Tyan K8W (s2885) --- $200


Apr 14, 2005
Tyan K8W (s2885).

Great board. I've used it for about two years with no problems ever. Most stable board I have ever used.

This is a dual-socket 940 board (for Opterons).

Anyways, froogle was showing around $450 for this board new, so I'll let it go for $200. I already flashed the bios to the newest available version for you, so you don't need to mess with any bios updates or anything...

Let me know quick, because $200.00 is a fucking steal for this board.

Tyan K8W (s2885), pcb revision: 03MOA

I hear a lot of people are doing the AMD tech Tour and are getting the two Opteron 246 chips. Just so you know, this is the perfect motherboard to drop those 246's into ; ) and a little bump.
The trash is a better place to drop those C0 stepping Opterons into.

Nice price. Wish I had CPUs to put into it.
Thanks for the bump.

Yeah, I agree with you. I think stepping C0 Opterons suffer from Eratta #105 -- "Misaligned 128-bit Store May Cause Deadlock." Nasty bug. This was causing my old box to freeze about twice a week. Dropped in some new chips and then the whole thing started running perfectly.

Newer Opteron's don't have this problem, and run like a dream though.

But, back to the board:
Someone must want this board for $200. I mean, really. We are talking about a $250 dollar discount just because it was in my box for a year or so. Works like a dream, nothing broken, rock bottom price. You know you want a dual Opteron box ; )
Just wanted to post some pics I took today:

Item sold, so I removed the images.

Also, if someone does decide to buy this, I'll throw in a couple SATA cables and a round IDE or two.