Tyan K8SD-PRO - Is it possible to use a 100 series Opteron on it?


Mar 31, 2001
Because Online the spec sheet only lists 200

Reason being is we have a 140 cpu, and this motherboard. The plan is to Eventually move on to dual cpu dual core. But for the time being we would like to use the 140

Now this project is still 3 weeks away. The only problem is we have no memory. I was considering picking up some cheap Registered 256mb and seeing if that would work but Tyan doesnt list much in terms of "compatible memory"

Cheapest is 30 bucks for 256mb of Kingston Registered DDr. as the memory would be coming out of my pocket I dont want to spend alot.
Its been done. The motherboard may or may not do it. There seems to be alot of variance in peoples results with them. However, I would also like to point out that while Tyan may be lean on memory recommendations, some companies like Corsair have validated their own memory modules with the board on their own.

Corsair ECC Registered ram will work on that motherboard just fine.