U2711 pitch size


Jun 24, 2010
Does anyone find this screen a bit difficult to work on in its native resolution mode?
I got mine today, but I am going to return it because of the pitch size, it's to small for me, my eyes hurt like hell after 10 minutes of web surfing ....
I think that 30" with resolution of 2560x1600 would be better, but there is no decent muli-input lcd with those parameters on the market.
Or you could set Windows to a higher DPI and get smoother fonts.

Just a suggestion.
For me that is not that such good idea, it looks then as it would be 24" 1920x1200 so I gain nothing from my investment then, I should be satisfied with native resolution and normal dpi size, then the screen looks big and nice, unfortunately for me the font is to small. Thanks, for a suggestion nevertheless .
it all depends on personal preferences and on the distance one has the display.
After using a Dell Precision with a 15" WUXGA screen, anything else seems fine..
To be honest though, since I'm shortsighted too, even 24" WUXGA seems small certain times especially when tired, so I increase the font size in web browsers and documents.
For long hours of work, I tend to feel better sitting further away yet being able to discern all the details.
Now if one brings the 2711 1/3 of the distance forward from what he uses a 24'er I think the 2711 will be fine.
For me that is not that such good idea, it looks then as it would be 24" 1920x1200 so I gain nothing from my investment then, I should be satisfied with native resolution and normal dpi size, then the screen looks big and nice, unfortunately for me the font is to small. Thanks, for a suggestion nevertheless .

Sure you do - you get smoother fonts. If the font is too small, increase the bloody font size (raise Window's DPI setting).

It sounds like what you really want is better eyesight - unfortunately, I can't help you there.
Not all programs work with the increased font size setting in windows. I have the U2711 and even with the font size bump some of my programs still display the standard text size and some games don't have text size changes either.

Changing the Windows DPI setting helps but it certainly isn't a magic bullet. Mantis, if it bugs you enough you might as well return it.