U2 ipod vs. Rotten Apple


Jul 23, 2004
Does anyone else find it funny that the U2 ipod is a perfect match for Hard|ocp's Rotten apple? I put the two side by side for those who don't know what I'm referring to. I'm not really a U2 fan but I have to say that if I had to choose an ipod it would be this one, that is if I could polish off the band signatures from the back.

that's what I thought too, but it looks so sweet in the flesh. Though I'm never going to trade my iPod in for it
I wonder what the chances are of Apple making a "grape" iPod to match my (broken) Grape 15" CRT iMac -> PC conversion...
If apple would only have not made the back shinny. Thats what I hate about mine becuase it shows finger prints like crazy. If the U2 one was black on the back I would buy it. Talking about the rotten apple though I wonder what Kyle ever did with it. Wouldn't make a bad contest to give it away with a U2 Ipod(modded with a black back to match). I mean you figure Kyle needs to update and rock a mac mod with a g5 case right? :D
I don't see any pictures of the rear of the ipods at that site... do they paint the whole thing ?