Ubuntu Makes You Drop Out Of School

Look, everyone knows the general population is stupid....that is a given fact. This is why malware and virus are so effective because you have to dumb down your software in order to make it usable. Windows is even too complicated for most people, including this woman. If you order something, then realize its not what you need, then you are talked out of it....your a sheep, plain and simple.

The other thing I love about this story is that they state that open office isnt compatible with word documents....which is odd since I open and save word docs in open office every single day.
End score... she should have done some research or asked around. I know very few people who dump $1000+ on anything without having done *some* homework on it.
There's not enough mention in the interview of whether she actually ordered her laptop with Ubuntu on it instead of Windows, or if Dell mis-shipped it. The fact that the Dell tech discouraged her from switching to Windows is simply poor customer service; she didn't get what she wanted, but she was told to stick with it. It's her personal laptop, she shouldn't have to "stick with" anything she doesn't want after spending $1000 on it.
Yup, BIG difference between www.dell.ca/ubuntu and www.dell.ca

Precisely. The first condition I gave is what makes it seem really BS-y. You can't accidentally order it: if you're on the Ubuntu section, you KNOW you're there. They spell it out. And, if some have suggested, Dell just shipped out the wrong one, why would they not try to rectify it when she called the first time? Dell's customer service has always been excellent to me.

I may sound a little condescending, but it's mostly because I agree completely with KaiserWarrior. People are just too damn lazy to learn how to use computers, and then bitch and whine about it.
only a small percentage of the world knows how to use computers effectively enough, the rest are like this poor girl. Most of you live in a bubble if you think you are the norm and this girl is not.

Linux isn't ready for primetime. Everything is a few clicks away, then terminal, sudo sh etc, click, restart and.... sudo some more...

How many of you would trust your parents with a windows install? Your wives? Heck how many friends do you have that can do that? How many can't?

Dell is at fault for convincing this girl she'd be ok. She did call to change it. There are plenty of people out there that don't know squat about the PC world. How the hell does best buy keep its PC parts section profitable? Why the hell is their geek squad still up and running?

Ubuntu laptops on the buried Ubuntu section of the Dell site only come with Ubuntu as far as I know. Therefore cannot be changed to Windows, as the hardware was selected for Ubuntu. Just the same as hardware that is selected for Vista gives you fits while trying to put XPP on a system. In the end, she has to be a little bit more than ignorant, leaning more toward flat out stupid.
Did dell happen to have a christmas sell on Ubuntu laptops? They had their 12 days of christmas in which I managed to find configurations that I couldn't find any other way.
And this is the world we live in. The original article states that she messed up herself by ordering it, and that she can do everything she can normally do on windows with ubuntu (he's right), but she's too stupid to ask for help or even friggin google the damn problems. then she drops her classes and blames it on dell! Honestly, how lazy is she that she can't even go to a public library and use those computers until she resolved the problem with the dell.

Btw, did anyone notice it said "Later, she discovered Ubuntu might look like Windows, but it doesn't always act like it." how much later are we talking about that it resulted in her having to drop classes for two semester and be out of the return period?

And like everyone else is saying, how is this anyone else's fault aside from some dumb person paying $1100 for something they HANDPICKED?
this news is completely trash...

it is clearly her own fault for failing that, how is it DELL's problem?

you purchase the computer, you should know what specification it require for the course....

and apparently she just purchase any computer she wants, rather than following the spec...

what can we say about it? Jackpot ?
lets bypass the issue where she doesn't know how to use ubuntu.

There must have been other ways she could of analyzed the situation and come up with a solution to get windows ...

Doesn't dell have a 30 day no questions asked policy? I remember returning things to dell with no problems even after i opened the product.... but i haven't dealt with dell for 2+ years...

but it does seem like her problem solving skills are low...
I wrote him an email:

Dear Dan,

I just finished reading your "Response to Ubuntu Story". I am a Windows Vista user, not a Ubuntu user. No, I do not use a Thesaurus (I read that blog entry too!).

I'm beginning to think that the strong responses you've received were in part due to the original article not painting a complete picture. I believe that many of the thousands of readers of the article were expecting more details, deeper investigation... a more complete picture. The original article comes off as biased because it only reveals details from the affected woman. No useful information from Dell, Ubuntu, MATC, or Verizon were provided to give the story balance. In my opinion the original article was not done baking when it was published.

The story would have been better received, in my opinion, if you had waited until the story was resolved before reporting on it. That way the story, or the picture as you painted it, would have been complete. I would have personally liked deeper investigation and more details. The news story would have been more helpful, both to keep people from making the same mistake and to help people who may already have or are considering using Ubuntu, if it included: How she accidentally ordered a laptop with Ubuntu, How did she try to have Dell rectify the problem (did she only call Dell's customer support, who then told her she should stick with Ubuntu, or did she also try calling Dell's tech support for assistance on using it?), Did she attempt to ask for help from any kind of Technical support (ie. Dell, Verizon, MATC, or a neighbor or a friend)?, How long did she wrestle with the problem before she dropped out of school?, How long before she contacted your news agency, what did Verizon have to do to get her internet working with Ubuntu, what online classes from MATC are like using Ubuntu, Does Windows come with Microsoft Word or does Microsoft Word cost extra money?, and finally how to use OpenOffice when Microsoft Word formatting is required. If all of this was included in the story, it would have been a complete story.

Furthermore, the follow-up article and blog entries did little to remove the perceived bias from your reporting. You refer to all the "angry responses" as being from Ubuntu users. I believe most of the "angry responses" were just from computer nerds in general and not from Ubuntu users. Most computer nerds use other variants of Linux or Windows since Ubuntu is designed for beginners and requires no more technical knowledge than using Windows or Macintosh. Their "anger" comes as a response because they feel, had this girl asked them for assistance they could have had her up and running on the internet and writing documents in Microsoft Word format in less than 10 minutes. Also, their "anger" probably comes from what they believe is slanted or at the very least, incomplete reporting.

Thanks for your time
ÆonTrinity;1033606120 said:
I wrote him an email:

Dear Dan,

I just finished reading your "Response to Ubuntu Story". I am a Windows Vista user, not a Ubuntu user. No, I do not use a Thesaurus (I read that blog entry too!).

I'm beginning to think that the strong responses you've received were in part due to the original article not painting a complete picture. I believe that many of the thousands of readers of the article were expecting more details, deeper investigation... a more complete picture. The original article comes off as biased because it only reveals details from the affected woman. No useful information from Dell, Ubuntu, MATC, or Verizon were provided to give the story balance. In my opinion the original article was not done baking when it was published.

The story would have been better received, in my opinion, if you had waited until the story was resolved before reporting on it. That way the story, or the picture as you painted it, would have been complete. I would have personally liked deeper investigation and more details. The news story would have been more helpful, both to keep people from making the same mistake and to help people who may already have or are considering using Ubuntu, if it included: How she accidentally ordered a laptop with Ubuntu, How did she try to have Dell rectify the problem (did she only call Dell's customer support, who then told her she should stick with Ubuntu, or did she also try calling Dell's tech support for assistance on using it?), Did she attempt to ask for help from any kind of Technical support (ie. Dell, Verizon, MATC, or a neighbor or a friend)?, How long did she wrestle with the problem before she dropped out of school?, How long before she contacted your news agency, what did Verizon have to do to get her internet working with Ubuntu, what online classes from MATC are like using Ubuntu, Does Windows come with Microsoft Word or does Microsoft Word cost extra money?, and finally how to use OpenOffice when Microsoft Word formatting is required. If all of this was included in the story, it would have been a complete story.

Furthermore, the follow-up article and blog entries did little to remove the perceived bias from your reporting. You refer to all the "angry responses" as being from Ubuntu users. I believe most of the "angry responses" were just from computer nerds in general and not from Ubuntu users. Most computer nerds use other variants of Linux or Windows since Ubuntu is designed for beginners and requires no more technical knowledge than using Windows or Macintosh. Their "anger" comes as a response because they feel, had this girl asked them for assistance they could have had her up and running on the internet and writing documents in Microsoft Word format in less than 10 minutes. Also, their "anger" probably comes from what they believe is slanted or at the very least, incomplete reporting.

Thanks for your time

A fine attempt, but there's no way you will ever receive anything more in response than a "thanks for your interest" form letter, and likely less than that. The reporter now clearly feels personally wronged, as he should. He's an idiot, and doubtless hundreds, if not thousands, have called him on it. Time to get a new job, something more in line with his apparent mental acumen, like... assembly line worker.
Did anyone else feel like punching all those people in the face?
sure did. "that thing called Ubuntu". wtf?!?

i loved the bashing on OpenOffice. guess because she couldn't use the Verizon Windows based software to setup her internet connection that she couldn't go and visit http://why.openoffice.org/ and find out that yes OOo can in fact cover all of the bases her obviously limited mind needs it to.. for that matter that clown of a reporter couldn't go and visit http://why.openoffice.org/ either and learn a thing or two before wrapping his lips around Office/Windows and performing for MS.

also love the lack of reporting on if she bothered to try and call into Verizon support to find anyone with half a brain (and if need be Google or i don't know maybe http://help.ubuntu.com) to help her configure her system to get online.

never ceases to amaze me the ignorance people have towards Linux regardless of the distro.

- Robert (PmR)DeathInJune

Wow, I think it would be best if some of you guys slowly backed away from your computers and enter the real world. NEWS FLASH! Not everyone is computer literate. Your average computer user probably knows how to execute simple tasks, like installing software, listening to music, and surfing the internet.

Most people do not know how to dual boot. Most would probably cannot install an operating system by themselves. When faced with an esoteric operating system like Linux, most people would be left utterly clueless. I believe the girl should've been more assertive with Dell, but I don't think she made some grevious sin, nor is she worthy of scorn. You dudes need to chill out and grow up.
Wow, I think it would be best if some of you guys slowly backed away from your computers and enter the real world. NEWS FLASH! Not everyone is computer literate. Your average computer user probably knows how to execute simple tasks, like installing software, listening to music, and surfing the internet.

Most people do not know how to dual boot. Most would probably cannot install an operating system by themselves. When faced with an esoteric operating system like Linux, most people would be left utterly clueless. I believe the girl should've been more assertive with Dell, but I don't think she made some grevious sin, nor is she worthy of scorn. You dudes need to chill out and grow up.

This isn't about computer ability. This is about not using your brain long enough to fix something you don't like. She called Dell and was convinced to give it a try. By the time she called back it was too late to return the system. She didn't bother calling her school, Dell, Verizon, or a techy friend (of a friend (of a friend)). She's a fucking idiot because, instead of proactively trying to solve a problem, she cried fould and whined to media.

To make things worse, the news crew that presented this "story" didn't bother looking into the details before airing this crap.
This isn't about computer ability. This is about not using your brain long enough to fix something you don't like. She called Dell and was convinced to give it a try. By the time she called back it was too late to return the system. She didn't bother calling her school, Dell, Verizon, or a techy friend (of a friend (of a friend)). She's a fucking idiot because, instead of proactively trying to solve a problem, she cried fould and whined to media.

To make things worse, the news crew that presented this "story" didn't bother looking into the details before airing this crap.

I have to agree with you on this. But at the same time I do believe that there are so called "tech people" out there with an agenda thats definitely anti-Microsoft. I remember looking at a netbook a few months back at Best Buy and having the sales person trying to convince me that the Linux version of the device was much better than the XP version. Maybe Linux did run better on the machines I didn't really test them out but there was no mention of things like software and hardware compatibility by the sales person.

Bottom line, if you don't know much about computers as with any major purchase get some advice from someone you trust and understands your needs.
I'm just going to inject my opinion on this story without reading all nine pages of posts:

First, this girl should have done her homework before taking some stupid salesperson's advice about which operating system she can use.

Second, if Dell's sales representatives are honestly recommending Ubuntu to computer-illiterate college students taking standard computer-related courses and claiming that it can "do everything Windows can", they need to stop spreading such crap.

I put the blame at 40% girl, 60% Dell.
For you some of you guys out there (tto many to quote).

The video says that she ordered her laptop. Doesn't say how she ordered. I ordered my 2005wfp over the phone, and therefore didn't need a computer or internet. Which leads me to the next part.

How the hell is she going to "google" shit if she can't get on the internet to do it?

For all you people who says Open Office is the same, there's no difference (or OO is better), what is wrong with you? They don't say why she needs MS Office, but since she's going back to school, one of her classes may require it. If you can't figure out one of the reasons why a class may require MS office then I politely ask you to nail your brain to the wall before you bash her.

I'm also pretty sure she doesn't know what the f12 key (boot up select) and f2 keys (bios) are for when her computer starts. She can't google it eitehr because her internet doesn't work.

As much as you guys call her a moron or ignorant or whatever, you guys are the same because you don't seem to understand what a non technical person is capable of. You guys are just as oblivious.
I will bet you any amount of money you like that she could've gone to the local library and used the internet there. Or called Verizon. On the phone. She appears to have done neither... but she did call a news station.

Don't. Defend. Lazy. Idiots.
For you some of you guys out there (tto many to quote).

The video says that she ordered her laptop. Doesn't say how she ordered. I ordered my 2005wfp over the phone, and therefore didn't need a computer or internet. Which leads me to the next part.

How the hell is she going to "google" shit if she can't get on the internet to do it?

For all you people who says Open Office is the same, there's no difference (or OO is better), what is wrong with you? They don't say why she needs MS Office, but since she's going back to school, one of her classes may require it. If you can't figure out one of the reasons why a class may require MS office then I politely ask you to nail your brain to the wall before you bash her.

I'm also pretty sure she doesn't know what the f12 key (boot up select) and f2 keys (bios) are for when her computer starts. She can't google it eitehr because her internet doesn't work.

As much as you guys call her a moron or ignorant or whatever, you guys are the same because you don't seem to understand what a non technical person is capable of. You guys are just as oblivious.

So she can't pick up the phone and call someone for help? I mean, I get phone calls all the time from non-technical people asking how to do something, or if I can fix something for them.
She called dell. I'm sure it's not the only place that she could've called. Dell should've just given her a windows OS disc.
She called dell. I'm sure it's not the only place that she could've called. Dell should've just given her a windows OS disc.

After the allowed time to return it. The guy she originally talked to told her to try it out. That didn't mean keep it past the no return date. Also, the school she's going to said it would be no problem to use what she has, and Verizon said she could get on the internet; and that they would send a tech out to help her. Both of which the TV station had to do for her.

You're right, Dell should have, but would she have know what to do with it? I bet she would have freaked at "You will lose all of your data" and cried to the media that evil Dell doesn't allow you to have Windows without losing data, whether she knows what data is or not.
I feel sorry for the girl. She made an attempt to change the OS to Windows but Dell told her she didn't need to, so she took their advice and got screwed. As luxurious as people make Linux sound, it isn't always right for everyone, and anytime a story like this shows up, the Linux fanboys show up and attack the "average computer user" for not knowing the difference... most people don't know what this stuff is, they just think a computer is a computer.

However, I do agree that the news team made Ubuntu sound like it's something bad when it isn't.
As luxurious as people make Linux sound, it isn't always right for everyone, and anytime a story like this shows up, the Linux fanboys show up and attack the "average computer user" for not knowing the difference... most people don't know what this stuff is, they just think a computer is a computer.

Unfortunately she is a prime example of what avid linux users can't stand. As others have stated, if she got a Mac she still would have had to call Verizon. There's just no away around that. In terms of buying something like a laptop, I'm' sorry but if I'm spending 1,000 dollars, I'm going to at least figure out what I want and make sure that I receive what I want at time of purchase. Finally the Office stuff, yes there are differences, but the chance of running into them early on are slim. Most of the common stuff is supported with the same shortcut keys and everything. Even then, she couldn't go to the library? There's no way a professor is going to assign a task that couldn't be accomplished from a library.

She just strikes me as the kind of person who would throw themselves down a flight of stairs and then cry when they break a leg.
I wish to post an addendum to my post...

Dell is at fault more than I thought too.

I'd not read it close enough to see tehy talked her into keeping ubuntu. (though I'm still suspicious this is about $$$ and them "having" to sell her a windows disk to change it)

And as always american news is nothign but dirty laundry... apprently shit sells the stinkier the better...guess I need to go behind my dog and collect a few thousand $$$ worth of it for the verious news agencies ;)