U2410 Choice


Oct 31, 2008
I am looking for a new 24' monitor that is great for viewing movies and occasional gaming. There are so many monitors and reviews out there that it is tough to make an educated decision. So I am asking for others experiences with this monitor. I have read about monitor color and understand most terms, but Srgb is standard color right? Does this monitor do a great job with this as I am not going to use it for graphic work? 110% color gamut is not for the internet, correct? Is this monitor worth the extra money over a typical TN panel such as a Dell S2309? I appreciate anyone who offers their two cents. Or the NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi a better choice?

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Right out of the box without any configuration, yes, people in movies will look a bit more sunburned than intended. I am 90% sure this can be corrected through either proper configuration (on the video card driver side of things) or some software but don't hold me to that.
Take a good hard look at the HP LP2475W 24" H-IPS panel. It rated BETTER than the U2410 in some reviews, is cheaper, has better contrast, and doesn't suffer from the current green to pink screen issue that many U2410 panels do. My LP2475W is with Fedex as we speak. I chose it over the U2410 to replace my TN panel which I'd gotten totally sick of (bad viewing angles, and backlight bleed). I plan to game on it, to be sure.
^They both use the exact same actual panel from LG, the LM240WU4. I'm not sure how much they differ in the firmware(? not sure what to call it). People seem to buy whichever is cheaper :p and the u2410 has certainly been bouncing around in price. I'd personally go with the dell for the warranty as long as the price difference wasn't more than, say, $100 more.
Take a good hard look at the HP LP2475W 24" H-IPS panel. It rated BETTER than the U2410 in some reviews, is cheaper, has better contrast, and doesn't suffer from the current green to pink screen issue that many U2410 panels do.
The HP DOES suffer from the same tint issues, doesn't have the 12 bit LUT, and doesn't have the "GAME" through mode of the U2410. The only reason I could see anyone going with the LP2475W over the U2410, if that is your choice, is because you don't care about input lag and can get the HP cheaper.
^They both use the exact same actual panel from LG, the LM240WU4. I'm not sure how much they differ in the firmware(? not sure what to call it). People seem to buy whichever is cheaper :p and the u2410 has certainly been bouncing around in price. I'd personally go with the dell for the warranty as long as the price difference wasn't more than, say, $100 more.

Not exact, there is something different...

Dell LM240WU4-SLB1


Whether they are just different revisions, I don't know, but they do have different results in color accuracy and black level, both at which it seems the HP version is superior.
For movies and "occasional" gaming I'd think you don't care much about input lag, but you will care about contrast ratio. So I'd suggest the 2408wfp. It has a a scaler and good multimedia inputs as well as a contrast ratio that leaves the above two in the dust.

Several reviews have indicated that movies were quite pleasant to watch on the 2408.
The 2408wfp seems to have vanished from Dell's site. :(

Yes, I was looking for a refurbished one on the site, but they are all gone. Thanks for sharing your comments everyone. I can see that both the HP LP2475W and U2410 are very similar and difficult to separate in terms of performance so I guess I am just going to go with the cheaper option. I am not a graphic intensive user, but I do want a quality monitor because I have always had a TN panel. Input lag is not that important to me, but color is.