Ubisoft Apologizes for The Division 2 Email Promising "A Real Government Shutdown"


Aug 20, 2006
In what is becoming a weekly tradition, Ubisoft apologized for another misstep Thursday, this time for sending out a marketing email for The Division 2 with the subject line "Come see what a real government shutdown looks like in the Private Beta.” Recipients were evidently offended by the French publisher/developer making light of the ongoing furlough, as it quickly renounced the message just hours later.

Not long after the email was issued, the publisher sent a retraction. "A marketing email promoting Tom Clancy's The Division 2 was sent in error today. This was a grave breakdown in process and we apologize for this error and the offensive subject line of the email. "We recognize the very real impact of the United States government shut down on thousands of people and did not intend to make light of the situation."
They need to hire a guy that has truck nuts on his truck to be the head commander of the marketing department. I don't think what they said was offensive at all. Not getting political, but the government shutdown was a stunt and stupid. Artificial crisis.
I'm offended you thought those days were good.


There used to be a Golden Age.
I really wish they wouldn't backpedal on this stuff.

Yes, the shutdown is a big pile of poop based upon clashing egos. But the entire point of their message is to evoke a fictional situation where the country was in FAR FAR worse shape, and requires a group of 4 min-max optimized hitscanners to save the day. Let's escape from reality for a fantasy.

Because it's a game. I suppose we could make an alternate Division crossover with Papers, Please where you have to somehow get Pelosi and Trump to agree on something. But that doesn't sound very fun, eh? But it could be "respectful" or something.
I mean I seriously think we all get it, but the underlying issue is that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can give a rats ass about these people caught up in all this, is it ashame......yes, and I do feel bad for the people effected by this, but despite that it is all a joke, both sides care more about their agendas and epeen(I mean what would we call it now that it's Twitter wars) then they care about the actual people. This still goes into proving Washington was correct and probably 10x more intelligent then the House and the Senate combined.

It's just as rediculous as the present state of the FCC and Pai clearly lying about facts and evidence to push an agenda.,....,..fuck politics, no wise or intelligent man would do half of what they have done in the past 50 years.
LOL, for more than 95% of the federal workforce, it meant 3 weeks of free time off, and then 100% of backpay+interest. The ONLY federal employees "affected" were the ones who couldn't handle 1 temporarily delayed paycheck. Even then, federal credit unions were willing to provide loans to ALL federal workers to cover that missed paycheck. The "suffering" portrayed by the media was a complete exaggeration. Food banks? Come on.

Would you take 3 weeks of free vacation time if you knew with 100% certainty you'd get all your pay at the end?

When non-government workers suffered under 8 years of stagnation, when low skilled Americans were forced to compete with illegal aliens, or factories closed up and sent those jobs to China under a deliberate policy of "globalization" the Washington elites relentlessly mocked them. All the while, Federal workers were completely insulated from the effects of those policies. Boo Hoo.
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They need to hire a guy that has truck nuts on his truck to be the head commander of the marketing department. I don't think what they said was offensive at all. Not getting political, but the government shutdown was a stunt and stupid. Artificial crisis.

was and IS a stunt.... on both sides... and its not over
agree, i thought the joke was hilarious and fit the game perfectly.

I don't think it was hilarious but rather cliche. An easy, obvious joke. It did fit the game though and is no big deal. The better joke is the $250 edition of the game with the action figure. Even there people are making too much of that too.