Ubisoft Wants A Better Relationship With PC Gamers

If Ubisoft gags its executives whenever they let out more "95% of PC gamers are pirates hurrrdurrr" drivel, then the relationship will slowly but steadily improve.

That's what I said way at the beginning: The first thing they can do on the PR front is shut Yves down publicly forever.
I'd buy FC3 today if UBI didn't force you to use Uplay. Or if they are going to offer it on Uplay fine. Do it. But don't offer it on steam, and then force steam users to open both. That's just fucking stupid.

Now this I couldn't agree with more. Pick one or the other.

If you're on Steam there's absolutely NO point whatsoever in having anything additional to it.
That's odd the Assassin's Creed I played didn't even show those buttons, which one are you playing, cause I'm currently in Brotherhood and none of the previous games have done that to me?

I'm sure they patched it by now, I'd be amazed if they didn't. I bought the first one the day it came out on Steam. It wasn't playable.
Far Cry 3 was the first FPS I played through twice, I will likely play through a third time with a realism hack... Just bought Crysis 3 and I am really enjoying that as well. I did I'd it hilarious crysis 3 has a ton more foliage than farcry 3.

I hope they do make an effort, although I'd shit bricks if they got rid of Origin. Personally I haven't had issues with it and I wouldn't consider it a reason to not buy a game, and it's a pitty for people on a crusade again Ubisoft, you're missin out on great games. I do miss just clicking on an exe though!
Edit: "I'd it hilarious" = "find it hilarious". "Hack = mod"
Glad to see they finally figured out that treating your customers like thieving criminals is no way to run a successful business. However, Ubisoft can still go die in a fire... a few months of half-assed goodwill don't make up for the years of hostility they have projected towards the people that actually PAY for their games. They will remain on my blacklist indefinitely.
Glad to see they finally figured out that treating your customers like thieving criminals is no way to run a successful business. However, Ubisoft can still go die in a fire... a few months of half-assed goodwill don't make up for the years of hostility they have projected towards the people that actually PAY for their games. They will remain on my blacklist indefinitely.

Quoted for truth. The only way I would ever give their company a second chance is if they had a change in owners and refund my money for every Ubi Soft game that I paid for that either never worked, or no longer works.
Oh, I'd hate to be that guy. He'd be learning some [H]ard lessons for sure...

ASUS and Corsair has a guy here. They get all sorts of praises and flak here and I've always been amazed at how thick-skinned they are.
Another thing they could fix is that if I buy a game on Steam. Let it run through Steam. To run Farcry 3 I have to:
1) Start Steam
2) Click on Farcry 3
3) Wait for Uplay to load
4) Launch Farcry 3

I have the same complaint with Origin and BF3. With them I have to have Origin, BF3, and a web browser open to play the game.
I remember the day when I wanted to play a game. I ran the executable of the game.........and then I was playing the game. Lets go back to that.

Some Windows For Live games were the same way. When I want to play Age of Empires Online, it's start Steam, launch AOE Online, click ok, ok, ok, sometimes I have to sign back into Windows for Live Game when it signs me out, etc etc.

Just once I'd like to load Steam, hit AOE Online, go get coffee and come back with a game menu.
err Games for Windows that is. Windows for Live Game? :-P

I need that aforementioned coffee.