Two Worlds 2 now January 2011 for NA

Conversion from Euro put me $61 and change down for this. I hope I don't end up regretting that.

I haven't had much of a chance to find out yet, but does stealth actually work in this game?
Got an hour in, after talking to that visionary woman/blacksmith and leaving that area the game crashes within 5 minutes every time I load it. I installed the patch and the same thing happens. can't figure out what's wrong.

asus m4a78t-e
4gb ram
Conversion from Euro put me $61 and change down for this. I hope I don't end up regretting that.

I haven't had much of a chance to find out yet, but does stealth actually work in this game?

When you're at the proxy thing I believe you actually want to go to, it's listed as £29.95, after conversion it was like $43 for me
When you're at the proxy thing I believe you actually want to go to, it's listed as £29.95, after conversion it was like $43 for me

Well, I didn't do that.

^^ This is what I did. I asked several people if this was the right thing to do and they all said yes. Unfortunately some of them never wrote me back.

I'll never do something like this again. Lesson learned to the tune of $61 and change. I should have been patient and waited until January 4 so that's on me. I get what I deserve.
Just to confirm with people:

AF does not work when "Paralax On Terrain" is enabled, correct? I'm debating on which effect I like the most. Sharper textures ahead of me or super pretty landscape right below me.
Just to confirm with people:

AF does not work when "Paralax On Terrain" is enabled, correct? I'm debating on which effect I like the most. Sharper textures ahead of me or super pretty landscape right below me.

I can't decide what's going on here. I have the command Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16 in my batch file, and I have the anisotrophic filtering maxed out in the Nvidia contol panel.

In the game, when I open the console, and type Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0, all it seems to do is remove the terrain textures. Contrary to what I thought earlier it doesn't get any sharper.

Maybe all you need is the Engin.MaxAnisotrophy 16 command?

Either way, I'm happy with what I'm seeing.

My commands:

Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0
Engine.edgeaablend 0
Engine.farplane 1600
Engine.FOV 80
I can't decide what's going on here. I have the command Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16 in my batch file, and I have the anisotrophic filtering maxed out in the Nvidia contol panel.

In the game, when I open the console, and type Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0, all it seems to do is remove the terrain textures. Contrary to what I thought earlier it doesn't get any sharper.

Maybe all you need is the Engin.MaxAnisotrophy 16 command?

Either way, I'm happy with what I'm seeing.

My commands:

Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0
Engine.edgeaablend 0
Engine.farplane 1600
Engine.FOV 80

I'm not using the /Parameters/autoexec2.con approach. I created a text file in the game directory called Start.txt that contains all of the commands. Then when in game, use the command line and do:


AF seems to work perfectly with paralax set to 0. With paralax = 1, its a blurry mess on the distant terrain textures.

My commands (copied from forums)

Engine.edgeaablend 0.2
Engine.paralaxonterrain 0
Engine.maxanisotrophy 16
graph.SetFastRunSpecialEFX 0
cam.zoom.min 15
cam.under.zoom.min 15
Engine.GrassFadeFnc 500
Engine.GrassFadeEnd 11250
Engine.GrassUserDistance 1.8
Engine.FogHazeFactor 1.8
Engine.FogHazePower 3
Engine.DstFarPlane 7000.6
Engine.FarPlane 2300
Engine.dofscalefct 0.5
Graph.enablefog 0
graph.SunBetaStart -9
graph.SunBetaRange 52
graph.MoonBetaStart -10
graph.MoonBetaRange 45
Engine.FOV 70
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0
What do these commands do?

graph.SunBetaStart -9
graph.SunBetaRange 52
graph.MoonBetaStart -10
graph.MoonBetaRange 45
What do these commands do?

graph.SunBetaStart -9
graph.SunBetaRange 52
graph.MoonBetaStart -10
graph.MoonBetaRange 45

honestly, I dont know. Something with the way the sun and moon look? Someone posted a list of commands on that forum and they were in the list. I just went with it.
i bought Risen on sale a couple weeks ago and haven't even gotten around to starting it. probably a good thing this isn't coming out in NA til next year
I'm really digging this game.

It would be nice if the game gave you some sort of indication of the difficulty of quests, though. For some quests, it's a couple fire bolt shots and the enemies are dead before they realize I was even there. Then on others, I'm running around like a madman to avoid getting one hit killed.

The game got MUCH easier once I got my first summon card, though. Throw a couple of big meat shields out there and life suddenly gets much easier for a mage.
Summoning is vital for a mage - if you summon 5 or 6 rock golems you can hem in your opponent and get him with fireballs and the like.
Summoning is vital for a mage - if you summon 5 or 6 rock golems you can hem in your opponent and get him with fireballs and the like.

Ooh, rock golems! I'm guessing that's what the Stone card summons? That and Water are the only cards I don't have yet.
I feel like I'm missing out on some awesome gameplay having gone full on Warrior with a side of Archer. :rolleyes:
I feel like I'm missing out on some awesome gameplay having gone full on Warrior with a side of Archer. :rolleyes:

To be honest, playing as a mage isn't exactly exciting. Here's how 99% of every fight as a pure mage will go if you're above say level 28:

Cast mana shield.

Cast Fireball.

Cast Fireball.

Cast Fireball.

Cast Fireball.

Collect loot.

Once you get a spell that stuns your enemies with an area-effect component, summoning becomes obsolete. Being able to have a mana shield compounds that, but it also means you're no longer TOTALLY SCREWED in close-quarters.
To be honest, playing as a mage isn't exactly exciting. Here's how 99% of every fight as a pure mage will go if you're above say level 28:

Cast mana shield.

Cast Fireball.

Cast Fireball.

Cast Fireball.

Cast Fireball.

Collect loot.

Once you get a spell that stuns your enemies with an area-effect component, summoning becomes obsolete. Being able to have a mana shield compounds that, but it also means you're no longer TOTALLY SCREWED in close-quarters.

Mage can really be as fun as you want it to be. Testing out the combos you can make with spells are a ton of fun in and of themselves.
Mage can really be as fun as you want it to be. Testing out the combos you can make with spells are a ton of fun in and of themselves.

If you say so. It's not my fault that the developers simultaneously made the most effective mage strategy the most boring.
Level 40 after 19 hours played, now in the Epilogue, thinking about whether or not I want to finish out the quests I have left or play again as a pure melee class.
How do you create a mana shield? I suck at magic in this game. I'm seeing people with awesome spells, and the best I can do is 400 damage per cast.

I think I need this shield thing. I'm going down in one hit.
Power - Area Effect
Protection - Time

Base Effect(on my character, if it's affected by stats then this might not be base): Incoming damage converted to mana loss and reduced by 10%, lasts 30s.

The more Time cards you use, well, that's obvious. Only one protection card can be used. Area Effect cards should again be self-explanatory(but just in-case, afaik, if your creatures or friendly NPC's are within that distance they benefit from your shield as well). Mana loss reduction is increased with more Power cards.

400 damage per cast? At what level? If I stack my fire spell as full as I can get it I can do almost 5k, and I'm sure if I used fire plus something else I could do a bit more(I can only use a total of 10 fire cards, that includes the second portion of the spell which is fire AE). The main issue tends to be mana. Either I chug potions like crazy(and with almost 39k mana, it's quite crazy indeed), or I fight for a while and then stand around for a longer while. At early levels it was fine because I could just pump points into the mana regen skill, but it's a raw value and not a percentage so the usefulness of that wore off quickly.

For as much as I talk about the faults of this game, it should speak for itself that I'm still playing it and that I'm likely going to give it a second playthrough as another class.
anyone else have trouble with the missions? I cant kill the dog people for the life of me, 2 hits and im dead!
I'm at level 20, and I only just discovered that you can use multiple cards. I had no idea. I was using just one fire card.

I might buy the game guide for this when it releases.

I'm on Chapter Two right now, and am smitten by this third island. The oriental theme, combined with the tropical setting, is amazing, and makes me think I'm in ancient Siam or someplace. It almost feels like a second game.

But where is this swamp level I saw in the teaser videos? Is the swamp here on the third island?
Power - Area Effect
Protection - Time

Base Effect(on my character, if it's affected by stats then this might not be base): Incoming damage converted to mana loss and reduced by 10%, lasts 30s.

The more Time cards you use, well, that's obvious. Only one protection card can be used. Area Effect cards should again be self-explanatory(but just in-case, afaik, if your creatures or friendly NPC's are within that distance they benefit from your shield as well). Mana loss reduction is increased with more Power cards.

I believe you can use Earth effect cards as well to make the same spell.

Also, for a slightly lower mana use caster-only version, you can use Enchant carrier instead of AOE.
I'm at level 20, and I only just discovered that you can use multiple cards. I had no idea. I was using just one fire card.

I might buy the game guide for this when it releases.

I'm on Chapter Two right now, and am smitten by this third island. The oriental theme, combined with the tropical setting, is amazing, and makes me think I'm in ancient Siam or someplace. It almost feels like a second game.

But where is this swamp level I saw in the teaser videos? Is the swamp here on the third island?

The swamp level is the next island you go to. See that HUGE one on the map? Only a very small portion of it actually contains anything.

Something to keep in mind is that the more cards you use(if you use 5 fire cards to make a firebolt vs 1) the spell does less damage per mana.
I believe you can use Earth effect cards as well to make the same spell.

Also, for a slightly lower mana use caster-only version, you can use Enchant carrier instead of AOE.

I didn't even think to use enchant, good point.
The swamp level is the next island you go to. See that HUGE one on the map? Only a very small portion of it actually contains anything.

Something to keep in mind is that the more cards you use(if you use 5 fire cards to make a firebolt vs 1) the spell does less damage per mana.

That is good to know.
Wow, New Ashos, like the little starter island, is simply breathtaking, especially at night, when my character has mana shield cast on himself and is glowing with all sorts of magical energy, and his cape is flowing behind him as he pushes through the tall grasses and reeds. This is a spectacular engine. Whoever decided to follow the desert savannah area with a lush tropical Asian setting really understands pacing. Just when I was starting to tire of that other area, which reminded me of Assassin's Creed, the game basically plunks me down in Siam.

I'm at 32 hours now, and this third island, especially now that I'm starting to stack my magic cards, is riveting - the plot, the gameplay, the graphics... it's all coming together. This game is wildly, wildly under-rated.

Right now I'd have to say that Just Cause 2 is no longer my sleeper hit of the year - this title is.

Chapter Two is supposed to be boring, but I don't see it that way at all. This chapter is wonderful, and has really elevated the game.
Wow, New Ashos, like the little starter island, is simply breathtaking, especially at night, when my character has mana shield cast on himself and is glowing with all sorts of magical energy, and his cape is flowing behind him as he pushes through the tall grasses and reeds. This is a spectacular engine. Whoever decided to follow the desert savannah area with a lush tropical Asian setting really understands pacing. Just when I was starting to tire of that other area, which reminded me of Assassin's Creed, the game basically plunks me down in Siam.

I'm at 32 hours now, and this third island, especially now that I'm starting to stack my magic cards, is riveting - the plot, the gameplay, the graphics... it's all coming together. This game is wildly, wildly under-rated.

Right now I'd have to say that Just Cause 2 is no longer my sleeper hit of the year - this title is.

Chapter Two is supposed to be boring, but I don't see it that way at all. This chapter is wonderful, and has really elevated the game.

I actually didn't find any of the chapters particularly boring, and indeed Chapter Two was probably the best out of all of them. Chapter Three is a bit of a let down, but only because you go to the final giant island and the area you get to quest in is perhaps 1/8th its size(and you never get to see the rest of that island, either). The plot got a bit...convoluted at the end, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the game. Like I said, I'm on my second playthrough now, and if you know me you'd know that means a lot because I almost never play through games twice right away like this.
I beat the game...finally. I rushed through the final couple chapters mainly because I was so powerful. Once I mastered the block / retaliate / special moves combos, nothing could touch me. Combat just became repetitive and boring. The only thing interesting at that point was the lockpicking mini game. :rolleyes:
Indeed. And it seems no matter what you throw at it, it barely ever even stutters, much less has any significant slowdowns.

Is there any game that you could compare the graphics too? It looks really interesting to me and I like fantasy RPGs but I'm also a graphics whore :).

Also, please tell me the faces of "filler" characters don't look as ridiculously awful as in oblivion.
Is there any game that you could compare the graphics too? It looks really interesting to me and I like fantasy RPGs but I'm also a graphics whore :).

Also, please tell me the faces of "filler" characters don't look as ridiculously awful as in oblivion.

Faces are definitely improved over Oblivion. Graphically, I'd say just about everything is an improvement over Oblivion.

Movement mechanics are very similar to Assassin's Creed.

The only real downer is the voice acting. Dialogue is usually pretty campy and often doesn't have a very natural flow.
Faces are definitely improved over Oblivion. Graphically, I'd say just about everything is an improvement over Oblivion.

Movement mechanics are very similar to Assassin's Creed.

The only real downer is the voice acting. Dialogue is usually pretty campy and often doesn't have a very natural flow.

For me the biggest question is the game fun?
For me the biggest question is the game fun?

Oh yeah, I'm a fan. If you like action RPGs, you're probably going to like it. There's definitely things that need polish, but it sounds like a lot of that should be fixed by the time of the "real" release.
For me the biggest question is the game fun?

Yes, especially playing as a wizard. The magic system is such that you create your own spells using cards you acquire along the way. The trick is to build spells that work well but don't require too much mana. Then you have to get about three of those spells working together.

For example, I cast mana shield spell on myself - now I'm protected. Then I send a targeted spell at the enemy, which causes three summoned creatures to spawn when the spell hits. I do it again, now six summoned creatures have spawned. then I cast a multi tiered spell, which does 1200 damage instantly plus 500 damage every second for ten seconds.

You level up rapidly in this game, So it never feels like a chore. So yes the gameplay is fun, but it's difficult not to talk about the visual experience. It's just one of the best engines I've ever seen. I suspect that most people won't rave on about it though - and why not - because it's silky smooth. You can max it out and it runs like a dream. I find that PC gamers tend to obsess over engines that look pretty good, but don't work.
Yes, especially playing as a wizard. The magic system is such that you create your own spells using cards you acquire along the way. The trick is to build spells that work well but don't require too much mana. Then you have to get about three of those spells working together.

For example, I cast mana shield spell on myself - now I'm protected. Then I send a targeted spell at the enemy, which causes three summoned creatures to spawn when the spell hits. I do it again, now six summoned creatures have spawned. then I cast a multi tiered spell, which does 1200 damage instantly plus 500 damage every second for ten seconds.

As well as spells that heal, buff, debuff, root, CC, summon piles of crates or anvils, make tornadoes (to throw those anvils and crates around), or do all kinds of crazy effects (like water walking or boosting your jumping ability to ridiculous levels). And you can change up your spells on the fly. You just need to reconfigure your spell amulets with different cards.
That's right, you can throw all your cards back into the deck whenever you want and create whole new spells.

Keep in mind that the cards can be stacked, so always collect cards.