Ubuntu Makes You Drop Out Of School

I've never used Verizon for an internet provider, but why does she need to use the disk?

I had Verizon DSL once upon a time and I now have FiOS. You don't need a stinking disk. She and the techs she's dealt with are morons.
seriously who does not know what MICROSOFT OFFICE and MICROSOFT WINDOWS are. How could she think UBUNTU sounded like WINDOWS.
seriously who does not know what MICROSOFT OFFICE and MICROSOFT WINDOWS are. How could she think UBUNTU sounded like WINDOWS.

Well, she was wasting her money in college, then. :)

You know... It's OK. College isn't for everybody. Somebody has to clean our bathrooms.
I had Verizon DSL once upon a time and I now have FiOS. You don't need a stinking disk. She and the techs she's dealt with are morons.

Did she have DSL or did she have the wireless card (evdo)? Sometimes you may need the disk for setup, of course, not knowing linux, she would have NEEDED a disk.

Most people NEEDS the disk, while techs like us can figure things out, most people can't.

seriously who does not know what MICROSOFT OFFICE and MICROSOFT WINDOWS are. How could she think UBUNTU sounded like WINDOWS.

Do you know the difference and benifits of liquid, creme, or cake/stick foundations? Didn't think so. To assume that everyone should be as brilliant as you in computers is an arrogant statement to make.
I don't know where to begin, so I think im just going to do my best to organize my mass of thoughts.

1) What fucking ISP requires software to access the internet? Shaw did a while ago, then I discovered that it was just assisting software, and actually didn't help me get online at all. So I havn't installed it in over 9 years.

Did she call her ISP to try and get online? (NOTE THEY DID NOT MENTION ANY ATTEMPT TO WORK WITH THE ISP)

2) Has she ever used a computer before? How can she use a computer and not realize that at least MAC OS is available? (it's irrelevant that it works on limited hardware, the point is that it exists to begin with). Knowing this, how could she not realize there are other options out there for computers? (And I mean this in a broad sense).


4) Is this her first scam? It certainly seems like she is trying to play up her ignorance, since she obviously tried ubuntu a bit. I suspect she just doesn't like the way it _feels_. The video leaves so many questions unanswered. Questions that would paint a more reasonable picture if answered.

5) Thanks for setting the OSS movement back about 2-3 more years. People who don't know anything about it, are now going to fear it. The Ubuntu Corp should sue this news company for defamation. As clearly the product is capable of all the things she is looking for. With the way they are portraying her "circumstance" it is done in a slanderous and lying fashion.

I should know, I've actually USED Ubuntu.

6) "That thing Ubuntu"? Please, fear-monger us some more. I dare you.

"Her life was supposed to get easier with this laptop, but let's be clear... it's not" OH HOW CLEAR OF YOU TO OUTLINE THE REASONS THAT IT'S NOT EASIER.

Let's see. 1) Doesn't get on the internet. FALSE 2) Does not have basic office software. FALSE 3) Her life is ruined. FALSE

Let me be CLEAR about one thing: I FUCKING HATE USA NEWS.
The poor gal doesn't know any better, it happens.

But what fries me is the reporter. In story 1 he comes off as this hero, and in story 2 he whines cause he was a tool in story one and thousands of people called him on it. Sorry man, but learn the subject for which you report on.

And as for her saying in the 2nd story she didn't really want all this publicity, well why in the hell did she call the news over this to begin with. Bottom line is that she wanted out of her mistake without paying the consequences for it and thought being the squeaky wheel on the news would do just that for her.
The pronunciation, which they emphasized in the report...was wrong.

1) What fucking ISP requires software to access the internet? Shaw did a while ago, then I discovered that it was just assisting software, and actually didn't help me get online at all. So I havn't installed it in over 9 years.

If you order online some ISP's like Comcast includes software that you have to run to activate your service.

Did she call her ISP to try and get online? (NOTE THEY DID NOT MENTION ANY ATTEMPT TO WORK WITH THE ISP)

Have you ever called an Indian tech support and asked them about Linux support? lol

2) Has she ever used a computer before?
What relevance does this have?

How can she use a computer and not realize that at least MAC OS is available? (it's irrelevant that it works on limited hardware, the point is that it exists to begin with).

And you think that she would have known MAC os like the back of her hand? What about budget? What about the fact that she wanted windows (Read the article), but the sales person talked her out of it telling her that she can do everything with Ubuntu and that it's perfect for college?

Knowing this, how could she not realize there are other options out there for computers? (And I mean this in a broad sense).

If she hasn't used a computer like you are insunating, do you expect her to know all the operating systems out there? I'm curious, if you are so smart to belittle her like this, can you use HP-UX? AS-400? BSD? etc? Not everyone out there (especially the consumer) is going to know everything about every operating system and everything each one does.


Have you used open office or better question yet, have you given linux to a person with minimal experience and expected them to navigate to open office and use, save, and print a page... better yet, expect them to do that without printers being installed and no internet connectivity?

4) Is this her first scam? It certainly seems like she is trying to play up her ignorance, since she obviously tried ubuntu a bit. I suspect she just doesn't like the way it _feels_. The video leaves so many questions unanswered. Questions that would paint a more reasonable picture if answered.

Why does it have to be a scam, the only scam here is that she was sold something she did not want and was assured that its the right thing for her.

5) Thanks for setting the OSS movement back about 2-3 more years. People who don't know anything about it, are now going to fear it. The Ubuntu Corp should sue this news company for defamation. As clearly the product is capable of all the things she is looking for. With the way they are portraying her "circumstance" it is done in a slanderous and lying fashion.

lol, then Microsoft should sue half the computing community for trashing vista and not being able to get things to work.

Let me be CLEAR about one thing: I FUCKING HATE USA NEWS.

Feel free to go keep up to date on whatever Utopia nation that you live in. I would like to move wherever you are where there aren't dumb people and people will know everything, from quantum physics down to saving a word file and emailing it.

Yes, I'm playing devils advocate.
If you order online some ISP's like Comcast includes software that you have to run to activate your service.
Not true. Comcast redirects any http requests to their activation page, just like Cablevision. You have to enter your account number and some personal information. I forget if they ask for the MAC address on your modem... They might. I set up the Comcast account for my wife when she lived in a Comcast area as well as my parent's Cablevision setup and my in-law's FiOS setup.
Well, she is a moron and that is how life treats them. She is a liar too because after you find the laptop you want you don't get a choice of Ubuntu or Windows, Dell has clearly put Ubuntu on a few selected machines. "It defaulted to Ubuntu," well, yeah? because you picked a Open Source PC; Dell even has the walk through customize when you buy a PC and she didn't notice it then.

Icing on the cake is that this was picked up by a News station with a idiot journalist. Thanks for making Linux sound inferior and stupid...
Why all the personal attacks? When you put anything into the hands of the general population this sort of thing happens. The way it was handled by her, the media, and Dell was not right. Still, this sort of thing is to be expected. I support medical equipment and have seen doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals show complete lack of understanding for the equipment they used to diagnose, and treat patients.

After the way it was handled I don't think anyone should cut her much slack, but the vicious attacks are not called for.

Just shake your head and move on.
The biggest question for me is: How did she get Ubuntu?

There are only two ways. She either went specifically to the Dell Ubuntu site or was told to (and that site is very obvious that it's not the normal Dell site), or Dell mis-shipped her order and somehow managed to give her a hard drive with an Ubuntu image on it.

The first, well, is pretty hard to do accidentally, which would mean she's lying about that part, if it's true.
The second would mean that the Dell tech was very much at fault, because if the system was purchased as a Windows machine and she received the wrong OS, it would simply be a matter of dispatching a hard drive with the correct image on it, walking her through the replacement steps, and she would be good to go. That would take less than a week from call to computer with Windows.
His response would make more sense if she ordered Ubuntu and didn't like it.

So... I'm not sure who's the main problem here, but someone screwed up pretty badly, and the news station took it and ran with it for some ratings. Gotta love the media. Ratings over facts.
well she is trying to go to a tech school.....almost as bad a jr. college.

dell is like a box of chocolates.....you never know whatcha gonna get.
I still can't get over how the "reporter" kept saying that she needs to work on her pronunciation of Ubuntu when he has NO IDEA what he was talking about and was pronouncing it wrong himself...

In the second article he whines about how "extreme computer-lovers" were calling him and being mean to him... but then one actually gave him some links about Ubuntu, and he was surprised about how much information there was on it!! OH MY!

Anyway, it seems like every person on the news needs to speak out of complete ignorance at least once to learn from it... or not.
I just have to say I am absolutely ashamed that this lady is from around here. MATC is a kind of joke college anyways >.>
For those blaming her, she did call Dell and say she wanted windows before it shipped. Dell talked her out of it, that is the first problem. Second problem was her trusting them. Nothing to do with Linux vs Windows IMO, and so what if she configured the cheapest she could, she should probably be paying less because of student discount, wonder if she even knows about it.

What I think she really needs is.......... Braces! and a Macbook - tripleboot &/or VM Ware/Parallels.
Do you know the difference and benifits of liquid, creme, or cake/stick foundations? Didn't think so. To assume that everyone should be as brilliant as you in computers is an arrogant statement to make.

I think you're missing the point.

You're right, I don't know the differences.

But I do know how to find that information. I'm not going to flail my arms and cry helplessly. I'm going to seek out the information I need. That's what I take issue with here. She's not a moron for being computer illiterate. She's a moron for not knowing or not trying to find the information she needed.

We live in a time known as the Information Age. If you are unwilling to seek out information yourself, when it is far easier today than ever before, you deserve your unpleasant lot in life.

By the way, the information you requested: Foundation Types

stevedave said:
well she is trying to go to a tech school.....almost as bad a jr. college.

Wow. Your local junior college may be crap, but that doesn't mean all of them are. I'd put my junior college up against almost any 4-year institution when it comes to quality of education. Over 70,000 active students can't be wrong.
I think you're missing the point.

You're right, I don't know the differences.

But I do know how to find that information. I'm not going to flail my arms and cry helplessly. I'm going to seek out the information I need. That's what I take issue with here. She's not a moron for being computer illiterate. She's a moron for not knowing or not trying to find the information she needed.

We live in a time known as the Information Age. If you are unwilling to seek out information yourself, when it is far easier today than ever before, you deserve your unpleasant lot in life.

Kinda hard if you dont have an internet connection or computer in the first place :p

Most people don't know how to research, this is why we have stores like BestBuy flourishing.
Did you happen to miss the part in the story where she said she couldn't get online because the software install disc wouldn't work with Ubuntu?

Obviously she's not a computer expert. If it's true that she asked for Windows even after she ordered the Ubuntu laptop and Dell told her that Ubuntu was just as good, then it's completely Dell's fault. I'm sure she could get it working, but she would need quite a bit of tech support and to many who don't consider their computer as a hobby just isn't worth it.
Interesting turn of events, why doesn't Dell just get her Vista and charge her the difference...problem solved. This is just bad press for everyone and the only reason the news reported this update was because of how inflammatory it was. I'm still willing to bet that she chose ubuntu because it was less then basic Windows Vista and now Dell isn't willing to just give her Vista because she is demanding it for free playing the sympathy card.

What a pain in the ass for every one, at least Linux got some free press out of this. To bad because of the hostile user base it seemed more hostile. Why is it that Mac users are considered passionate to the press when they are just as if not more hostile.
Dell Ubuntu main page said:
Not sure Open Source is for You?

The main thing to note is that when you choose open source you don’t get a Windows® operating system. If you’re here by mistake and you are looking for a Dell PC with Windows, please use the following link.

Shop Dell PCs with Windows

I can't see her ordering it online like this. Unless a Dell salesperson suggested Ubuntu to save money on a phone purchase.
What a pain in the ass for every one, at least Linux got some free press out of this. To bad because of the hostile user base it seemed more hostile. Why is it that Mac users are considered passionate to the press when they are just as if not more hostile.

When has Mac users been dubbed "passionate" when hostile?
Kinda hard if you dont have an internet connection or computer in the first place :p

Most people don't know how to research, this is why we have stores like BestBuy flourishing.

...which makes it even worse. Why didn't she seek out assistance from the "Geek Squad"? I'm sure Best Buy would've been more than happy to sell her an OS and charge her for the installation.
Interesting turn of events, why doesn't Dell just get her Vista and charge her the difference...problem solved. This is just bad press for everyone and the only reason the news reported this update was because of how inflammatory it was. I'm still willing to bet that she chose ubuntu because it was less then basic Windows Vista and now Dell isn't willing to just give her Vista because she is demanding it for free playing the sympathy card.

That's possible, though I know that, except in special cases, installing an operating system other than what it was shipped with will void the part of the hardware warranty that covers the OS -- reinstalls, "resets", etc.

The reason they could change it initially without going outside of policy is Dell's 2 week (or one month?) satisfaction guarantee. Basically you return the computer for a replacement with the preferred OS.
Usually, when you enroll in a online class or something, it says what's required.

Lets see, last time I walked by a Mac store I was almost stoned to death, while they were chanting "Let ye without sin cast the first stone." Something about Windows and original sin?!? Getting hit by glass bongs and pet rocks really hurts! One was wearing a shirt that has Steve Jobs on it that looked hauntingly like "Buddy Christ".

All joking aside, I've gotten attack more times here, UCSB and SBCC for recommending Windows and Vista by Mac users without any real explanation other then "Its bad, mmm...kay" then I've seen episodes of South Park.
...which makes it even worse. Why didn't she seek out assistance from the "Geek Squad"? I'm sure Best Buy would've been more than happy to sell her an OS and charge her for the installation.

There is this little thing called money. Not everyone has they money to pay geeksquad a few hundred bucks with a copy of vista.

Secondly, geeksquad would have tried to sell her a new laptop with crap she didn't even need, like a performance plan, printer, and an overpriced laptop bag with cables.
When has Mac users been dubbed "passionate" when hostile?

Sorry, got a little side tracked. Plenty of times on the news when talking about the newest OSX release and any mention of the words Windows. They are a special breed, and 'special' is about the furthest I'm willing to go to describe a Mac user. Mind you I have some friends that use Macs and not just to running Windows. Great little machines, just not my cup of tea and I do like to tease them.
Sorry, got a little side tracked. Plenty of times on the news when talking about the newest OSX release and any mention of the words Windows. They are a special breed, and 'special' is about the furthest I'm willing to go to describe a Mac user. Mind you I have some friends that use Macs and not just to running Windows. Great little machines, just not my cup of tea and I do like to tease them.

Yes I know the Mac users you are talking about, but I thought you meant in the media....
To follow up on one of the several trends in this thread...

Computers are not amazingly complex. When the world saw the first cars, there were people who got it, and people who didn't. But in very short order people learned to drive because cars were ubiquitous facets of life, generally speaking required for a person to function in life. So they learned the pattern to start a car, the way to handle gas/brake balance, the fine art of shifting -- a device they'd never had to do before, and at the time was very arcane with that mix of clutch and gas. Cranking the cars manually, before they had auto starters. In short, people learned a complex machine because they had to.

It is the same with computers now. You plug it in, you hit the power button, you're on your desktop. A few minutes of fiddling with the mouse would yield the start menu or its equivalent, and get to programs, and voila. And yet for some reason, people refuse to learn. Computers are just as ubiquitous now, and people refuse to learn.

The reason there's so much animosity is because most of the people in this thread were using computers as children, back when computers were actually semi-challenging to operate. We all managed to figure it out around or in some cases even before age 10, so why are these 20+ year olds failing to do the same when computers are now easier than they were ten and twenty years ago when we did it?

Having worked in a position where I sometimes had to give tech support to property managers, there were people who did not understand the concept of right-click. Even the most basic sort of curiosity would reveal that there are two mouse buttons, and that they do different things.

It's not a rage against computer-illiterate people. It's a rage against stupid people, because not being able to figure basic things out like how to open and use OpenOffice in Ubuntu is a sign of idiocy, not a simple lack of computer knowledge.

Yes. That pretty well sums it up.

The follow-up story makes the younger reporter look like the self-righteous idiot he so clearly is. Unfortunate and amusing all at once. I love that they completely failed to admit they were at fault in any way. "We were only trying to help." Come on.
Did you happen to miss the part in the story where she said she couldn't get online because the software install disc wouldn't work with Ubuntu?
Invalid statement. She ordered it online, based on what she said in the initial interview.

Either way, please stop calling this girl a 'moron'. She may be *ignorant* when it comes to computers, but 'moron' refers to a general lack of understanding. Ignorant simply means that she is not of a fluent understanding in a particular category.

Most non-techs really don't care about computer hardware. They know the 'buzz' words and companies...that's pretty much it. USB (don't even bother with Firewire), Intel this, AMD that, Memory (most don't know the difference between RAM, HDD, and L2), and DVD/CD burning is about all they know. Oh, and the obvious: Dell, Apple/Mac, HP, Sony.

End score... she should have done some research or asked around. I know very few people who dump $1000+ on anything without having done *some* homework on it.