Ubuntu 8.10 and Optical Audio


Jan 22, 2005
Okay so I have been messing around with Boxee lately and it is amazing. The integration with internet sites like hulu is amazing. The social aspect is fun, and the interface is quite stunning. Highly recommended.

I use ubuntu on my laptop so I have been mainly testing it out on there. Now I have decided to try it out on my htpc which normally runs Vista. So I installed Ubuntu and here is where the problem is formed.

I cannot seem to find, by search or trial and error, a method to utilize optical audio on Ubuntu 8.10. I know there are a couple people in these parts that use ubtuntu on their htpc's so I was wondering if anyone has any experience with optical audio.

I am using the GIGABYTE GA-MA78GM-S2H for the optical output.

Any help would be appreciated and if you want an invite to boxee just ask.
You might have better luck asking over in the ubuntu community forums. I'm afraid I can't help.