gamersgate, which is a very simple and reliable service.
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you mean via a proxy site, which is too much trouble.... :)

Are you being sarcastic?

Just so people know, you do enter Gamersgate via the proxy site (see earlier in the thread), and the whole thing is over and done with in five minutes. I setup the account on my iPad.

Once you've setup the account via the proxy site, and put the game into your shopping cart, you re-enter the sight in the normal way. It's dead easy. My only regret is that I wasn't able to wait on this after buying it. This title, which has a big grip on me right now, would have been beautiful for my annual two weeks off at Christmas - oh why couldn't I have waited!
Are you being sarcastic?

Just so people know, you do enter Gamersgate via the proxy site (see earlier in the thread), and the whole thing is over and done with in five minutes. I setup the account on my iPad.

Once you've setup the account via the proxy site, and put the game into your shopping cart, you re-enter the sight in the normal way. It's dead easy. My only regret is that I wasn't able to wait on this after buying it. This title, which has a big grip on me right now, would have been beautiful for my annual two weeks off at Christmas - oh why couldn't I have waited!

So is it a good game then? I am waiting for reviews but your earlier comments seemed to make me think you weren't that impressed?
I was extremely irritated, at first, because on the newbie training island (which is stunning to look at) I was running into NPCs that were 15 levels above my character, and were one hitting me. I hadn't realized that the item I was searching for was being carried by a low level grom - indeed the first one I came across. I guess I just didn't search his corpse, and missed it, because I foolishly thought I had to kill all those high level groms when what I was supposed to do was run like hell.

After your first hour, you leave the training area and arrive in a somewhat boring Savannah area, which also happens to be the least exciting area of the game. The bloom effect, and no anisotropy, combined with a boring environment, made the game look somewhat fuzzy and bland.

Applying the above tweaks makes a big difference, in that the game looks way sharper. And as soon as you leave the Savannah, about an hour later, the environments change and become extremely interesting. If you've played Assassin's Creed, then you'll marvel at the cities in this game.

My save file says I've played for eleven hours now. What can I say, it's one o'clock in the morning at present and I have to get up in six hours. This game, like Risen, is transporting. Never have I been so wrong about a title.

This is easily challenging Just Cause 2 for sleeper hit of the year.
Does the combat system get any better? Right now I still find it pretty uninspiring... kite with a bow seems to be the best plan, as most stuff is somehow always too high level for you (cause blocking does shit to mitigate damage).
I was extremely irritated, at first, because on the newbie training island (which is stunning to look at) I was running into NPCs that were 15 levels above my character, and were one hitting me. I hadn't realized that the item I was searching for was being carried by a low level grom - indeed the first one I came across. I guess I just didn't search his corpse, and missed it, because I foolishly thought I had to kill all those high level groms when what I was supposed to do was run like hell.

After your first hour, you leave the training area and arrive in a somewhat boring Savannah area, which also happens to be the least exciting area of the game. The bloom effect, and no anisotropy, combined with a boring environment, made the game look somewhat fuzzy and bland.

Applying the above tweaks makes a big difference, in that the game looks way sharper. And as soon as you leave the Savannah, about an hour later, the environments change and become extremely interesting. If you've played Assassin's Creed, then you'll marvel at the cities in this game.

My save file says I've played for eleven hours now. What can I say, it's one o'clock in the morning at present and I have to get up in six hours. This game, like Risen, is transporting. Never have I been so wrong about a title.

This is easily challenging Just Cause 2 for sleeper hit of the year.

Ok, what you wrote here inspired me to give the game another shot, I will re-install. The terrible voice acting and actual recording/implementation of dialog will still bother me - you know, where it doesn't sound at all like the voice speaking to you is coming from a character, but you can tell quite easily that it's studio-recorded, into a microphone - of course, this is the only way to do it, but do a great recording and good 3D positional audio and it can sound like it's coming from the character - like it should. The way it's done here, and in so many other games, the voice sounds disembodied, and more like a narrator.

BUT, I'll try to look past it, not the first game in history with poorly done dialog, the poor writing is more difficult to overlook, the trite cliched phrases, just poor formulations, it's easy to tell the game's story/dialog is written by non-native English speakers and that it's something they didn't spend a lot of money on. And just how sequences are scripted, in the beginning of the game when you're escaping, your savior is stopping constantly to talk to you, but she keeps saying we don't have time to talk, we should move on, which would be the logical thing to do in the first place - just run. But again and again this happens, you're the one stopping to talk not me, so just shut the fuck up already and run - don't stop to tell me we can't stop to talk. I mean, what the fuck? Some of the conversations you have at this point are quite lengthy as well - considering you're supposed to have people on your tail, having a calm conversation in the stairwell for a few minutes do not seem like the logical thing to do.

A nod to the new Divinity game here, I'm not saying it's good or anything, because I'm not that many hours into it I will wait with passing judgment, but at least you can tell they've put A LOT of work into their writing.
Just finished the game.
By the end of it, I couldn't wait for it to be over. Combat just gets so repetitive... Ugh.
There is a proxy link on the second page which will allow you to purchase the game.
This is currently only out in the EU right? US Has to wait till Jan?

No, you don't have to wait. If you have time off at Christmas you can buy this via gamersgate legally (see page one). I bought it in five minutes, using my iPad. The only problem I had was that I already had a gamersgate account, so I had to create a new hotmail email account as well as a new gamersgate account.

Trust me, it looks like a lot of hassle but it's not. You visit gamersgate via the proxy, you create your account, you put the game into you cart, you go to purchase via paypal... and at that point you won't be able to proceed, you'll return to the proxy site. Now just check your email and follow the link which says your transaction is unfinished. You'll be directed to a regular page with the game in your cart.

It amazes me that people can figure this stuff out. I had fun doing it.
Did the proxy thing and am downloading now. I'm really looking forward to this!
Did the proxy thing and am downloading now. I'm really looking forward to this!

Don't forget to type in Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0, each time you start. You also have to set anisotrophy to 16 in you video driver control panel. I'm not sure if you need to add Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16 or not, but I have it as a line in my batch file anyway.

When you enter the paralax command line, just tilt the camera down at the ground. When you hit enter you should see a noticeable improvement in clarity. Remove that crap bloom as well, but not the superb HDR lighting. I also like Engine.FOV 80.

Be prepared for the breathtaking sight of the gorgeous newbie island, followed by a somewhat disappointing Savannah area. As soon as you make it past the wall and into Hatmandoor, the game really picks up.

Two notes.

1) Block works well for melee fighting, but you have to invest in it. Couple this with the break block maneuver, which you also have to invest in, and you can stand there holding your shield and wait for them to come to you, and then break block them

2) With spells, you chain them to create one spell that has multiple effects. It took me forever to realize that. So far I can only chain two spells in one, but it would appear that eventually you can chain three together to make one.

I think that those RPGers who like to slow things down, and take in the sights, and just exist in the game world, are going to be the most pleased with this title. After a troubling start, I'm enjoying this immensely.

And yeah, the proxy trick was great. Again, a huge thanks to Strend for posting that link.
Don't forget to type in Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0, each time you start. You also have to set anisotrophy to 16 in you video driver control panel. I'm not sure if you need to add Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16 or not, but I have it as a line in my batch file anyway.

When you enter the paralax command line, just tilt the camera down at the ground. When you hit enter you should see a noticeable improvement in clarity. Remove that crap bloom as well, but not the superb HDR lighting. I also like Engine.FOV 80.

Be prepared for the breathtaking sight of the gorgeous newbie island, followed by a somewhat disappointing Savannah area. As soon as you make it past the wall and into Hatmandoor, the game really picks up.

Two notes.

1) Block works well for melee fighting, but you have to invest in it. Couple this with the break block maneuver, which you also have to invest in, and you can stand there holding your shield and wait for them to come to you, and then break block them

2) With spells, you chain them to create one spell that has multiple effects. It took me forever to realize that. So far I can only chain two spells in one, but it would appear that eventually you can chain three together to make one.

I think that those RPGers who like to slow things down, and take in the sights, and just exist in the game world, are going to be the most pleased with this title. After a troubling start, I'm enjoying this immensely.

And yeah, the proxy trick was great. Again, a huge thanks to Strend for posting that link.

Yeah, the game is a blurry mess by default. Looking at it, I can tell it's a gorgeous game engine. Could you give some clear directions on how to do the batch file and where to place it (I know how to create a batch file, just not sure how to get it to activate when I start the game)? I created one with commands listed in this thread, but I don't think it worked.
In your Two Worlds Two directory create a folder titled Parameters. Right click when inside the folder to launch notepad. Create a text file. Save the file as autoexecgame2. Make sure it's a .con file (by selecting 'all files' in the 'save as' menu).

This is what I have in mine.

Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0
Engine.edgeaablend 0
Engine.farplane 1600
Engine.FOV 80

I don't know if the first line is necessary or not, but I inserted it anyhow. My FOV setting might be too extreme for you but leave it in anyhow for the first time since this is how you tell that it's working - when you sheath your weapon the camera will pull way back as long as you're outdoors. Magically, the FOV, even after you've tinkered with it, seems to adjust itself when you're indoors, by moving in closer, just the way you would want it to.

Before you launch, make certain your anisotrophy is maxed out in your control panel, and then, in game, open the console and type ParalaxOnTerrain 0. You have to enter that each time you play. It doesn't work if you include it in the file.

This clears up the fuzziness of the game substantially, but maintains the depth of field and the HDR lighting.
That worked! I wasn't saving the file correctly as a .con file. I take it there's still no way to enable 4x AA? The other forum was saying there's graphical issues. This game really needs some AA. I'm pretty sure I could go up to 8x on this game - I'm currently sitting around 80FPS.
Yeah, my frames are through the roof as well. In the cities it feels like the engine should be struggling, but it doesn't. Just a great engine. I haven't tried to increase the AA but I won't complain if somebody discovers how to increase it.
I tried forcing 2x, 4x, and 8x, through the control panel, but the game crashes when launching with any amount of AA applied. :(
I'm just starting Risen right now anyway, so I'll play through that and see how long it lasts me. If I finish it, I'll go through the proxy stuff :) doesn't seem TOO [H]ard!
I have to say, I am massively impressed with this game. If you are the kind of player like me (who spends lots of time completing everything possible and manipulating everything possible) you will enjoy this game for sure. The console commands are awesome, this game is quite easy on the eyes and runs very smoothly.

As an avid RPG fan (from oblivion, to DA:O, to Mass Effect, and all the classics). I typically choose a Mage related class because of the extra effort required to manipulate spells and such. This game is a dream for me. You literally create your own magic, based on multiple combinations of modifiers, carriers and effects. Each one works differently and you can spend all kinds of time experimenting with spells to find combos that suit your style. The inventory is crafting based as well will large amounts of variety. It is definitely a great sandbox type RPG like Oblivion or FO3. I was massively surprised by just how much I've enjoyed it.
I just finished this game today.

I ran it at 5760x1080 with no issues aside from the fact that crossfire just won't work properly, so I ran it with one card. The shadows can get a little buggy in triple wide but it's fine for the most part. From what I can tell, the engine is simply a modified version of the first game's engine. A lot of stuff looks similar as well as retaining the same quirks with shadows I experienced with the first game in eyefinity.

Compared to the first game, here's my spoiler free take.
What they Improved:
- Overall plot is better
- Quests are better in general
- Graphics is improved
- Crafting is much improved
- Musical Instruments! What a refreshing idea. I made BANK off them. They probably didn't balance around full combos of the songs.

What I didn't like:
- The world is actually smaller than the first I think. It's also discontinuous due to the whole islands deal. In the first one I actually ran around doing whatever I wanted because I could. That was true sandbox. While this has sandbox elements in that you can go off and do what you want. The islands themselves are 'sealed off' until you hit a plot point. The first game just felt like an actual world, while this one didn't so much.
- Somewhat tied to the first point, but it didn't seem like there was any point in exploring. I explored a little bit (to be fair, there's not a whole lot to explore outside of quests) and it was just empty terrain with a few mobs here and there. I liked finding random dungeons in the first game and going in to see what's inside. Something felt missing this time around.
- Voice acting is still the same crap. Oh well.
- Horse riding is still crap since you can't take your horse with you. It wasn't a huge deal since this world was actually not as large as the first game and teleporters are still everywhere.
- Inventory definitely needed a sorting system especially for alchemy and crystals. I have no idea why they made the icons so ridiculously large when you have so many items.
- Plugging in my xbox360 controller immediately made me realize what system they designed this game for. That said, I played through the whole thing with the xbox360 controller. Fighting felt smoother and the controls were designed for it. Ironically the xbox360 mode centers some HUD elements in eyefinity while KB/M has nothing centered.

The first island was actually not bad and pretty enjoyable once you get past the savannah into the big cities. The second island ended pretty quickly relative to the first. I really enjoyed the second island though. There were too many quests that involved doing stuff inside the main city and not enough quests that made you go outside and explore. I also wanted more quests in the Swallow.

The third island was a joke. The patheticness of the third island deserves its own section. I couldn't believe I was looking forward to that entire land mass only to be shafted when I realized it was just that tiny little swamp. The third island was overall a bitter disappointment.

I felt the ending came too fast and was probably rushed. This seems to happen to a lot of SP RPG games (Divinity II: Ego Draconis was a huge case of this... so much so that the Dragon Knight saga properly remakes the ending to Ego Draconis, haven't played Dragon Knight Saga yet though). I just felt like I wanted to do more, I wanted more content to explore, more baddies to fight, and more quests to do... but the game was done. The mobs towards the end were all copies of the same mob with different models. The ending was not satisfying at all.

I felt that while there was stuff like reputation with guilds, it didn't end up doing anything. The guilds overall should have had a bigger role. They simply dished out quests with no real distinction between doing quests for the guilds. In other words, they handed out quests but it didn't matter that they were the ones that issued the quests.

That's probably it for now.
For anyone interested.

engine.bloommultiplier 0
engine.mblurintensity 0
graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0
engine.mblurscale 0
Engine.Bloomaddera 0
Engine.Bloomadderb 0

these settings completely remove the blur while sprinting. The sprinting blur gets really annoying, specially when running up a hill really slowly and it blurs everything as if you're running 100mph.

This game is great so far, in my opinion.
You know what's cool is running across the savannah with your wizard's cloak on and your cape flowing in the air behind you. The physics of the cape is great, much better than Batman's in Arkham Asylum.

But the developer made a mistake. They should have removed all capes from the game for ATI users. Then they could have gone to Nvidia and asked for a million dollars claiming to have created an incredible PhysX cape movement.

They could've made it work a lot less well than it does at present - that way everyone would be talking about the PhysX effects in this game. Whole threads would be devoted to it.

What a shame that it actually works in this game.
Is anyone having random crashing issues? I started getting them yesterday. The game will run for a bit then crash. It's random. It might run for 30 minutes, then crash - or it might run for 5 minutes, then crash.