UAC prompt when starting program every time?

Mar 28, 2005
Hello, wondering if this is normal behavior...I created a limited user account on my Windows 7 machine for the kids to play thier games and surf the web. I had to input my admin pw as I installed each game of course but only for the install itself, not to actually run the game. One of the games seems to ask for the pw every time it runs. Is there a way to modify the prompt for that program specifically? Thanks in advance:)
You can set the shortcut icon or the EXE to run as a specific user account, then embed your admin credentials in it.
Right-click --> Properties --> Compatibility --> "Run as administrator" checkbox
You can set the shortcut icon or the EXE to run as a specific user account, then embed your admin credentials in it.
Right-click --> Properties --> Compatibility --> "Run as administrator" checkbox

Okay, stopped the game from requesting credentials. Now I have the Asus AI Suite II that's requesting elevated privileges. Ive tracked down all the executables and gave them admin credentials but they still prompt every time. I even tried removing them from start up via ms config (since the kids aren't overclocking lol) but the option inst even listed in the start up list. Anymore ideas? Thanks!
Now I have the Asus AI Suite II that's requesting elevated privileges. Ive tracked down all the executables and gave them admin credentials but they still prompt every time. I even tried removing them from start up via ms config (since the kids aren't overclocking lol) but the option inst even listed in the start up list. Anymore ideas? Thanks!
If the kids are not OC'ing, then why not uninstall the AI Suite? Not a perfect solution, but could be a workable alternative.
If the kids are not OC'ing, then why not uninstall the AI Suite? Not a perfect solution, but could be a workable alternative.

True, but will that uninstall for all users or just them? I still need it on my end.
True, but will that uninstall for all users or just them? I still need it on my end.
Yes, it uninstalls completely. But the software installation wizard may have an option for installing for just you or all users.
Yes, it uninstalls completely. But the software installation wizard may have an option for installing for just you or all users.

I believe all that 'install for you or all users' option does is determine if it should put the shortcuts in Documents and Settings\All Users\... or Documents and Settings\<Your User>\...
I believe all that 'install for you or all users' option does is determine if it should put the shortcuts in Documents and Settings\All Users\... or Documents and Settings\<Your User>\...
That, and even more capability, is achievable and customizable when creating a Setup EXE or MSI package -- so it's more determined by the developer's implementation, which Aratech is (likely) investigating and testing on his own.