Ubuntu - Lock up on login screen


Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2003
I'm having an issue where my machine stops responding as soon as X starts. I installed Ubuntu with no problems that I could find (more than once, same issue every time). I can boot to recovery mode fine and everything seems to work. However, when I try to boot regularly and it goes to the login screen, it stops responding. I installed the official nvidia graphics drivers, which I can see work because it pops the nvidia splash screen before the login screen, but it still stops right there. At that point I get no response. Nothing from the mouse or keyboard, and no blinking cursor in the text box (not sure it's supposed to blink, but it's not). I've been messing with it for awhile now, but I can't figure anything out. Anyone have any ideas?
did the lockups start before or after you installed the nvidia driver?

post you xorg log found in /var/log/Xorg.0.log

you can also try
$sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
Boot in text mode and startx.

Change /etc/inittab's line for default runlevel:5 to 3. Create a /home/your_username/.xinitrc

Inside this .xinitrc file put-

(or a the path/command to start the WM of your choice)

exec gnome-session (I think is what you'd use for gnome)

This way you are skipping the login manager.
It's Hoary, and if I boot into the recovery console and try startx it doesn't do anything, so I assume that functionality isn't allowed there. Is there another way to get into the console without booting X? Also, the lockups started the first time I tried to boot it. After it did it, I tried installing the nvidia driver and nothing changed, although the driver install was successful. I'll check out that log and post it when I get a chance.
Try doing a ctrl-alt-f1 when it locks up, it might dump you to a login console. Or when you reboot go into grub and edit your boot config and put the word 'single' at the end of the boot command. It will boot into single user mode.
Tried ctrl-alt-f1 before I posted this and had no luck at all. The entire computer seems to be completely locked when it hits that screen.
I've still gotten nowhere on this (been busy). However, I've tried everything listed previously and it didn't help. I also went through that log and it didn't look like there were any errors. Any more ideas?