Ubuntu problems.


Mar 3, 2005
I just installed ubuntu on a secondary drive on my computer. It installed fine and works great. I have a few gripes that I cannot find help for (searched some ubuntu guides).
1)Logged in as the root user, i cannot set up the drive for write and execute. This is a drive completely separate from my windows drive.

2) I have my tv hooked up to my Radeon 9800 Pro via s-video, and the tv displays just a bunch of lines, but you can tell that it is getting some sort of a singal. Update radeon drivers, perhaps?

3)I cannot access my other drive for anything. I would like to access it for listening to the music on there and other stuff. My other drive doesn't even show up.

These are the three biggest things that are limiting my functionality with ubuntu. I've done some research, but can't find info on this stuff.
I don't have alot of time to troubleshoot this for you but off the top of my head...

In Ubuntu root has no privilages. You need to use sudo to use root functions.

Make sure your drive is set up in /etc/fstab

Can't help you on the tv out issue as I've never used the function on my machine

hope this helps until someone elsc can chime in with more info. if all else fails post this on the Ubuntu forums. the support there is great

This rpm is the script in Knoppix that generates a user-friendly fstab file. I did a little work on it for Yoper Linux and so now its in rpm format. It's easy to install-

cd to where it is
rpm -i filename.rpm

Most distros have rpm even if they don't use rpm as their main type of package managment.

Useage once installed is-

rebuildfstab -u username -g groupname

where username is a non-root user on your system you use most frequently and groupname is the name of a common group... like users for instance.