Ubuntu client upgrade help


Mar 15, 2000
What is the best way for me to upgrade my linux clients? Currently, until I get the time to configure a new vm, they are all running ubuntu 6.10.

I logged in today, to find one of my vmware boxes rebooted, maybe due to WSUS...and the vmware server wasn't properly configured to restart. I don't know how long it has been down :( I will try to send out the work that is there, but I guess I need to update these STAT and to be honest I dont know where to begin.

<- Linux noob

I know ls -a , cd folding/FAH, and ./FaH, LOL.

I used the folding install script from the Ubuntu Wiki for mine. Upgraded them just now - stopped folding, copied fah6 and mpiexec over the old ones, started again. Seems to work fine on all four machines I upgraded.

Edit: Nevermind. It stopped working after a few minutes. Figuring out why now.

Edit #2 (Solved): Decided the fah_install script is too complex - it keeps copies of the cfgs, executable, mpiexec in more than one directory. Nuked fah_install installations, replaced them with finstall. Works fine. Just be sure to do ./finstall smp if you want to install the smp client. Script grabs the newest version.
Thanks for the fast reply. I will give this a shot on all my folding vms.

I think the box just died on me, in the middle of an ubuntu update. This is sad too, it is one of my dual Xeon Quads and was running 4 vms. I can't even ping it now...that would explain the reboot.
On my Xubuntu VMs, I just kept the client.cfg and trashed everything else.....worked right away on first launch

Do i need to uninstall the old client before attempting the finstall? I didn't install this way for the current client...
Just nuke the old client folder then let finstall do the grunt work for ya. Just make sure to grab the latest finstall script because there is updated clients and old finstall doesn't work.

finstall is my best friend with linux boxes, no headache and no hassle :) Just make sure to use the "smp" flag or i'll install single-core clients.

I cheated ....... :p

Because all my Linux VM folders are set up on samba shares, I can get into them from Windoze.
Stopped folding in the VM.
Copied the fah6 and mpiexec files over the old ones in Windoze.
Restarted folding from within the VM again.
Seems to work fine on all four VM's I've upgraded so far.

Actualy I've gone one step further.
I've finally worked out how to install VM Tools so I'm also upgrading my VM's as I go along.
But again useing a mix of Windoze & Linux to do it.

Luck ................ :D
expanding on my post from above, that's pretty much what i did.....it was already all set to go, so I just swapped in the new files really....as long as you keep your client.cfg, you shouldn't have to do anything (barring unforeseen issues)

and yes, VMWare Tools are a godsend....allows me to use FAHMon in Windows to track my VMs :)

Thanks everyone for the advice.

I got my Dual Xeon back up and running 4 SMP clients, using the finstall. Way less work then when I originally set this up. I think I learned more last time, but I don't have time for that right now! There is folding to be done, lol.

Someday soon, I will have to sit down and create some new VMs, if I get to keep these boxes...