Ubuntu 7.04 and widescreens


Jun 28, 2000
I've heard 7.04 has difficulty with screen res on widescreens, at least
outta the box. True? Solutions?
I've heard 7.04 has difficulty with screen res on widescreens, at least
outta the box. True? Solutions?

Picked up my MacBook just fine; where'd you hear this?
Works fine on mine, however I upgraded from a working set up on dapper.
It's worked fine for me.

Outta the box, it picked up my Compaq @1280x768 just fine (Video - ATI 200m).
I'm also using an external monitor for home at 1920x1200, but to get this one to work right, I had to install the ATI proprietary drivers.

You could always run Ubuntu 7.04 off of the live CD and see if it works. If it doesn't work, you're only out 700mb of bandwidth, and a 10 cent cd. :D
ummm.... ... it depends some times it works out of the box sometimes, not, and I am not sure if it matters, but I find that using nvidias drivers and nvidia-settings finds and picks up settings really well.... ....
Ubuntu 7.04 picked up the widescreen on the Intel GMA in my MacBook, desktop, and then nvidia 7800 in my desktop.
I'm also using an external monitor for home at 1920x1200, but to get this one to work right, I had to install the ATI proprietary drivers.

Yep, seems the key is installing the vid drivers to get those high-end resolutions.
I have a Nvidia 7600GT working with a Mits. HD1000 projector (1280x720p) on Fiesty 7.04. Just had to install the NVidia drivers.
Anyone know if it works well for the westinghouse 37 out of the box?

I will be runing x86_64 if it matters
I just installed Ubuntu Feisty last night on my 22" widescreen. It wouldn't load correctly at first (screen garbled). I had to load into recovery mode and install the nvidia drivers first (7600GT), then reset. It then detected fine.
I just installed Ubuntu Feisty last night on my 22" widescreen. It wouldn't load correctly at first (screen garbled). I had to load into recovery mode and install the nvidia drivers first (7600GT), then reset. It then detected fine.

Yep, same here. Safe mode boot on the install CD, then install Nvidia drivers. The other issue is that I had to manually edit the xorg.conf file to get my settings to stick. For some reason the Nvidia control panel does not save them (even after hitting the save button).
To get the right res for my widescreen monitor I had to go into recovery mode, reinstall xserver, and then install fglrx. For some reason it only worked in recovery mode.
worked fine for me, both edgy and fiesty. I had to edit xorg.conf and add the 1650 resolution, but a quick restart of x and it was dandy.
Didn't pick up the widescreen resolution on my friends 700m right out of the box. It was an easy fix though and is working now.
couldnt get WS running on my Geforce2 Ultra (classic eh?), so i thought i would be slick and just upgrade to a 865G board and had the same issues with the intel graphics. Plopped in a Geforce 4 MX400 and had no issues at all. Hating to admit defeat on the 865g VGA though i dug around and found this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1825472&postcount=32
fixed me right up.

The sad thing is, after all that, I decided that the 19" WS was too much for the desk and swapped out for a 17" 4:3 LCD.

Running Feisty x64
On my older machine (P4 1.3 with GeForce 4200 Ti) it was unable to detect the display and did not offer any resolution above 1024x768. So 1440 x900 was right out. :)
I had to fiddle alot with getting x86_64 7.04 ubuntu working with my westinghouse lvm37w3. I think the fonts still look like crap compared to windows. It seems like everything is just too big.
If your font sizes are screwed up, X may be making a bad assumption about your screen size and DPI. You can override X's assumptions by adding this to the "Monitor" section in xorg.conf:
DisplaySize     368 304
Where the numbers are the X and Y measurements of your screen, in millimeters. If the fonts are still messed up, you can also try overriding X's DPI calculation:
Option "DPI"    "88 x 86"
Again, that would go in the "Monitor" section.
If your font sizes are screwed up, X may be making a bad assumption about your screen size and DPI. You can override X's assumptions by adding this to the "Monitor" section in xorg.conf:
DisplaySize     368 304
Where the numbers are the X and Y measurements of your screen, in millimeters. If the fonts are still messed up, you can also try overriding X's DPI calculation:
Option "DPI"    "88 x 86"
Again, that would go in the "Monitor" section.

Hey bones, thanks for the tips. You always have good tips :) stick around :)
Using a Radeo 9700 Pro, my display has problem with drop-down menu on certain websites. The drop down menu just wouldn't go back/close. So, if I hower on certain menu, when I go to the next one, the new one opens but that one stays opened as well. Could this be a display/driver problem?
I used a backup xorg.conf the day 7.04 came out and did a fresh reinstall with that xorg.conf and everything worked.

I am running two dell 2005 fpws in portrait mode and never had a problem.

Just have to make sure all the settings in Device 'Monitor' are correct and what you want.