Ubuntu 7.04 Alpha

Jul 3, 2006
Just wondering if any of you all have seen this yet. Ubuntu Released 7.04 today as an Alpha. Screen shots are here for those interested

For those who already knew about it, has anyone tried it yet? How is it?

The final release date is slated for April of next year.
wow, I didnt know about this, thanks for the heads up...

I dont think it looks all too different.... I remember one of the heads of the project saying that the open source movement needed to start caring about making the OS look BEAUTIFUL. I don't think this intitiative has been integrated as of this build, unfortunately....

I am looking forward to this new Ubuntu tho, I hope it maintains the fantastic hardware compatabilty of the old ones.
Haven't tried it yet, although at this point it probably isn't significantly different than everything else out there...
With any luck it will have better support for notebooks. Would love to have a suspend mode work out of the box without much hassell.
As I Lay Dying said:
/has suspend working out of the box .......... lucky I guess.....

Never resumes. Does it on both my notebooks with linux loaded. Hibernate works fine though. The notebook I just reloaded with linux is setup to use it instead. No big deal. Hell my other notebook uses hibernate as well since suspend isn't supported by windows 2003 for it(works fine in xp). Ubuntu's support is pretty good already though. Everything worked out of the box on the shitty walmart compaq I got in the pre-blackfriday sale other then wireless. Got it working with some love.
I have had problems before on the resume, but it seems to be working right now on this laptop. Yes wireless and be a bit of a pain, but I was able to coax the dlink g520m on my dads computer to give him wireless love, hahahaha.
hah, i've gotten the suspend to work flawlessly on my notebook, but hibernate doesnt.....

seems like a crapshoot i guess.... lucky for me, I only use suspend anyway :)

Dell 700m