Ubuntu: grub failed to install


Feb 28, 2005
Just a quick background of my storage:
Primary: Intel 320 160GB SSD
Secondary: Samsung Spinpoint F3

I've tried installing Ubuntu 11.10 several times now, but I'm having no luck. I'll run through the installation, setting up a 260gb partition with grub being installed on my SSD, and the installation will be fine until the end throwing an error that grub failed to install. At that point, it asks me where I would like to install grub, but none of the options work. I've done some research on the issue and followed Ubuntu's boot-repair guide, but that hasn't helped either. I've gone through the advanced fix for the boot-repair and followed through with all the instructions, but it just did not work. I was in the middle of a fantasy basketball draft, so I forgot to record what the error was. =/

Any ideas? It seems that people having this issues are running RAID setups and I'm definitely not running that, so it seems that their fixes of just reconfiguring their RAID setup won't help me.
Boot a 98 iso/usb/whatever and run fdisk /mbr

When installing create a 100 mb /boot. Create swap memory amount x 2 + 11. Fill the rest with /

See how that goes. Sorry English is my 1St language but i'm on a phone :)
lol no worries, I'll give it a shot either tonight or tomorrow and see how it turns out. I did manage to get Fedora 16 runing, but I'm not really feeling it. We'll see how lazy/productive I am tonight lol..
So that didn't seem to have any luck. I was reading on the Ubuntu forum that its best to disconnect one hard drive and install it that way. I did so and was able to boot into Ubuntu just fine even with my SSD reconnected. I decided that having two bootloaders was kind of a pain (Windows Bootloader + GRUB), so I went through and followed this guide for EasyBCD but I can no longer boot into Ubuntu. My screen just turns black and doesn't allow me to boot.

Getting Ubuntu to install has really been a pain =/